import base64 import json import os from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from unittest import mock import pytest from import NucliaUnderstandingAPI README_PATH = Path(__file__).parents[4] / "" class FakeUploadResponse: status_code = 200 text = "fake_uuid" class FakePushResponse: status_code = 200 def json(self) -> Any: return {"uuid": "fake_uuid"} class FakePullResponse: status_code = 200 def json(self) -> Any: return { "status": "ok", "payload": base64.b64encode(bytes('{"some": "data"}}', "utf-8")), } def FakeParseFromString(**args: Any) -> Any: def ParseFromString(self: Any, data: str) -> None: self.uuid = "fake_uuid" return ParseFromString def fakepost(**kwargs: Any) -> Any: def fn(url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if url.endswith("/processing/upload"): return FakeUploadResponse() elif url.endswith("/processing/push"): return FakePushResponse() else: raise Exception("Invalid POST URL") return fn def fakeget(**kwargs: Any) -> Any: def fn(url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if url.endswith("/processing/pull"): return FakePullResponse() else: raise Exception("Invalid GET URL") return fn @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"NUCLIA_NUA_KEY": "_a_key_"}) @pytest.mark.requires("nucliadb_protos") def test_nuclia_tool() -> None: with mock.patch( "nucliadb_protos.writer_pb2.BrokerMessage.ParseFromString", new_callable=FakeParseFromString, ): with mock.patch("", new_callable=fakepost): with mock.patch("requests.get", new_callable=fakeget): nua = NucliaUnderstandingAPI(enable_ml=False) uuid = { "action": "push", "id": "1", "path": str(README_PATH), "text": None, } ) assert uuid == "fake_uuid" data = {"action": "pull", "id": "1", "path": None, "text": None} ) assert json.loads(data)["uuid"] == "fake_uuid" @pytest.mark.requires("nucliadb_protos") async def test_async_call() -> None: with mock.patch( "nucliadb_protos.writer_pb2.BrokerMessage.ParseFromString", new_callable=FakeParseFromString, ): with mock.patch("", new_callable=fakepost): with mock.patch("requests.get", new_callable=fakeget): with mock.patch("os.environ.get", return_value="_a_key_"): nua = NucliaUnderstandingAPI(enable_ml=False) data = await nua.arun( { "action": "push", "id": "1", "path": str(README_PATH), "text": None, } ) assert json.loads(data)["uuid"] == "fake_uuid"