from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union from langchain.memory import ChatMessageHistory from langchain.schema import AIMessage, HumanMessage from langchain_community.graphs import Neo4jGraph graph = Neo4jGraph() def convert_messages(input: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> ChatMessageHistory: history = ChatMessageHistory() for item in input: history.add_user_message(item["result"]["question"]) history.add_ai_message(item["result"]["answer"]) return history def get_history(input: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Union[HumanMessage, AIMessage]]: # Lookback conversation window window = 3 data = graph.query( """ MATCH (u:User {id:$user_id})-[:HAS_SESSION]->(s:Session {id:$session_id}), (s)-[:LAST_MESSAGE]->(last_message) MATCH p=(last_message)<-[:NEXT*0..""" + str(window) + """]-() WITH p, length(p) AS length ORDER BY length DESC LIMIT 1 UNWIND reverse(nodes(p)) AS node MATCH (node)-[:HAS_ANSWER]->(answer) RETURN {question:node.text, answer:answer.text} AS result """, params=input, ) history = convert_messages(data) return history.messages def save_history(input: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: input["context"] = [el.metadata["id"] for el in input["context"]] has_history = bool(input.pop("chat_history")) # store history to database if has_history: graph.query( """ MATCH (u:User {id: $user_id})-[:HAS_SESSION]->(s:Session{id: $session_id}), (s)-[l:LAST_MESSAGE]->(last_message) CREATE (last_message)-[:NEXT]->(q:Question {text:$question, rephrased:$rephrased_question, date:datetime()}), (q)-[:HAS_ANSWER]->(:Answer {text:$output}), (s)-[:LAST_MESSAGE]->(q) DELETE l WITH q UNWIND $context AS c MATCH (n) WHERE elementId(n) = c MERGE (q)-[:RETRIEVED]->(n) """, params=input, ) else: graph.query( """MERGE (u:User {id: $user_id}) CREATE (u)-[:HAS_SESSION]->(s1:Session {id:$session_id}), (s1)-[:LAST_MESSAGE]->(q:Question {text:$question, rephrased:$rephrased_question, date:datetime()}), (q)-[:HAS_ANSWER]->(:Answer {text:$output}) WITH q UNWIND $context AS c MATCH (n) WHERE elementId(n) = c MERGE (q)-[:RETRIEVED]->(n) """, params=input, ) # Return LLM response to the chain return input["output"]