from __future__ import annotations import atexit import csv import enum import json import logging import uuid from contextlib import contextmanager from io import StringIO from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, ) from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings from langchain_core.vectorstores import VectorStore from langchain_community.docstore.document import Document if TYPE_CHECKING: from psycopg2.extensions import connection as PgConnection from psycopg2.extensions import cursor as PgCursor class Yellowbrick(VectorStore): """Yellowbrick as a vector database. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_community.vectorstores import Yellowbrick from langchain_community.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings ... """ class IndexType(str, enum.Enum): """Enumerator for the supported Index types within Yellowbrick.""" NONE = "none" LSH = "lsh" class IndexParams: """Parameters for configuring a Yellowbrick index.""" def __init__( self, index_type: Optional["Yellowbrick.IndexType"] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): if index_type is None: index_type = Yellowbrick.IndexType.NONE self.index_type = index_type self.params = params or {} def get_param(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: return self.params.get(key, default) def __init__( self, embedding: Embeddings, connection_string: str, table: str, *, schema: Optional[str] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, drop: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialize with yellowbrick client. Args: embedding: Embedding operator connection_string: Format 'postgres://username:password@host:port/database' table: Table used to store / retrieve embeddings from """ from psycopg2 import extras extras.register_uuid() if logger: self.logger = logger else: self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(handler) if not isinstance(embedding, Embeddings): self.logger.error("embeddings input must be Embeddings object.") return self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE: str = "_lsh_index" self.LSH_HYPERPLANE_TABLE: str = "_lsh_hyperplane" self.CONTENT_TABLE: str = "_content" self.connection_string = connection_string self.connection = Yellowbrick.DatabaseConnection(connection_string, self.logger) atexit.register(self.connection.close_connection) self._schema = schema self._table = table self._embedding = embedding self._max_embedding_len = None self._check_database_utf8() with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: if drop: self.drop(table=self._table, schema=self._schema, cursor=cursor) self.drop( table=self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE, schema=self._schema, cursor=cursor, ) self._drop_lsh_index_tables(cursor) self._create_schema(cursor) self._create_table(cursor) class DatabaseConnection: _instance = None _connection_string: str _connection: Optional["PgConnection"] = None _logger: logging.Logger def __new__( cls, connection_string: str, logger: logging.Logger ) -> "Yellowbrick.DatabaseConnection": if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) cls._instance._connection_string = connection_string cls._instance._logger = logger return cls._instance def close_connection(self) -> None: if self._connection and not self._connection.closed: self._connection.close() self._connection = None def get_connection(self) -> "PgConnection": import psycopg2 if not self._connection or self._connection.closed: self._connection = psycopg2.connect(self._connection_string) self._connection.autocommit = False return self._connection @contextmanager def get_managed_connection(self) -> Generator["PgConnection", None, None]: from psycopg2 import DatabaseError conn = self.get_connection() try: yield conn except DatabaseError as e: conn.rollback() self._logger.error( "Database error occurred, rolling back transaction.", exc_info=True ) raise RuntimeError("Database transaction failed.") from e else: conn.commit() @contextmanager def get_cursor(self) -> Generator["PgCursor", None, None]: with self.get_managed_connection() as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() try: yield cursor finally: cursor.close() def _create_schema(self, cursor: "PgCursor") -> None: """ Helper function: create schema if not exists """ from psycopg2 import sql if self._schema: cursor.execute( sql.SQL( """ CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {s} """ ).format( s=sql.Identifier(self._schema), ) ) def _create_table(self, cursor: "PgCursor") -> None: """ Helper function: create table if not exists """ from psycopg2 import sql schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () t = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE) c = sql.Identifier(self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE + "_pk_doc_id") cursor.execute( sql.SQL( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {t} ( doc_id UUID NOT NULL, text VARCHAR(60000) NOT NULL, metadata VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT {c} PRIMARY KEY (doc_id)) DISTRIBUTE ON (doc_id) SORT ON (doc_id) """ ).format( t=t, c=c, ) ) schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () t1 = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table) t2 = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE) c1 = sql.Identifier( self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE + "_pk_doc_id_embedding_id" ) c2 = sql.Identifier(self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE + "_fk_doc_id") cursor.execute( sql.SQL( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {t1} ( doc_id UUID NOT NULL, embedding_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, embedding FLOAT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT {c1} PRIMARY KEY (doc_id, embedding_id), CONSTRAINT {c2} FOREIGN KEY (doc_id) REFERENCES {t2}(doc_id)) DISTRIBUTE ON (doc_id) SORT ON (doc_id) """ ).format( t1=t1, t2=t2, c1=c1, c2=c2, ) ) def drop( self, table: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, cursor: Optional["PgCursor"] = None, ) -> None: """ Helper function: Drop data. If a cursor is provided, use it; otherwise, obtain a new cursor for the operation. """ if cursor is None: with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: self._drop_table(cursor, table, schema=schema) else: self._drop_table(cursor, table, schema=schema) def _drop_table( self, cursor: "PgCursor", table: str, schema: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Executes the drop table command using the given cursor. """ from psycopg2 import sql if schema: table_name = sql.Identifier(schema, table) else: table_name = sql.Identifier(table) drop_table_query = sql.SQL( """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {} CASCADE """ ).format(table_name) cursor.execute(drop_table_query) def _check_database_utf8(self) -> bool: """ Helper function: Test the database is UTF-8 encoded """ with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: query = """ SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database(); """ cursor.execute(query) encoding = cursor.fetchone()[0] if encoding.lower() == "utf8" or encoding.lower() == "utf-8": return True else: raise Exception("Database encoding is not UTF-8") return False def add_texts( self, texts: Iterable[str], metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[str]: batch_size = 10000 texts = list(texts) embeddings = self._embedding.embed_documents(list(texts)) results = [] if not metadatas: metadatas = [{} for _ in texts] index_params = kwargs.get("index_params") or Yellowbrick.IndexParams() with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: content_io = StringIO() embeddings_io = StringIO() content_writer = csv.writer( content_io, delimiter="\t", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL ) embeddings_writer = csv.writer( embeddings_io, delimiter="\t", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL ) current_batch_size = 0 for i, text in enumerate(texts): doc_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) results.append(doc_uuid) content_writer.writerow([doc_uuid, text, json.dumps(metadatas[i])]) for embedding_id, embedding in enumerate(embeddings[i]): embeddings_writer.writerow([doc_uuid, embedding_id, embedding]) current_batch_size += 1 if current_batch_size >= batch_size: self._copy_to_db(cursor, content_io, embeddings_io) content_io.truncate(0) embeddings_io.truncate(0) current_batch_size = 0 if current_batch_size > 0: self._copy_to_db(cursor, content_io, embeddings_io) if index_params.index_type == Yellowbrick.IndexType.LSH: self._update_index(index_params, uuid.UUID(doc_uuid)) return results def _copy_to_db( self, cursor: "PgCursor", content_io: StringIO, embeddings_io: StringIO ) -> None: from psycopg2 import sql schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () table = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE) content_copy_query = sql.SQL( """ COPY {table} (doc_id, text, metadata) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER E'\\t', QUOTE '\"') """ ).format(table=table) cursor.copy_expert(content_copy_query, content_io) schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () table = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table) embeddings_copy_query = sql.SQL( """ COPY {table} (doc_id, embedding_id, embedding) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER E'\\t', QUOTE '\"') """ ).format(table=table) cursor.copy_expert(embeddings_copy_query, embeddings_io) @classmethod def from_texts( cls: Type[Yellowbrick], texts: List[str], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, connection_string: str = "", table: str = "langchain", schema: str = "public", drop: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Yellowbrick: """Add texts to the vectorstore index. Args: texts: Iterable of strings to add to the vectorstore. metadatas: Optional list of metadatas associated with the texts. connection_string: URI to Yellowbrick instance embedding: Embedding function table: table to store embeddings kwargs: vectorstore specific parameters """ vss = cls( embedding=embedding, connection_string=connection_string, table=table, schema=schema, drop=drop, ) vss.add_texts(texts=texts, metadatas=metadatas, **kwargs) return vss def delete( self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, delete_all: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Delete vectors by uuids. Args: ids: List of ids to delete, where each id is a uuid string. """ from psycopg2 import sql if delete_all: where_sql = sql.SQL( """ WHERE 1=1 """ ) elif ids is not None: uuids = tuple(sql.Literal(id) for id in ids) ids_formatted = sql.SQL(", ").join(uuids) where_sql = sql.SQL( """ WHERE doc_id IN ({ids}) """ ).format( ids=ids_formatted, ) else: raise ValueError("Either ids or delete_all must be provided.") schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: table_identifier = sql.Identifier( *schema_prefix, self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE ) query = sql.SQL("DELETE FROM {table} {where_sql}").format( table=table_identifier, where_sql=where_sql ) cursor.execute(query) table_identifier = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table) query = sql.SQL("DELETE FROM {table} {where_sql}").format( table=table_identifier, where_sql=where_sql ) cursor.execute(query) if self._table_exists( cursor, self._table + self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE, *schema_prefix ): table_identifier = sql.Identifier( *schema_prefix, self._table + self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE ) query = sql.SQL("DELETE FROM {table} {where_sql}").format( table=table_identifier, where_sql=where_sql ) cursor.execute(query) return None def _table_exists( self, cursor: "PgCursor", table_name: str, schema: str = "public" ) -> bool: """ Checks if a table exists in the given schema """ from psycopg2 import sql schema = sql.Literal(schema) table_name = sql.Literal(table_name) cursor.execute( sql.SQL( """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys.table t INNER JOIN sys.schema s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE = {schema} AND = {table_name} """ ).format( schema=schema, table_name=table_name, ) ) return cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0 def _generate_vector_uuid(self, vector: List[float]) -> uuid.UUID: import hashlib vector_str = ",".join(map(str, vector)) hash_object = hashlib.sha1(vector_str.encode()) hash_digest = hash_object.digest() vector_uuid = uuid.UUID(bytes=hash_digest[:16]) return vector_uuid def similarity_search_with_score_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Perform a similarity search with Yellowbrick with vector Args: embedding (List[float]): query embedding k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. NOTE: Please do not let end-user fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. Returns: List[Document, float]: List of Documents and scores """ from psycopg2 import sql from psycopg2.extras import execute_values index_params = kwargs.get("index_params") or Yellowbrick.IndexParams() with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: tmp_embeddings_table = "tmp_" + self._table tmp_doc_id = self._generate_vector_uuid(embedding) create_table_query = sql.SQL( """ CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {} ( doc_id UUID, embedding_id SMALLINT, embedding FLOAT) ON COMMIT DROP DISTRIBUTE REPLICATE """ ).format(sql.Identifier(tmp_embeddings_table)) cursor.execute(create_table_query) data_input = [ (str(tmp_doc_id), embedding_id, embedding_value) for embedding_id, embedding_value in enumerate(embedding) ] insert_query = sql.SQL( "INSERT INTO {} (doc_id, embedding_id, embedding) VALUES %s" ).format(sql.Identifier(tmp_embeddings_table)) execute_values(cursor, insert_query, data_input) v1 = sql.Identifier(tmp_embeddings_table) schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () v2 = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table) v3 = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE) if index_params.index_type == Yellowbrick.IndexType.LSH: tmp_hash_table = self._table + "_tmp_hash" self._generate_tmp_lsh_hashes( cursor, tmp_embeddings_table, tmp_hash_table, ) schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () lsh_index = sql.Identifier( *schema_prefix, self._table + self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE ) input_hash_table = sql.Identifier(tmp_hash_table) sql_query = sql.SQL( """ WITH index_docs AS ( SELECT t1.doc_id, SUM(ABS(t1.hash-t2.hash)) as hamming_distance FROM {lsh_index} t1 INNER JOIN {input_hash_table} t2 ON t1.hash_index = t2.hash_index GROUP BY t1.doc_id HAVING hamming_distance <= {hamming_distance} ) SELECT text, metadata, SUM(v1.embedding * v2.embedding) / (SQRT(SUM(v1.embedding * v1.embedding)) * SQRT(SUM(v2.embedding * v2.embedding))) AS score FROM {v1} v1 INNER JOIN {v2} v2 ON v1.embedding_id = v2.embedding_id INNER JOIN {v3} v3 ON v2.doc_id = v3.doc_id INNER JOIN index_docs v4 ON v2.doc_id = v4.doc_id GROUP BY v3.doc_id, v3.text, v3.metadata ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT %s """ ).format( v1=v1, v2=v2, v3=v3, lsh_index=lsh_index, input_hash_table=input_hash_table, hamming_distance=sql.Literal( index_params.get_param("hamming_distance", 0) ), ) cursor.execute( sql_query, (k,), ) results = cursor.fetchall() else: sql_query = sql.SQL( """ SELECT text, metadata, score FROM (SELECT v2.doc_id doc_id, SUM(v1.embedding * v2.embedding) / (SQRT(SUM(v1.embedding * v1.embedding)) * SQRT(SUM(v2.embedding * v2.embedding))) AS score FROM {v1} v1 INNER JOIN {v2} v2 ON v1.embedding_id = v2.embedding_id GROUP BY v2.doc_id ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT %s ) v4 INNER JOIN {v3} v3 ON v4.doc_id = v3.doc_id ORDER BY score DESC """ ).format( v1=v1, v2=v2, v3=v3, ) cursor.execute(sql_query, (k,)) results = cursor.fetchall() documents: List[Tuple[Document, float]] = [] for result in results: metadata = json.loads(result[1]) or {} doc = Document(page_content=result[0], metadata=metadata) documents.append((doc, result[2])) return documents def similarity_search( self, query: str, k: int = 4, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Document]: """Perform a similarity search with Yellowbrick Args: query (str): query string k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. NOTE: Please do not let end-user fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. Returns: List[Document]: List of Documents """ embedding = self._embedding.embed_query(query) documents = self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector( embedding=embedding, k=k, **kwargs ) return [doc for doc, _ in documents] def similarity_search_with_score( self, query: str, k: int = 4, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Tuple[Document, float]]: """Perform a similarity search with Yellowbrick Args: query (str): query string k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. NOTE: Please do not let end-user fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. Returns: List[Document]: List of (Document, similarity) """ embedding = self._embedding.embed_query(query) documents = self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector( embedding=embedding, k=k, **kwargs ) return documents def similarity_search_by_vector( self, embedding: List[float], k: int = 4, **kwargs: Any ) -> List[Document]: """Perform a similarity search with Yellowbrick by vectors Args: embedding (List[float]): query embedding k (int, optional): Top K neighbors to retrieve. Defaults to 4. NOTE: Please do not let end-user fill this and always be aware of SQL injection. Returns: List[Document]: List of documents """ documents = self.similarity_search_with_score_by_vector( embedding=embedding, k=k, **kwargs ) return [doc for doc, _ in documents] def _update_lsh_hashes( self, cursor: "PgCursor", doc_id: Optional[uuid.UUID] = None, ) -> None: """Add hashes to LSH index""" from psycopg2 import sql schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () lsh_hyperplane_table = sql.Identifier( *schema_prefix, self._table + self.LSH_HYPERPLANE_TABLE ) lsh_index_table_id = sql.Identifier( *schema_prefix, self._table + self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE ) embedding_table_id = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table) query_prefix_id = sql.SQL("INSERT INTO {}").format(lsh_index_table_id) condition = ( sql.SQL("WHERE e.doc_id = {doc_id}").format(doc_id=sql.Literal(str(doc_id))) if doc_id else sql.SQL("") ) group_by = sql.SQL("GROUP BY 1, 2") input_query = sql.SQL( """ {query_prefix} SELECT e.doc_id as doc_id, as hash_index, CASE WHEN SUM(e.embedding * h.hyperplane) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as hash FROM {embedding_table} e INNER JOIN {hyperplanes} h ON e.embedding_id = h.hyperplane_id {condition} {group_by} """ ).format( query_prefix=query_prefix_id, embedding_table=embedding_table_id, hyperplanes=lsh_hyperplane_table, condition=condition, group_by=group_by, ) cursor.execute(input_query) def _generate_tmp_lsh_hashes( self, cursor: "PgCursor", tmp_embedding_table: str, tmp_hash_table: str ) -> None: """Generate temp LSH""" from psycopg2 import sql schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () lsh_hyperplane_table = sql.Identifier( *schema_prefix, self._table + self.LSH_HYPERPLANE_TABLE ) tmp_embedding_table_id = sql.Identifier(tmp_embedding_table) tmp_hash_table_id = sql.Identifier(tmp_hash_table) query_prefix = sql.SQL("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {} ON COMMIT DROP AS").format( tmp_hash_table_id ) group_by = sql.SQL("GROUP BY 1") input_query = sql.SQL( """ {query_prefix} SELECT as hash_index, CASE WHEN SUM(e.embedding * h.hyperplane) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as hash FROM {embedding_table} e INNER JOIN {hyperplanes} h ON e.embedding_id = h.hyperplane_id {group_by} DISTRIBUTE REPLICATE """ ).format( query_prefix=query_prefix, embedding_table=tmp_embedding_table_id, hyperplanes=lsh_hyperplane_table, group_by=group_by, ) cursor.execute(input_query) def _populate_hyperplanes(self, cursor: "PgCursor", num_hyperplanes: int) -> None: """Generate random hyperplanes and store in Yellowbrick""" from psycopg2 import sql schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () hyperplanes_table = sql.Identifier( *schema_prefix, self._table + self.LSH_HYPERPLANE_TABLE ) cursor.execute(sql.SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {t}").format(t=hyperplanes_table)) if cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0: return t = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table) cursor.execute(sql.SQL("SELECT MAX(embedding_id) FROM {t}").format(t=t)) num_dimensions = cursor.fetchone()[0] num_dimensions += 1 insert_query = sql.SQL( """ WITH parameters AS ( SELECT {num_hyperplanes} AS num_hyperplanes, {dims_per_hyperplane} AS dims_per_hyperplane ) INSERT INTO {hyperplanes_table} (id, hyperplane_id, hyperplane) SELECT id, hyperplane_id, (random() * 2 - 1) AS hyperplane FROM (SELECT range-1 id FROM sys.rowgenerator WHERE range BETWEEN 1 AND (SELECT num_hyperplanes FROM parameters) AND worker_lid = 0 AND thread_id = 0) a, (SELECT range-1 hyperplane_id FROM sys.rowgenerator WHERE range BETWEEN 1 AND (SELECT dims_per_hyperplane FROM parameters) AND worker_lid = 0 AND thread_id = 0) b """ ).format( num_hyperplanes=sql.Literal(num_hyperplanes), dims_per_hyperplane=sql.Literal(num_dimensions), hyperplanes_table=hyperplanes_table, ) cursor.execute(insert_query) def _create_lsh_index_tables(self, cursor: "PgCursor") -> None: """Create LSH index and hyperplane tables""" from psycopg2 import sql schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () t1 = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table + self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE) t2 = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE) c1 = sql.Identifier(self._table + self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE + "_pk_doc_id") c2 = sql.Identifier(self._table + self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE + "_fk_doc_id") cursor.execute( sql.SQL( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {t1} ( doc_id UUID NOT NULL, hash_index SMALLINT NOT NULL, hash SMALLINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT {c1} PRIMARY KEY (doc_id, hash_index), CONSTRAINT {c2} FOREIGN KEY (doc_id) REFERENCES {t2}(doc_id)) DISTRIBUTE ON (doc_id) SORT ON (doc_id) """ ).format( t1=t1, t2=t2, c1=c1, c2=c2, ) ) schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () t = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table + self.LSH_HYPERPLANE_TABLE) c = sql.Identifier(self._table + self.LSH_HYPERPLANE_TABLE + "_pk_id_hp_id") cursor.execute( sql.SQL( """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {t} ( id SMALLINT NOT NULL, hyperplane_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, hyperplane FLOAT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT {c} PRIMARY KEY (id, hyperplane_id)) DISTRIBUTE REPLICATE SORT ON (id) """ ).format( t=t, c=c, ) ) def _drop_lsh_index_tables(self, cursor: "PgCursor") -> None: """Drop LSH index tables""" self.drop( schema=self._schema, table=self._table + self.LSH_INDEX_TABLE, cursor=cursor ) self.drop( schema=self._schema, table=self._table + self.LSH_HYPERPLANE_TABLE, cursor=cursor, ) def create_index(self, index_params: Yellowbrick.IndexParams) -> None: """Create index from existing vectors""" if index_params.index_type == Yellowbrick.IndexType.LSH: with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: self._drop_lsh_index_tables(cursor) self._create_lsh_index_tables(cursor) self._populate_hyperplanes( cursor, index_params.get_param("num_hyperplanes", 128) ) self._update_lsh_hashes(cursor) def drop_index(self, index_params: Yellowbrick.IndexParams) -> None: """Drop an index""" if index_params.index_type == Yellowbrick.IndexType.LSH: with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: self._drop_lsh_index_tables(cursor) def _update_index( self, index_params: Yellowbrick.IndexParams, doc_id: uuid.UUID ) -> None: """Update an index with a new or modified embedding in the embeddings table""" if index_params.index_type == Yellowbrick.IndexType.LSH: with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: self._update_lsh_hashes(cursor, doc_id) def migrate_schema_v1_to_v2(self) -> None: from psycopg2 import sql try: with self.connection.get_cursor() as cursor: schema_prefix = (self._schema,) if self._schema else () embeddings = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table) old_embeddings = sql.Identifier(*schema_prefix, self._table + "_v1") content = sql.Identifier( *schema_prefix, self._table + self.CONTENT_TABLE ) alter_table_query = sql.SQL("ALTER TABLE {t1} RENAME TO {t2}").format( t1=embeddings, t2=old_embeddings, ) cursor.execute(alter_table_query) self._create_table(cursor) insert_query = sql.SQL( """ INSERT INTO {t1} (doc_id, embedding_id, embedding) SELECT id, embedding_id, embedding FROM {t2} """ ).format( t1=embeddings, t2=old_embeddings, ) cursor.execute(insert_query) insert_content_query = sql.SQL( """ INSERT INTO {t1} (doc_id, text, metadata) SELECT DISTINCT id, text, metadata FROM {t2} """ ).format(t1=content, t2=old_embeddings) cursor.execute(insert_content_query) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to migrate schema: {e}") from e