import json from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from operator import itemgetter from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence from langchain.chains.openai_functions import convert_to_openai_function from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError, conint from langchain_core.runnables import ( Runnable, RunnableBranch, RunnableLambda, RunnablePassthrough, ) class TaskType(str, Enum): call = "Call" message = "Message" todo = "Todo" in_person_meeting = "In-Person Meeting" email = "Email" mail = "Mail" text = "Text" open_house = "Open House" class Task(BaseModel): title: str = Field(..., description="The title of the tasks, reminders and alerts") due_date: datetime = Field( ..., description="Due date. Must be a valid ISO date string with timezone" ) task_type: TaskType = Field(None, description="The type of task") class Tasks(BaseModel): """JSON definition for creating tasks, reminders and alerts""" tasks: Sequence[Task] template = """Respond to the following user query to the best of your ability: {query}""" generate_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template) function_args = {"functions": [convert_to_openai_function(Tasks)]} task_function_call_model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo").bind(**function_args) output_parser = RunnableLambda( lambda x: json.loads( x.additional_kwargs.get("function_call", {}).get("arguments", '""') ) ) revise_template = """ Based on the provided context, fix the incorrect result of the original prompt and the provided errors. Only respond with an answer that satisfies the constraints laid out in the original prompt and fixes the Pydantic errors. Hint: Datetime fields must be valid ISO date strings. {original_prompt} {completion} {error} """ revise_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(revise_template) revise_chain = revise_prompt | task_function_call_model | output_parser def output_validator(output): try: Tasks.validate(output["completion"]) except ValidationError as e: return str(e) return None class IntermediateType(BaseModel): error: str completion: Dict original_prompt: str max_revisions: int validation_step = RunnablePassthrough().assign(error=RunnableLambda(output_validator)) def revise_loop(input: IntermediateType) -> IntermediateType: revise_step = RunnablePassthrough().assign(completion=revise_chain) else_step: Runnable[IntermediateType, IntermediateType] = RunnableBranch( (lambda x: x["error"] is None, RunnablePassthrough()), revise_step | validation_step, ).with_types(input_type=IntermediateType) for _ in range(max(0, input["max_revisions"] - 1)): else_step = RunnableBranch( (lambda x: x["error"] is None, RunnablePassthrough()), revise_step | validation_step | else_step, ) return else_step revise_lambda = RunnableLambda(revise_loop) class InputType(BaseModel): query: str max_revisions: conint(ge=1, le=10) = 5 chain: Runnable[Any, Any] = ( { "original_prompt": generate_prompt, "max_revisions": itemgetter("max_revisions"), } | RunnablePassthrough().assign( completion=( RunnableLambda(itemgetter("original_prompt")) | task_function_call_model | output_parser ) ) | validation_step | revise_lambda | RunnableLambda(itemgetter("completion")) ).with_types(input_type=InputType)