# flake8: noqa NASA_SEARCH_PROMPT = """ This tool is a wrapper around NASA's search API, useful when you need to search through NASA's Image and Video Library. The input to this tool is a query specified by the user, and will be passed into NASA's `search` function. At least one parameter must be provided. There are optional parameters that can be passed by the user based on their query specifications. Each item in this list contains pound sign (#) separated values, the first value is the parameter name, the second value is the datatype and the third value is the description: {{ - q#string#Free text search terms to compare to all indexed metadata. - center#string#NASA center which published the media. - description#string#Terms to search for in “Description” fields. - description_508#string#Terms to search for in “508 Description” fields. - keywords #string#Terms to search for in “Keywords” fields. Separate multiple values with commas. - location #string#Terms to search for in “Location” fields. - media_type#string#Media types to restrict the search to. Available types: [“image”,“video”, “audio”]. Separate multiple values with commas. - nasa_id #string#The media asset’s NASA ID. - page#integer#Page number, starting at 1, of results to get.- - page_size#integer#Number of results per page. Default: 100. - photographer#string#The primary photographer’s name. - secondary_creator#string#A secondary photographer/videographer’s name. - title #string#Terms to search for in “Title” fields. - year_start#string#The start year for results. Format: YYYY. - year_end #string#The end year for results. Format: YYYY. }} Below are several task descriptions along with their respective input examples. Task: get the 2nd page of image and video content starting from the year 2002 to 2010 Example Input: {{"year_start": "2002", "year_end": "2010", "page": 2}} Task: get the image and video content of saturn photographed by John Appleseed Example Input: {{"q": "saturn", "photographer": "John Appleseed"}} Task: search for Meteor Showers with description "Search Description" with media type image Example Input: {{"q": "Meteor Shower", "description": "Search Description", "media_type": "image"}} Task: get the image and video content from year 2008 to 2010 from Kennedy Center Example Input: {{"year_start": "2002", "year_end": "2010", "location": "Kennedy Center}} """ NASA_MANIFEST_PROMPT = """ This tool is a wrapper around NASA's media asset manifest API, useful when you need to retrieve a media asset's manifest. The input to this tool should include a string representing a NASA ID for a media asset that the user is trying to get the media asset manifest data for. The NASA ID will be passed as a string into NASA's `get_media_metadata_manifest` function. The following list are some examples of NASA IDs for a media asset that you can use to better extract the NASA ID from the input string to the tool. - GSFC_20171102_Archive_e000579 - Launch-Sound_Delta-PAM-Random-Commentary - iss066m260341519_Expedition_66_Education_Inflight_with_Random_Lake_School_District_220203 - 6973610 - GRC-2020-CM-0167.4 - Expedition_55_Inflight_Japan_VIP_Event_May_31_2018_659970 - NASA 60th_SEAL_SLIVER_150DPI """ NASA_METADATA_PROMPT = """ This tool is a wrapper around NASA's media asset metadata location API, useful when you need to retrieve the media asset's metadata. The input to this tool should include a string representing a NASA ID for a media asset that the user is trying to get the media asset metadata location for. The NASA ID will be passed as a string into NASA's `get_media_metadata_manifest` function. The following list are some examples of NASA IDs for a media asset that you can use to better extract the NASA ID from the input string to the tool. - GSFC_20171102_Archive_e000579 - Launch-Sound_Delta-PAM-Random-Commentary - iss066m260341519_Expedition_66_Education_Inflight_with_Random_Lake_School_District_220203 - 6973610 - GRC-2020-CM-0167.4 - Expedition_55_Inflight_Japan_VIP_Event_May_31_2018_659970 - NASA 60th_SEAL_SLIVER_150DPI """ NASA_CAPTIONS_PROMPT = """ This tool is a wrapper around NASA's video assests caption location API, useful when you need to retrieve the location of the captions of a specific video. The input to this tool should include a string representing a NASA ID for a video media asset that the user is trying to get the get the location of the captions for. The NASA ID will be passed as a string into NASA's `get_media_metadata_manifest` function. The following list are some examples of NASA IDs for a video asset that you can use to better extract the NASA ID from the input string to the tool. - 2017-08-09 - Video File RS-25 Engine Test - 20180415-TESS_Social_Briefing - 201_TakingWildOutOfWildfire - 2022-H1_V_EuropaClipper-4 - 2022_0429_Recientemente """