"""Test EdenAi API wrapper. In order to run this test, you need to have an EdenAI api key. You can get it by registering for free at https://app.edenai.run/user/register. A test key can be found at https://app.edenai.run/admin/account/settings by clicking on the 'sandbox' toggle. (calls will be free, and will return dummy results) You'll then need to set EDENAI_API_KEY environment variable to your api key. """ from langchain_community.llms import EdenAI def test_edenai_call() -> None: """Test simple call to edenai.""" llm = EdenAI(provider="openai", temperature=0.2, max_tokens=250) output = llm.invoke("Say foo:") assert llm._llm_type == "edenai" assert llm.feature == "text" assert llm.subfeature == "generation" assert isinstance(output, str) async def test_edenai_acall() -> None: """Test simple call to edenai.""" llm = EdenAI(provider="openai", temperature=0.2, max_tokens=250) output = await llm.agenerate(["Say foo:"]) assert llm._llm_type == "edenai" assert llm.feature == "text" assert llm.subfeature == "generation" assert isinstance(output, str) def test_edenai_call_with_old_params() -> None: """ Test simple call to edenai with using `params` to pass optional parameters to api """ llm = EdenAI(provider="openai", params={"temperature": 0.2, "max_tokens": 250}) output = llm.invoke("Say foo:") assert llm._llm_type == "edenai" assert llm.feature == "text" assert llm.subfeature == "generation" assert isinstance(output, str)