# Migrating ## 🚨Breaking Changes for select chains (SQLDatabase) on 7/28/23 In an effort to make `langchain` leaner and safer, we are moving select chains to `langchain_experimental`. This migration has already started, but we are remaining backwards compatible until 7/28. On that date, we will remove functionality from `langchain`. Read more about the motivation and the progress [here](https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain/discussions/8043). ### Migrating to `langchain_experimental` We are moving any experimental components of LangChain, or components with vulnerability issues, into `langchain_experimental`. This guide covers how to migrate. ### Installation Previously: `pip install -U langchain` Now (only if you want to access things in experimental): `pip install -U langchain langchain_experimental` ### Things in `langchain.experimental` Previously: `from langchain.experimental import ...` Now: `from langchain_experimental import ...` ### PALChain Previously: `from langchain.chains import PALChain` Now: `from langchain_experimental.pal_chain import PALChain` ### SQLDatabaseChain Previously: `from langchain.chains import SQLDatabaseChain` Now: `from langchain_experimental.sql import SQLDatabaseChain` Alternatively, if you are just interested in using the query generation part of the SQL chain, you can check out this [`SQL question-answering tutorial`](https://python.langchain.com/v0.2/docs/tutorials/sql_qa/#convert-question-to-sql-query) `from langchain.chains import create_sql_query_chain` ### `load_prompt` for Python files Note: this only applies if you want to load Python files as prompts. If you want to load json/yaml files, no change is needed. Previously: `from langchain.prompts import load_prompt` Now: `from langchain_experimental.prompts import load_prompt`