from __future__ import annotations import json from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union import yaml from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer.base import ( DEFAULT_DEANONYMIZER_MATCHING_STRATEGY, AnonymizerBase, ReversibleAnonymizerBase, ) from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer.deanonymizer_mapping import ( DeanonymizerMapping, MappingDataType, create_anonymizer_mapping, ) from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer.deanonymizer_matching_strategies import ( exact_matching_strategy, ) from langchain_experimental.data_anonymizer.faker_presidio_mapping import ( get_pseudoanonymizer_mapping, ) try: from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine from presidio_analyzer.nlp_engine import NlpEngineProvider except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Could not import presidio_analyzer, please install with " "`pip install presidio-analyzer`. You will also need to download a " "spaCy model to use the analyzer, e.g. " "`python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg`." ) from e try: from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine from presidio_anonymizer.entities import OperatorConfig except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Could not import presidio_anonymizer, please install with " "`pip install presidio-anonymizer`." ) from e if TYPE_CHECKING: from presidio_analyzer import EntityRecognizer # Configuring Anonymizer for multiple languages # Detailed description and examples can be found here: # langchain/docs/extras/guides/privacy/multi_language_anonymization.ipynb DEFAULT_LANGUAGES_CONFIG = { # You can also use Stanza or transformers library. # See "nlp_engine_name": "spacy", "models": [ {"lang_code": "en", "model_name": "en_core_web_lg"}, # {"lang_code": "de", "model_name": "de_core_news_md"}, # {"lang_code": "es", "model_name": "es_core_news_md"}, # ... # List of available models: ], } class PresidioAnonymizerBase(AnonymizerBase): def __init__( self, analyzed_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, operators: Optional[Dict[str, OperatorConfig]] = None, languages_config: Dict = DEFAULT_LANGUAGES_CONFIG, add_default_faker_operators: bool = True, faker_seed: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Args: analyzed_fields: List of fields to detect and then anonymize. Defaults to all entities supported by Microsoft Presidio. operators: Operators to use for anonymization. Operators allow for custom anonymization of detected PII. Learn more: languages_config: Configuration for the NLP engine. First language in the list will be used as the main language in self.anonymize(...) when no language is specified. Learn more: faker_seed: Seed used to initialize faker. Defaults to None, in which case faker will be seeded randomly and provide random values. """ self.analyzed_fields = ( analyzed_fields if analyzed_fields is not None else list(get_pseudoanonymizer_mapping().keys()) ) if add_default_faker_operators: self.operators = { field: OperatorConfig( operator_name="custom", params={"lambda": faker_function} ) for field, faker_function in get_pseudoanonymizer_mapping( faker_seed ).items() } else: self.operators = {} if operators: self.add_operators(operators) provider = NlpEngineProvider(nlp_configuration=languages_config) nlp_engine = provider.create_engine() self.supported_languages = list(nlp_engine.nlp.keys()) self._analyzer = AnalyzerEngine( supported_languages=self.supported_languages, nlp_engine=nlp_engine ) self._anonymizer = AnonymizerEngine() def add_recognizer(self, recognizer: EntityRecognizer) -> None: """Add a recognizer to the analyzer Args: recognizer: Recognizer to add to the analyzer. """ self._analyzer.registry.add_recognizer(recognizer) self.analyzed_fields.extend(recognizer.supported_entities) def add_operators(self, operators: Dict[str, OperatorConfig]) -> None: """Add operators to the anonymizer Args: operators: Operators to add to the anonymizer. """ self.operators.update(operators) class PresidioAnonymizer(PresidioAnonymizerBase): def _anonymize(self, text: str, language: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Anonymize text. Each PII entity is replaced with a fake value. Each time fake values will be different, as they are generated randomly. PresidioAnonymizer has no built-in memory - so it will not remember the effects of anonymizing previous texts. >>> anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer() >>> anonymizer.anonymize("My name is John Doe. Hi John Doe!") 'My name is Noah Rhodes. Hi Noah Rhodes!' >>> anonymizer.anonymize("My name is John Doe. Hi John Doe!") 'My name is Brett Russell. Hi Brett Russell!' Args: text: text to anonymize language: language to use for analysis of PII If None, the first (main) language in the list of languages specified in the configuration will be used. """ if language is None: language = self.supported_languages[0] if language not in self.supported_languages: raise ValueError( f"Language '{language}' is not supported. " f"Supported languages are: {self.supported_languages}. " "Change your language configuration file to add more languages." ) analyzer_results = self._analyzer.analyze( text, entities=self.analyzed_fields, language=language, ) filtered_analyzer_results = ( self._anonymizer._remove_conflicts_and_get_text_manipulation_data( analyzer_results ) ) anonymizer_results = self._anonymizer.anonymize( text, analyzer_results=analyzer_results, operators=self.operators, ) anonymizer_mapping = create_anonymizer_mapping( text, filtered_analyzer_results, anonymizer_results, ) return exact_matching_strategy(text, anonymizer_mapping) class PresidioReversibleAnonymizer(PresidioAnonymizerBase, ReversibleAnonymizerBase): def __init__( self, analyzed_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, operators: Optional[Dict[str, OperatorConfig]] = None, languages_config: Dict = DEFAULT_LANGUAGES_CONFIG, add_default_faker_operators: bool = True, faker_seed: Optional[int] = None, ): super().__init__( analyzed_fields, operators, languages_config, add_default_faker_operators, faker_seed, ) self._deanonymizer_mapping = DeanonymizerMapping() @property def deanonymizer_mapping(self) -> MappingDataType: """Return the deanonymizer mapping""" return @property def anonymizer_mapping(self) -> MappingDataType: """Return the anonymizer mapping This is just the reverse version of the deanonymizer mapping.""" return { key: {v: k for k, v in inner_dict.items()} for key, inner_dict in self.deanonymizer_mapping.items() } def _anonymize(self, text: str, language: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Anonymize text. Each PII entity is replaced with a fake value. Each time fake values will be different, as they are generated randomly. At the same time, we will create a mapping from each anonymized entity back to its original text value. Thanks to the built-in memory, all previously anonymised entities will be remembered and replaced by the same fake values: >>> anonymizer = PresidioReversibleAnonymizer() >>> anonymizer.anonymize("My name is John Doe. Hi John Doe!") 'My name is Noah Rhodes. Hi Noah Rhodes!' >>> anonymizer.anonymize("My name is John Doe. Hi John Doe!") 'My name is Noah Rhodes. Hi Noah Rhodes!' Args: text: text to anonymize language: language to use for analysis of PII If None, the first (main) language in the list of languages specified in the configuration will be used. """ if language is None: language = self.supported_languages[0] if language not in self.supported_languages: raise ValueError( f"Language '{language}' is not supported. " f"Supported languages are: {self.supported_languages}. " "Change your language configuration file to add more languages." ) analyzer_results = self._analyzer.analyze( text, entities=self.analyzed_fields, language=language, ) filtered_analyzer_results = ( self._anonymizer._remove_conflicts_and_get_text_manipulation_data( analyzer_results ) ) anonymizer_results = self._anonymizer.anonymize( text, analyzer_results=analyzer_results, operators=self.operators, ) new_deanonymizer_mapping = create_anonymizer_mapping( text, filtered_analyzer_results, anonymizer_results, is_reversed=True, ) self._deanonymizer_mapping.update(new_deanonymizer_mapping) return exact_matching_strategy(text, self.anonymizer_mapping) def _deanonymize( self, text_to_deanonymize: str, deanonymizer_matching_strategy: Callable[ [str, MappingDataType], str ] = DEFAULT_DEANONYMIZER_MATCHING_STRATEGY, ) -> str: """Deanonymize text. Each anonymized entity is replaced with its original value. This method exploits the mapping created during the anonymization process. Args: text_to_deanonymize: text to deanonymize deanonymizer_matching_strategy: function to use to match anonymized entities with their original values and replace them. """ if not self._deanonymizer_mapping: raise ValueError( "Deanonymizer mapping is empty.", "Please call anonymize() and anonymize some text first.", ) text_to_deanonymize = deanonymizer_matching_strategy( text_to_deanonymize, self.deanonymizer_mapping ) return text_to_deanonymize def save_deanonymizer_mapping(self, file_path: Union[Path, str]) -> None: """Save the deanonymizer mapping to a JSON or YAML file. Args: file_path: Path to file to save the mapping to. Example: .. code-block:: python anonymizer.save_deanonymizer_mapping(file_path="path/mapping.json") """ save_path = Path(file_path) if save_path.suffix not in [".json", ".yaml"]: raise ValueError(f"{save_path} must have an extension of .json or .yaml") # Make sure parent directories exist save_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if save_path.suffix == ".json": with open(save_path, "w") as f: json.dump(self.deanonymizer_mapping, f, indent=2) elif save_path.suffix == ".yaml": with open(save_path, "w") as f: yaml.dump(self.deanonymizer_mapping, f, default_flow_style=False) def load_deanonymizer_mapping(self, file_path: Union[Path, str]) -> None: """Load the deanonymizer mapping from a JSON or YAML file. Args: file_path: Path to file to load the mapping from. Example: .. code-block:: python anonymizer.load_deanonymizer_mapping(file_path="path/mapping.json") """ load_path = Path(file_path) if load_path.suffix not in [".json", ".yaml"]: raise ValueError(f"{load_path} must have an extension of .json or .yaml") if load_path.suffix == ".json": with open(load_path, "r") as f: loaded_mapping = json.load(f) elif load_path.suffix == ".yaml": with open(load_path, "r") as f: loaded_mapping = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) self._deanonymizer_mapping.update(loaded_mapping)