# flake8: noqa """Test SQL database wrapper with schema support. Using DuckDB as SQLite does not support schemas. """ import pytest from sqlalchemy import ( Column, Integer, MetaData, Sequence, String, Table, create_engine, event, insert, schema, ) from langchain.sql_database import SQLDatabase metadata_obj = MetaData() event.listen(metadata_obj, "before_create", schema.CreateSchema("schema_a")) event.listen(metadata_obj, "before_create", schema.CreateSchema("schema_b")) user = Table( "user", metadata_obj, Column("user_id", Integer, Sequence("user_id_seq"), primary_key=True), Column("user_name", String, nullable=False), schema="schema_a", ) company = Table( "company", metadata_obj, Column("company_id", Integer, Sequence("company_id_seq"), primary_key=True), Column("company_location", String, nullable=False), schema="schema_b", ) def test_table_info() -> None: """Test that table info is constructed properly.""" engine = create_engine("duckdb:///:memory:") metadata_obj.create_all(engine) db = SQLDatabase(engine, schema="schema_a", metadata=metadata_obj) output = db.table_info expected_output = """ CREATE TABLE schema_a."user" ( user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_name VARCHAR NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ) /* 3 rows from user table: user_id user_name */ """ assert sorted(" ".join(output.split())) == sorted(" ".join(expected_output.split())) def test_sql_database_run() -> None: """Test that commands can be run successfully and returned in correct format.""" engine = create_engine("duckdb:///:memory:") metadata_obj.create_all(engine) stmt = insert(user).values(user_id=13, user_name="Harrison") with engine.begin() as conn: conn.execute(stmt) with pytest.warns(Warning) as records: db = SQLDatabase(engine, schema="schema_a") # Metadata creation with duckdb raises a warning at the moment about reflection. # As a stop-gap to increase strictness of pytest to fail on warnings, we'll # explicitly catch the warning and assert that it's the one we expect. # We may need to revisit at a later stage and determine why a warning is being # raised here. assert len(records) == 1 assert isinstance(records[0].message, Warning) assert ( records[0].message.args[0] == "duckdb-engine doesn't yet support reflection on indices" ) command = 'select user_name from "user" where user_id = 13' output = db.run(command) expected_output = "[('Harrison',)]" assert output == expected_output