from __future__ import annotations import ast import json import os from io import StringIO from sys import version_info from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Optional, Type, Union from langchain_core.callbacks import ( AsyncCallbackManagerForToolRun, CallbackManager, CallbackManagerForToolRun, ) from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field, PrivateAttr from import BaseTool, Tool from import Unparser if TYPE_CHECKING: from e2b import EnvVars from e2b.templates.data_analysis import Artifact base_description = """Evaluates python code in a sandbox environment. \ The environment is long running and exists across multiple executions. \ You must send the whole script every time and print your outputs. \ Script should be pure python code that can be evaluated. \ It should be in python format NOT markdown. \ The code should NOT be wrapped in backticks. \ All python packages including requests, matplotlib, scipy, numpy, pandas, \ etc are available. Create and display chart using ``.""" def _unparse(tree: ast.AST) -> str: """Unparse the AST.""" if version_info.minor < 9: s = StringIO() Unparser(tree, file=s) source_code = s.getvalue() s.close() else: source_code = ast.unparse(tree) # type: ignore[attr-defined] return source_code def add_last_line_print(code: str) -> str: """Add print statement to the last line if it's missing. Sometimes, the LLM-generated code doesn't have `print(variable_name)`, instead the LLM tries to print the variable only by writing `variable_name` (as you would in REPL, for example). This methods checks the AST of the generated Python code and adds the print statement to the last line if it's missing. """ tree = ast.parse(code) node = tree.body[-1] if isinstance(node, ast.Expr) and isinstance(node.value, ast.Call): if isinstance(node.value.func, ast.Name) and == "print": return _unparse(tree) if isinstance(node, ast.Expr): tree.body[-1] = ast.Expr( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id="print", ctx=ast.Load()), args=[node.value], keywords=[], ) ) return _unparse(tree) class UploadedFile(BaseModel): """Description of the uploaded path with its remote path.""" name: str remote_path: str description: str class E2BDataAnalysisToolArguments(BaseModel): """Arguments for the E2BDataAnalysisTool.""" python_code: str = Field( ..., example="print('Hello World')", description=( "The python script to be evaluated. " "The contents will be in " "It should not be in markdown format." ), ) class E2BDataAnalysisTool(BaseTool): """Tool for running python code in a sandboxed environment for data analysis.""" name = "e2b_data_analysis" args_schema: Type[BaseModel] = E2BDataAnalysisToolArguments session: Any description: str _uploaded_files: List[UploadedFile] = PrivateAttr(default_factory=list) def __init__( self, api_key: Optional[str] = None, cwd: Optional[str] = None, env_vars: Optional[EnvVars] = None, on_stdout: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]] = None, on_stderr: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]] = None, on_artifact: Optional[Callable[[Artifact], Any]] = None, on_exit: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ): try: from e2b import DataAnalysis except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Unable to import e2b, please install with `pip install e2b`." ) from e # If no API key is provided, E2B will try to read it from the environment # variable E2B_API_KEY super().__init__(description=base_description, **kwargs) self.session = DataAnalysis( api_key=api_key, cwd=cwd, env_vars=env_vars, on_stdout=on_stdout, on_stderr=on_stderr, on_exit=on_exit, on_artifact=on_artifact, ) def close(self) -> None: """Close the cloud sandbox.""" self._uploaded_files = [] self.session.close() @property def uploaded_files_description(self) -> str: if len(self._uploaded_files) == 0: return "" lines = ["The following files available in the sandbox:"] for f in self._uploaded_files: if f.description == "": lines.append(f"- path: `{f.remote_path}`") else: lines.append( f"- path: `{f.remote_path}` \n description: `{f.description}`" ) return "\n".join(lines) def _run( self, python_code: str, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForToolRun] = None, callbacks: Optional[CallbackManager] = None, ) -> str: python_code = add_last_line_print(python_code) if callbacks is not None: on_artifact = getattr(callbacks.metadata, "on_artifact", None) else: on_artifact = None stdout, stderr, artifacts = self.session.run_python( python_code, on_artifact=on_artifact ) out = { "stdout": stdout, "stderr": stderr, "artifacts": list(map(lambda artifact:, artifacts)), } return json.dumps(out) async def _arun( self, python_code: str, run_manager: Optional[AsyncCallbackManagerForToolRun] = None, ) -> str: raise NotImplementedError("e2b_data_analysis does not support async") def run_command( self, cmd: str, ) -> dict: """Run shell command in the sandbox.""" proc = self.session.process.start(cmd) output = proc.wait() return { "stdout": output.stdout, "stderr": output.stderr, "exit_code": output.exit_code, } def install_python_packages(self, package_names: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: """Install python packages in the sandbox.""" self.session.install_python_packages(package_names) def install_system_packages(self, package_names: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: """Install system packages (via apt) in the sandbox.""" self.session.install_system_packages(package_names) def download_file(self, remote_path: str) -> bytes: """Download file from the sandbox.""" return self.session.download_file(remote_path) def upload_file(self, file: IO, description: str) -> UploadedFile: """Upload file to the sandbox. The file is uploaded to the '/home/user/' path.""" remote_path = self.session.upload_file(file) f = UploadedFile( name=os.path.basename(, remote_path=remote_path, description=description, ) self._uploaded_files.append(f) self.description = self.description + "\n" + self.uploaded_files_description return f def remove_uploaded_file(self, uploaded_file: UploadedFile) -> None: """Remove uploaded file from the sandbox.""" self.session.filesystem.remove(uploaded_file.remote_path) self._uploaded_files = [ f for f in self._uploaded_files if f.remote_path != uploaded_file.remote_path ] self.description = self.description + "\n" + self.uploaded_files_description def as_tool(self) -> Tool: return Tool.from_function( func=self._run,, description=self.description, args_schema=self.args_schema, )