.PHONY: all clean help docs_build docs_clean docs_linkcheck api_docs_build api_docs_clean api_docs_linkcheck spell_check spell_fix lint lint_package lint_tests format format_diff ## help: Show this help info. help: Makefile @printf "\n\033[1mUsage: make ...\033[0m\n\n\033[1mTargets:\033[0m\n\n" @sed -n 's/^##//p' $< | awk -F':' '{printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' | sort | sed -e 's/^/ /' ## all: Default target, shows help. all: help ## clean: Clean documentation and API documentation artifacts. clean: docs_clean api_docs_clean ###################### # DOCUMENTATION ###################### ## docs_build: Build the documentation. docs_build: cd docs && make build ## docs_clean: Clean the documentation build artifacts. docs_clean: cd docs && make clean ## docs_linkcheck: Run linkchecker on the documentation. docs_linkcheck: poetry run linkchecker _dist/docs/ --ignore-url node_modules ## api_docs_build: Build the API Reference documentation. api_docs_build: poetry run python docs/api_reference/create_api_rst.py cd docs/api_reference && poetry run make html ## api_docs_clean: Clean the API Reference documentation build artifacts. api_docs_clean: find ./docs/api_reference -name '*_api_reference.rst' -delete cd docs/api_reference && poetry run make clean ## api_docs_linkcheck: Run linkchecker on the API Reference documentation. api_docs_linkcheck: poetry run linkchecker docs/api_reference/_build/html/index.html ## spell_check: Run codespell on the project. spell_check: poetry run codespell --toml pyproject.toml ## spell_fix: Run codespell on the project and fix the errors. spell_fix: poetry run codespell --toml pyproject.toml -w ###################### # LINTING AND FORMATTING ###################### ## lint: Run linting on the project. lint lint_package lint_tests: poetry run ruff check docs templates cookbook poetry run ruff format docs templates cookbook --diff poetry run ruff check --select I docs templates cookbook git grep 'from langchain import' docs/docs templates cookbook | grep -vE 'from langchain import (hub)' && exit 1 || exit 0 ## format: Format the project files. format format_diff: poetry run ruff format docs templates cookbook poetry run ruff check --select I --fix docs templates cookbook