import glob import json import os import sys import tomllib from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict, List, Set from pathlib import Path LANGCHAIN_DIRS = [ "libs/core", "libs/text-splitters", "libs/langchain", "libs/community", "libs/experimental", ] # ignored partners are removed from dependents # but still run if directly edited IGNORED_PARTNERS = [ # remove huggingface from dependents because of CI instability # specifically in huggingface jobs # "huggingface", ] def all_package_dirs() -> Set[str]: return { "/".join(path.split("/")[:-1]).lstrip("./") for path in glob.glob("./libs/**/pyproject.toml", recursive=True) if "libs/cli" not in path and "libs/standard-tests" not in path } def dependents_graph() -> dict: """ Construct a mapping of package -> dependents, such that we can run tests on all dependents of a package when a change is made. """ dependents = defaultdict(set) for path in glob.glob("./libs/**/pyproject.toml", recursive=True): if "template" in path: continue # load regular and test deps from pyproject.toml with open(path, "rb") as f: pyproject = tomllib.load(f)["tool"]["poetry"] pkg_dir = "libs" + "/".join(path.split("libs")[1].split("/")[:-1]) for dep in [ *pyproject["dependencies"].keys(), *pyproject["group"]["test"]["dependencies"].keys(), ]: if "langchain" in dep: dependents[dep].add(pkg_dir) continue # load extended deps from extended_testing_deps.txt package_path = Path(path).parent extended_requirement_path = package_path / "extended_testing_deps.txt" if extended_requirement_path.exists(): with open(extended_requirement_path, "r") as f: extended_deps = for depline in extended_deps: if depline.startswith("-e "): # editable dependency assert depline.startswith( "-e ../partners/" ), "Extended test deps should only editable install partner packages" partner = depline.split("partners/")[1] dep = f"langchain-{partner}" else: dep = depline.split("==")[0] if "langchain" in dep: dependents[dep].add(pkg_dir) for k in dependents: for partner in IGNORED_PARTNERS: if f"libs/partners/{partner}" in dependents[k]: dependents[k].remove(f"libs/partners/{partner}") return dependents def add_dependents(dirs_to_eval: Set[str], dependents: dict) -> List[str]: updated = set() for dir_ in dirs_to_eval: # handle core manually because it has so many dependents if "core" in dir_: updated.add(dir_) continue pkg = "langchain-" + dir_.split("/")[-1] updated.update(dependents[pkg]) updated.add(dir_) return list(updated) def _get_configs_for_single_dir(job: str, dir_: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: if dir_ == "libs/core": return [ {"working-directory": dir_, "python-version": f"3.{v}"} for v in range(8, 13) ] min_python = "3.8" max_python = "3.12" # custom logic for specific directories if dir_ == "libs/partners/milvus": # milvus poetry doesn't allow 3.12 because they # declare deps in funny way max_python = "3.11" if dir_ in ["libs/community", "libs/langchain"] and job == "extended-tests": # community extended test resolution in 3.12 is slow # even in uv max_python = "3.11" if dir_ == "libs/community" and job == "compile-integration-tests": # community integration deps are slow in 3.12 max_python = "3.11" return [ {"working-directory": dir_, "python-version": min_python}, {"working-directory": dir_, "python-version": max_python}, ] def _get_configs_for_multi_dirs( job: str, dirs_to_run: List[str], dependents: dict ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: if job == "lint": dirs = add_dependents( dirs_to_run["lint"] | dirs_to_run["test"] | dirs_to_run["extended-test"], dependents, ) elif job in ["test", "compile-integration-tests", "dependencies"]: dirs = add_dependents( dirs_to_run["test"] | dirs_to_run["extended-test"], dependents ) elif job == "extended-tests": dirs = list(dirs_to_run["extended-test"]) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown job: {job}") return [ config for dir_ in dirs for config in _get_configs_for_single_dir(job, dir_) ] if __name__ == "__main__": files = sys.argv[1:] dirs_to_run: Dict[str, set] = { "lint": set(), "test": set(), "extended-test": set(), } docs_edited = False if len(files) >= 300: # max diff length is 300 files - there are likely files missing dirs_to_run["lint"] = all_package_dirs() dirs_to_run["test"] = all_package_dirs() dirs_to_run["extended-test"] = set(LANGCHAIN_DIRS) for file in files: if any( file.startswith(dir_) for dir_ in ( ".github/workflows", ".github/tools", ".github/actions", ".github/scripts/", ) ): # add all LANGCHAIN_DIRS for infra changes dirs_to_run["extended-test"].update(LANGCHAIN_DIRS) dirs_to_run["lint"].add(".") if any(file.startswith(dir_) for dir_ in LANGCHAIN_DIRS): # add that dir and all dirs after in LANGCHAIN_DIRS # for extended testing found = False for dir_ in LANGCHAIN_DIRS: if file.startswith(dir_): found = True if found: dirs_to_run["extended-test"].add(dir_) elif file.startswith("libs/standard-tests"): # TODO: update to include all packages that rely on standard-tests (all partner packages) # note: won't run on external repo partners dirs_to_run["lint"].add("libs/standard-tests") dirs_to_run["test"].add("libs/partners/mistralai") dirs_to_run["test"].add("libs/partners/openai") dirs_to_run["test"].add("libs/partners/anthropic") dirs_to_run["test"].add("libs/partners/fireworks") dirs_to_run["test"].add("libs/partners/groq") elif file.startswith("libs/cli"): # todo: add cli makefile pass elif file.startswith("libs/partners"): partner_dir = file.split("/")[2] if os.path.isdir(f"libs/partners/{partner_dir}") and [ filename for filename in os.listdir(f"libs/partners/{partner_dir}") if not filename.startswith(".") ] != [""]: dirs_to_run["test"].add(f"libs/partners/{partner_dir}") # Skip if the directory was deleted or is just a tombstone readme elif file.startswith("libs/"): raise ValueError( f"Unknown lib: {file}. likely needs " "an update for this new library!" ) elif any(file.startswith(p) for p in ["docs/", "templates/", "cookbook/"]): if file.startswith("docs/"): docs_edited = True dirs_to_run["lint"].add(".") dependents = dependents_graph() # we now have dirs_by_job # todo: clean this up map_job_to_configs = { job: _get_configs_for_multi_dirs(job, dirs_to_run, dependents) for job in [ "lint", "test", "extended-tests", "compile-integration-tests", "dependencies", ] } map_job_to_configs["test-doc-imports"] = ( [{"python-version": "3.12"}] if docs_edited else [] ) for key, value in map_job_to_configs.items(): json_output = json.dumps(value) print(f"{key}={json_output}")