"""Base class for Gmail tools.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import Field from langchain_core.tools import BaseTool from langchain_community.tools.gmail.utils import build_resource_service if TYPE_CHECKING: # This is for linting and IDE typehints from googleapiclient.discovery import Resource else: try: # We do this so pydantic can resolve the types when instantiating from googleapiclient.discovery import Resource except ImportError: pass class GmailBaseTool(BaseTool): """Base class for Gmail tools.""" api_resource: Resource = Field(default_factory=build_resource_service) @classmethod def from_api_resource(cls, api_resource: Resource) -> "GmailBaseTool": """Create a tool from an api resource. Args: api_resource: The api resource to use. Returns: A tool. """ return cls(service=api_resource)