"""Test CPAL chain.""" import json import unittest from typing import Type from unittest import mock import pydantic import pytest from langchain import OpenAI from langchain.output_parsers import PydanticOutputParser from langchain.prompts.prompt import PromptTemplate from langchain_experimental.cpal.base import ( CausalChain, CPALChain, InterventionChain, NarrativeChain, QueryChain, ) from langchain_experimental.cpal.constants import Constant from langchain_experimental.cpal.models import ( CausalModel, EntityModel, EntitySettingModel, InterventionModel, NarrativeModel, QueryModel, ) from langchain_experimental.cpal.templates.univariate.causal import ( template as causal_template, ) from langchain_experimental.cpal.templates.univariate.intervention import ( template as intervention_template, ) from langchain_experimental.cpal.templates.univariate.narrative import ( template as narrative_template, ) from langchain_experimental.cpal.templates.univariate.query import ( template as query_template, ) from tests.unit_tests.llms.fake_llm import FakeLLM class TestUnitCPALChain_MathWordProblems(unittest.TestCase): """Unit Test the CPAL chain and its component chains on math word problems. These tests can't run in the standard unit test directory because of this issue, https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain/issues/7451 """ def setUp(self) -> None: self.fake_llm = self.make_fake_llm() def make_fake_llm(self) -> FakeLLM: """ Fake LLM service for testing CPAL chain and its components chains on univariate math examples. """ class LLMMockData(pydantic.BaseModel): question: str completion: str template: str data_model: Type[pydantic.BaseModel] @property def prompt(self) -> str: """Create LLM prompt with the question.""" prompt_template = PromptTemplate( input_variables=[Constant.narrative_input.value], template=self.template, partial_variables={ "format_instructions": PydanticOutputParser( pydantic_object=self.data_model ).get_format_instructions() }, ) prompt = prompt_template.format(narrative_input=self.question) return prompt narrative = LLMMockData( **{ "question": ( "jan has three times the number of pets as marcia. " "marcia has two more pets than cindy." "if cindy has ten pets, how many pets does jan have? " ), "completion": json.dumps( { "story_outcome_question": "how many pets does jan have? ", "story_hypothetical": "if cindy has ten pets", "story_plot": "jan has three times the number of pets as marcia. marcia has two more pets than cindy.", # noqa: E501 } ), "template": narrative_template, "data_model": NarrativeModel, } ) causal_model = LLMMockData( **{ "question": ( "jan has three times the number of pets as marcia. " "marcia has two more pets than cindy." ), "completion": ( "\n" "{\n" ' "attribute": "pet_count",\n' ' "entities": [\n' " {\n" ' "name": "cindy",\n' ' "value": 0,\n' ' "depends_on": [],\n' ' "code": "pass"\n' " },\n" " {\n" ' "name": "marcia",\n' ' "value": 0,\n' ' "depends_on": ["cindy"],\n' ' "code": "marcia.value = cindy.value + 2"\n' " },\n" " {\n" ' "name": "jan",\n' ' "value": 0,\n' ' "depends_on": ["marcia"],\n' ' "code": "jan.value = marcia.value * 3"\n' " }\n" " ]\n" "}" ), "template": causal_template, "data_model": CausalModel, } ) intervention = LLMMockData( **{ "question": ("if cindy has ten pets"), "completion": ( "{\n" ' "entity_settings" : [\n' ' { "name": "cindy", "attribute": "pet_count", "value": "10" }\n' # noqa: E501 " ]\n" "}" ), "template": intervention_template, "data_model": InterventionModel, } ) query = LLMMockData( **{ "question": ("how many pets does jan have? "), "completion": ( "{\n" ' "narrative_input": "how many pets does jan have? ",\n' ' "llm_error_msg": "",\n' ' "expression": "SELECT name, value FROM df WHERE name = \'jan\'"\n' # noqa: E501 "}" ), "template": query_template, "data_model": QueryModel, } ) fake_llm = FakeLLM() fake_llm.queries = {} for mock_data in [narrative, causal_model, intervention, query]: fake_llm.queries.update({mock_data.prompt: mock_data.completion}) return fake_llm def test_narrative_chain(self) -> None: """Test narrative chain returns the three main elements of the causal narrative as a pydantic object. """ narrative_chain = NarrativeChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=self.fake_llm) output = narrative_chain( ( "jan has three times the number of pets as marcia. " "marcia has two more pets than cindy." "if cindy has ten pets, how many pets does jan have? " ) ) expected_output = { "chain_answer": None, "chain_data": NarrativeModel( story_outcome_question="how many pets does jan have? ", story_hypothetical="if cindy has ten pets", story_plot="jan has three times the number of pets as marcia. marcia has two more pets than cindy.", # noqa: E501 ), "narrative_input": "jan has three times the number of pets as marcia. marcia " # noqa: E501 "has two more pets than cindy.if cindy has ten pets, how " "many pets does jan have? ", } assert output == expected_output def test_causal_chain(self) -> None: """ Test causal chain returns a DAG as a pydantic object. """ causal_chain = CausalChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=self.fake_llm) output = causal_chain( ( "jan has three times the number of pets as " "marcia. marcia has two more pets than cindy." ) ) expected_output = { "chain_answer": None, "chain_data": CausalModel( attribute="pet_count", entities=[ EntityModel(name="cindy", code="pass", value=0.0, depends_on=[]), EntityModel( name="marcia", code="marcia.value = cindy.value + 2", value=0.0, depends_on=["cindy"], ), EntityModel( name="jan", code="jan.value = marcia.value * 3", value=0.0, depends_on=["marcia"], ), ], ), "narrative_input": "jan has three times the number of pets as marcia. marcia " # noqa: E501 "has two more pets than cindy.", } assert output == expected_output def test_intervention_chain(self) -> None: """ Test intervention chain correctly transforms the LLM's text completion into a setting-like object. """ intervention_chain = InterventionChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=self.fake_llm) output = intervention_chain("if cindy has ten pets") expected_output = { "chain_answer": None, "chain_data": InterventionModel( entity_settings=[ EntitySettingModel(name="cindy", attribute="pet_count", value=10), ] ), "narrative_input": "if cindy has ten pets", } assert output == expected_output def test_query_chain(self) -> None: """ Test query chain correctly transforms the LLM's text completion into a query-like object. """ query_chain = QueryChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=self.fake_llm) output = query_chain("how many pets does jan have? ") expected_output = { "chain_answer": None, "chain_data": QueryModel( narrative_input="how many pets does jan have? ", llm_error_msg="", expression="SELECT name, value FROM df WHERE name = 'jan'", ), "narrative_input": "how many pets does jan have? ", } assert output == expected_output def test_cpal_chain(self) -> None: """ patch required since `networkx` package is not part of unit test environment """ with mock.patch( "langchain_experimental.cpal.models.NetworkxEntityGraph" ) as mock_networkx: graph_instance = mock_networkx.return_value graph_instance.get_topological_sort.return_value = [ "cindy", "marcia", "jan", ] cpal_chain = CPALChain.from_univariate_prompt( llm=self.fake_llm, verbose=True ) cpal_chain.run( ( "jan has three times the number of pets as " "marcia. marcia has two more pets than cindy." "if cindy has ten pets, how many pets does jan have? " ) ) class TestCPALChain_MathWordProblems(unittest.TestCase): """Test the CPAL chain and its component chains on math word problems.""" def test_causal_chain(self) -> None: """Test CausalChain can translate a narrative's plot into a causal model containing operations linked by a DAG.""" llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) casual_chain = CausalChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm) narrative_plot = ( "Jan has three times the number of pets as Marcia. " "Marcia has two more pets than Cindy. " ) output = casual_chain(narrative_plot) expected_output = { "chain_answer": None, "chain_data": CausalModel( attribute="pet_count", entities=[ EntityModel(name="cindy", code="pass", value=0.0, depends_on=[]), EntityModel( name="marcia", code="marcia.value = cindy.value + 2", value=0.0, depends_on=["cindy"], ), EntityModel( name="jan", code="jan.value = marcia.value * 3", value=0.0, depends_on=["marcia"], ), ], ), "narrative_input": "Jan has three times the number of pets as Marcia. Marcia " # noqa: E501 "has two more pets than Cindy. ", } self.assertDictEqual(output, expected_output) self.assertEqual( isinstance(output[Constant.chain_data.value], CausalModel), True ) def test_intervention_chain(self) -> None: """Test InterventionChain translates a hypothetical into a new value setting.""" llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) story_conditions_chain = InterventionChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm) question = "if cindy has ten pets" data = story_conditions_chain(question)[Constant.chain_data.value] self.assertEqual(type(data), InterventionModel) def test_intervention_chain_2(self) -> None: """Test InterventionChain translates a hypothetical into a new value setting.""" llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) story_conditions_chain = InterventionChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm) narrative_condition = "What if Cindy has ten pets and Boris has 5 pets? " data = story_conditions_chain(narrative_condition)[Constant.chain_data.value] self.assertEqual(type(data), InterventionModel) def test_query_chain(self) -> None: """Test QueryChain translates a question into a query expression.""" llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) query_chain = QueryChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm) narrative_question = "How many pets will Marcia end up with? " data = query_chain(narrative_question)[Constant.chain_data.value] self.assertEqual(type(data), QueryModel) def test_narrative_chain(self) -> None: """Test NarrativeChain decomposes a human's narrative into three story elements: - causal model - intervention model - query model """ narrative = ( "Jan has three times the number of pets as Marcia. " "Marcia has two more pets than Cindy. " "If Cindy has ten pets, how many pets does Jan have? " ) llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) narrative_chain = NarrativeChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm) data = narrative_chain(narrative)[Constant.chain_data.value] self.assertEqual(type(data), NarrativeModel) out = narrative_chain(narrative) expected_narrative_out = { "chain_answer": None, "chain_data": NarrativeModel( story_outcome_question="how many pets does Jan have?", story_hypothetical="If Cindy has ten pets", story_plot="Jan has three times the number of pets as Marcia. Marcia has two more pets than Cindy.", # noqa: E501 ), "narrative_input": "Jan has three times the number of pets as Marcia. Marcia " # noqa: E501 "has two more pets than Cindy. If Cindy has ten pets, how " "many pets does Jan have? ", } self.assertDictEqual(out, expected_narrative_out) def test_against_pal_chain_doc(self) -> None: """ Test CPAL chain against the first example in the PAL chain notebook doc: https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain/blob/master/docs/extras/modules/chains/additional/pal.ipynb """ narrative_input = ( "Jan has three times the number of pets as Marcia." " Marcia has two more pets than Cindy." " If Cindy has four pets, how many total pets do the three have?" ) llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) cpal_chain = CPALChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=llm, verbose=True) answer = cpal_chain.run(narrative_input) """ >>> story._outcome_table name code value depends_on 0 cindy pass 4.0 [] 1 marcia marcia.value = cindy.value + 2 6.0 [cindy] 2 jan jan.value = marcia.value * 3 18.0 [marcia] """ self.assertEqual(answer, 28.0) def test_simple(self) -> None: """ Given a simple math word problem here we are test and illustrate the the data structures that are produced by the CPAL chain. """ narrative_input = ( "jan has three times the number of pets as marcia." "marcia has two more pets than cindy." "If cindy has ten pets, how many pets does jan have?" ) llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) cpal_chain = CPALChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=llm, verbose=True) output = cpal_chain(narrative_input) data = output[Constant.chain_data.value] expected_output = { "causal_operations": { "attribute": "pet_count", "entities": [ {"code": "pass", "depends_on": [], "name": "cindy", "value": 10.0}, { "code": "marcia.value = cindy.value + 2", "depends_on": ["cindy"], "name": "marcia", "value": 12.0, }, { "code": "jan.value = marcia.value * 3", "depends_on": ["marcia"], "name": "jan", "value": 36.0, }, ], }, "intervention": { "entity_settings": [ {"attribute": "pet_count", "name": "cindy", "value": 10.0} ], "system_settings": None, }, "query": { "expression": "SELECT name, value FROM df WHERE name = 'jan'", "llm_error_msg": "", "question": "how many pets does jan have?", }, } self.assertDictEqual(data.dict(), expected_output) """ Illustrate the query model's result table as a printed pandas dataframe >>> data._outcome_table name code value depends_on 0 cindy pass 10.0 [] 1 marcia marcia.value = cindy.value + 2 12.0 [cindy] 2 jan jan.value = marcia.value * 3 36.0 [marcia] """ expected_output = { "code": { 0: "pass", 1: "marcia.value = cindy.value + 2", 2: "jan.value = marcia.value * 3", }, "depends_on": {0: [], 1: ["cindy"], 2: ["marcia"]}, "name": {0: "cindy", 1: "marcia", 2: "jan"}, "value": {0: 10.0, 1: 12.0, 2: 36.0}, } self.assertDictEqual(data._outcome_table.to_dict(), expected_output) expected_output = {"name": {0: "jan"}, "value": {0: 36.0}} self.assertDictEqual(data.query._result_table.to_dict(), expected_output) # TODO: use an LLM chain to translate numbers to words df = data.query._result_table expr = "name == 'jan'" answer = df.query(expr).iloc[0]["value"] self.assertEqual(float(answer), 36.0) def test_hallucinating(self) -> None: """ Test CPAL approach does not hallucinate when given an invalid entity in the question. The PAL chain would hallucinates here! """ narrative_input = ( "Jan has three times the number of pets as Marcia." "Marcia has two more pets than Cindy." "If Cindy has ten pets, how many pets does Barak have?" ) llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) cpal_chain = CPALChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=llm, verbose=True) with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: print(e_info) cpal_chain.run(narrative_input) def test_causal_mediator(self) -> None: """ Test CPAL approach on causal mediator. """ narrative_input = ( "jan has three times the number of pets as marcia." "marcia has two more pets than cindy." "If marcia has ten pets, how many pets does jan have?" ) llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) cpal_chain = CPALChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=llm, verbose=True) answer = cpal_chain.run(narrative_input) self.assertEqual(answer, 30.0) @pytest.mark.skip(reason="requires manual install of debian and py packages") def test_draw(self) -> None: """ Test CPAL chain can draw its resulting DAG. """ import os narrative_input = ( "Jan has three times the number of pets as Marcia." "Marcia has two more pets than Cindy." "If Marcia has ten pets, how many pets does Jan have?" ) llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, max_tokens=512) cpal_chain = CPALChain.from_univariate_prompt(llm=llm, verbose=True) cpal_chain.run(narrative_input) path = "graph.svg" cpal_chain.draw(path=path) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path))