from __future__ import annotations from typing import List, Optional from langchain import hub from langchain.callbacks.tracers.evaluation import EvaluatorCallbackHandler from langchain.callbacks.tracers.schemas import Run from langchain.output_parsers.openai_functions import JsonOutputFunctionsParser from langchain.schema import ( AIMessage, BaseMessage, HumanMessage, StrOutputParser, get_buffer_string, ) from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field from langchain_core.runnables import Runnable from langsmith.evaluation import EvaluationResult, RunEvaluator from langsmith.schemas import Example ############################################################################### # | Chat Bot Evaluator Definition # | This section defines an evaluator that evaluates any chat bot # | without explicit user feedback. It formats the dialog up to # | the current message and then instructs an LLM to grade the last AI response # | based on the subsequent user response. If no chat history is present, # V the evaluator is not called. ############################################################################### class ResponseEffectiveness(BaseModel): """Score the effectiveness of the AI chat bot response.""" reasoning: str = Field( ..., description="Explanation for the score.", ) score: int = Field( ..., min=0, max=5, description="Effectiveness of AI's final response.", ) def format_messages(input: dict) -> List[BaseMessage]: """Format the messages for the evaluator.""" chat_history = input.get("chat_history") or [] results = [] for message in chat_history: if message["type"] == "human": results.append(HumanMessage.parse_obj(message)) else: results.append(AIMessage.parse_obj(message)) return results def format_dialog(input: dict) -> dict: """Format messages and convert to a single string.""" chat_history = format_messages(input) formatted_dialog = get_buffer_string(chat_history) + f"\nhuman: {input['text']}" return {"dialog": formatted_dialog} def normalize_score(response: dict) -> dict: """Normalize the score to be between 0 and 1.""" response["score"] = int(response["score"]) / 5 return response # To view the prompt in the playground: evaluation_prompt = hub.pull("wfh/response-effectiveness") evaluate_response_effectiveness = ( format_dialog | evaluation_prompt # bind_functions formats the schema for the OpenAI function # calling endpoint, which returns more reliable structured data. | ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo").bind_functions( functions=[ResponseEffectiveness], function_call="ResponseEffectiveness", ) # Convert the model's output to a dict | JsonOutputFunctionsParser(args_only=True) | normalize_score ) class ResponseEffectivenessEvaluator(RunEvaluator): """Evaluate the chat bot based the subsequent user responses.""" def __init__(self, evaluator_runnable: Runnable) -> None: super().__init__() self.runnable = evaluator_runnable def evaluate_run( self, run: Run, example: Optional[Example] = None ) -> EvaluationResult: # This evaluator grades the AI's PREVIOUS response. # If no chat history is present, there isn't anything to evaluate # (it's the user's first message) if not run.inputs.get("chat_history"): return EvaluationResult( key="response_effectiveness", comment="No chat history present." ) # This only occurs if the client isn't correctly sending the run IDs # of the previous calls. elif "last_run_id" not in run.inputs: return EvaluationResult( key="response_effectiveness", comment="No last run ID present." ) # Call the LLM to evaluate the response eval_grade: Optional[dict] = self.runnable.invoke(run.inputs) target_run_id = run.inputs["last_run_id"] return EvaluationResult( **eval_grade, key="response_effectiveness", target_run_id=target_run_id, # Requires langsmith >= 0.0.54 ) ############################################################################### # | The chat bot definition # | This is what is actually exposed by LangServe in the API # | It can be any chain that accepts the ChainInput schema and returns a str # | all that is required is the with_config() call at the end to add the # V evaluators as "listeners" to the chain. # ############################################################################ class ChainInput(BaseModel): """Input for the chat bot.""" chat_history: Optional[List[BaseMessage]] = Field( description="Previous chat messages." ) text: str = Field(..., description="User's latest query.") last_run_id: Optional[str] = Field("", description="Run ID of the last run.") _prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages( [ ( "system", "You are a helpful assistant who speaks like a pirate", ), MessagesPlaceholder(variable_name="chat_history"), ("user", "{text}"), ] ) _model = ChatOpenAI() def format_chat_history(chain_input: dict) -> dict: messages = format_messages(chain_input) return { "chat_history": messages, "text": chain_input.get("text"), } # if you update the name of this, you MUST also update ../pyproject.toml # with the new `tool.langserve.export_attr` chain = ( (format_chat_history | _prompt | _model | StrOutputParser()) # This is to add the evaluators as "listeners" # and to customize the name of the chain. # Any chain that accepts a compatible input type works here. .with_config( run_name="ChatBot", callbacks=[ EvaluatorCallbackHandler( evaluators=[ ResponseEffectivenessEvaluator(evaluate_response_effectiveness) ] ) ], ) ) chain = chain.with_types(input_type=ChainInput)