"""Integration tests for SearchApi""" from langchain_community.utilities.searchapi import SearchApiAPIWrapper def test_call() -> None: """Test that call gives correct answer.""" search = SearchApiAPIWrapper() output = search.run("What is the capital of Lithuania?") assert "Vilnius" in output def test_results() -> None: """Test that call gives correct answer.""" search = SearchApiAPIWrapper() output = search.results("What is the capital of Lithuania?") assert "Vilnius" in output["answer_box"]["answer"] assert "Vilnius" in output["answer_box"]["snippet"] assert "Vilnius" in output["knowledge_graph"]["description"] assert "Vilnius" in output["organic_results"][0]["snippet"] def test_results_with_custom_params() -> None: """Test that call gives correct answer with custom params.""" search = SearchApiAPIWrapper() output = search.results( "cafeteria", hl="es", gl="es", google_domain="google.es", location="Madrid, Spain", ) assert "Madrid" in output["search_information"]["detected_location"] def test_scholar_call() -> None: """Test that call gives correct answer for scholar search.""" search = SearchApiAPIWrapper(engine="google_scholar") output = search.run("large language models") assert "state of large language models and their applications" in output def test_jobs_call() -> None: """Test that call gives correct answer for jobs search.""" search = SearchApiAPIWrapper(engine="google_jobs") output = search.run("AI") assert "years of experience" in output async def test_async_call() -> None: """Test that call gives the correct answer.""" search = SearchApiAPIWrapper() output = await search.arun("What is Obama's full name?") assert "Barack Hussein Obama II" in output async def test_async_results() -> None: """Test that call gives the correct answer.""" search = SearchApiAPIWrapper() output = await search.aresults("What is Obama's full name?") assert "Barack Hussein Obama II" in output["knowledge_graph"]["description"]