"""Test PydanticOutputParser""" from enum import Enum from typing import Optional from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from langchain.output_parsers.pydantic import PydanticOutputParser from langchain.schema import OutputParserException class Actions(Enum): SEARCH = "Search" CREATE = "Create" UPDATE = "Update" DELETE = "Delete" class TestModel(BaseModel): action: Actions = Field(description="Action to be performed") action_input: str = Field(description="Input to be used in the action") additional_fields: Optional[str] = Field( description="Additional fields", default=None ) for_new_lines: str = Field(description="To be used to test newlines") # Prevent pytest from trying to run tests on TestModel TestModel.__test__ = False # type: ignore[attr-defined] DEF_RESULT = """{ "action": "Update", "action_input": "The PydanticOutputParser class is powerful", "additional_fields": null, "for_new_lines": "not_escape_newline:\n escape_newline: \\n" }""" # action 'update' with a lowercase 'u' to test schema validation failure. DEF_RESULT_FAIL = """{ "action": "update", "action_input": "The PydanticOutputParser class is powerful", "additional_fields": null }""" DEF_EXPECTED_RESULT = TestModel( action=Actions.UPDATE, action_input="The PydanticOutputParser class is powerful", additional_fields=None, for_new_lines="not_escape_newline:\n escape_newline: \n", ) def test_pydantic_output_parser() -> None: """Test PydanticOutputParser.""" pydantic_parser: PydanticOutputParser[TestModel] = PydanticOutputParser( pydantic_object=TestModel ) result = pydantic_parser.parse(DEF_RESULT) print("parse_result:", result) assert DEF_EXPECTED_RESULT == result def test_pydantic_output_parser_fail() -> None: """Test PydanticOutputParser where completion result fails schema validation.""" pydantic_parser: PydanticOutputParser[TestModel] = PydanticOutputParser( pydantic_object=TestModel ) try: pydantic_parser.parse(DEF_RESULT_FAIL) except OutputParserException as e: print("parse_result:", e) assert "Failed to parse TestModel from completion" in str(e) else: assert False, "Expected OutputParserException"