"""Test Kinetica Chat API wrapper.""" import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generator import pandas as pd import pytest from langchain_core.messages import ( AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage, ) from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate from langchain_community.chat_models.kinetica import ( ChatKinetica, KineticaSqlOutputParser, KineticaSqlResponse, KineticaUtil, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: import gpudb LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def vcr_config() -> dict: return { # Replace the Authorization request header with "DUMMY" in cassettes "filter_headers": [("authorization", "DUMMY")], } class TestChatKinetica: """Integration tests for `Kinetica` chat models. You must have `gpudb`, `typeguard`, and `faker` packages installed to run these tests. pytest-vcr cassettes are provided for offline testing. For more information see https://docs.kinetica.com/7.1/sql-gpt/concepts/. These integration tests follow a workflow: 1. The `test_setup()` will create a table with fake user profiles and and a related LLM context for the table. 2. The LLM context is retrieved from the DB and used to create a chat prompt template. 3. A chain is constructed from the chat prompt template. 4. The chain is executed to generate the SQL and execute the query. """ table_name = "demo.test_profiles" context_name = "demo.test_llm_ctx" num_records = 100 @classmethod @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_setup(cls) -> "gpudb.GPUdb": """Create the connection, test table, and LLM context.""" kdbc = KineticaUtil.create_kdbc() cls._create_test_table(kdbc, cls.table_name, cls.num_records) cls._create_llm_context(kdbc, cls.context_name) return kdbc @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_create_llm(self) -> None: """Create an LLM instance.""" import gpudb kinetica_llm = ChatKinetica() LOG.info(kinetica_llm._identifying_params) assert isinstance(kinetica_llm.kdbc, gpudb.GPUdb) assert kinetica_llm._llm_type == "kinetica-sqlassist" @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_load_context(self) -> None: """Load the LLM context from the DB.""" kinetica_llm = ChatKinetica() ctx_messages = kinetica_llm.load_messages_from_context(self.context_name) system_message = ctx_messages[0] assert isinstance(system_message, SystemMessage) last_question = ctx_messages[-2] assert isinstance(last_question, HumanMessage) assert last_question.content == "How many male users are there?" @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_generate(self) -> None: """Generate SQL from a chain.""" kinetica_llm = ChatKinetica() # create chain ctx_messages = kinetica_llm.load_messages_from_context(self.context_name) ctx_messages.append(("human", "{input}")) prompt_template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(ctx_messages) chain = prompt_template | kinetica_llm resp_message = chain.invoke( {"input": "What are the female users ordered by username?"} ) LOG.info(f"SQL Response: {resp_message.content}") assert isinstance(resp_message, AIMessage) @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_full_chain(self) -> None: """Generate SQL from a chain and execute the query.""" kinetica_llm = ChatKinetica() # create chain ctx_messages = kinetica_llm.load_messages_from_context(self.context_name) ctx_messages.append(("human", "{input}")) prompt_template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(ctx_messages) chain = ( prompt_template | kinetica_llm | KineticaSqlOutputParser(kdbc=kinetica_llm.kdbc) ) sql_response: KineticaSqlResponse = chain.invoke( {"input": "What are the female users ordered by username?"} ) assert isinstance(sql_response, KineticaSqlResponse) LOG.info(f"SQL Response: {sql_response.sql}") assert isinstance(sql_response.dataframe, pd.DataFrame) users = sql_response.dataframe["username"] assert users[0] == "alexander40" @classmethod def _create_fake_records(cls, count: int) -> Generator: """Generator for fake records.""" import faker faker.Faker.seed(5467) faker_inst = faker.Faker(locale="en-US") for id in range(0, count): rec = dict(id=id, **faker_inst.simple_profile()) rec["birthdate"] = pd.Timestamp(rec["birthdate"]) yield rec @classmethod def _create_test_table( cls, kinetica_dbc: "gpudb.GPUdb", table_name: str, num_records: int ) -> "gpudb.GPUdbTable": """Create a table from the fake records generator.""" import gpudb table_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records( data=cls._create_fake_records(num_records), index="id" ) LOG.info(f"Creating test table '{table_name}' with {num_records} records...") gpudb_table = gpudb.GPUdbTable.from_df( table_df, db=kinetica_dbc, table_name=table_name, clear_table=True, load_data=True, column_types={}, ) return gpudb_table @classmethod def _check_error(cls, response: dict) -> None: """Convert a DB error into an exception.""" status = response["status_info"]["status"] if status != "OK": message = response["status_info"]["message"] raise Exception("[%s]: %s" % (status, message)) @classmethod def _create_llm_context( cls, kinetica_dbc: "gpudb.GPUdb", context_name: str ) -> None: """Create an LLM context for the table.""" sql = f""" CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT {context_name} ( TABLE = {cls.table_name} COMMENT = 'Contains user profiles.' ), ( SAMPLES = ( 'How many male users are there?' = 'select count(1) as num_users from {cls.table_name} where sex = ''M'';') ) """ LOG.info(f"Creating context: {context_name}") response = kinetica_dbc.execute_sql(sql) cls._check_error(response)