Models ========================== .. note:: `Conceptual Guide `_ This section of the documentation deals with different types of models that are used in LangChain. On this page we will go over the model types at a high level, but we have individual pages for each model type. The pages contain more detailed "how-to" guides for working with that model, as well as a list of different model providers. | - `Getting Started <./models/getting_started.html>`_: An overview of the models. Model Types ----------- - `LLMs <./models/llms.html>`_: **Large Language Models (LLMs)** take a text string as input and return a text string as output. - `Chat Models <./models/chat.html>`_: **Chat Models** are usually backed by a language model, but their APIs are more structured. Specifically, these models take a list of Chat Messages as input, and return a Chat Message. - `Text Embedding Models <./models/text_embedding.html>`_: **Text embedding models** take text as input and return a list of floats. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Models :name: models :hidden: ./models/getting_started.html ./models/llms.rst ./models/chat.rst ./models/text_embedding.rst