import json from datetime import date, datetime from decimal import Decimal from hashlib import md5 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field, create_model from import BaseTool, BaseToolkit, StructuredTool from typing_extensions import Self if TYPE_CHECKING: from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient from databricks.sdk.service.catalog import FunctionInfo from import execute_function def _uc_type_to_pydantic_type(uc_type_json: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Type: mapping = { "long": int, "binary": bytes, "boolean": bool, "date": date, "double": float, "float": float, "integer": int, "short": int, "string": str, "timestamp": datetime, "timestamp_ntz": datetime, "byte": int, } if isinstance(uc_type_json, str): if uc_type_json in mapping: return mapping[uc_type_json] else: if uc_type_json.startswith("decimal"): return Decimal elif uc_type_json == "void" or uc_type_json.startswith("interval"): raise TypeError(f"Type {uc_type_json} is not supported.") else: raise TypeError( f"Unknown type {uc_type_json}. Try upgrading this package." ) else: assert isinstance(uc_type_json, dict) tpe = uc_type_json["type"] if tpe == "array": element_type = _uc_type_to_pydantic_type(uc_type_json["elementType"]) if uc_type_json["containsNull"]: element_type = Optional[element_type] # type: ignore return List[element_type] # type: ignore elif tpe == "map": key_type = uc_type_json["keyType"] assert key_type == "string", TypeError( f"Only support STRING key type for MAP but got {key_type}." ) value_type = _uc_type_to_pydantic_type(uc_type_json["valueType"]) if uc_type_json["valueContainsNull"]: value_type: Type = Optional[value_type] # type: ignore return Dict[str, value_type] # type: ignore elif tpe == "struct": fields = {} for field in uc_type_json["fields"]: field_type = _uc_type_to_pydantic_type(field["type"]) if field.get("nullable"): field_type = Optional[field_type] # type: ignore comment = ( uc_type_json["metadata"].get("comment") if "metadata" in uc_type_json else None ) fields[field["name"]] = (field_type, Field(..., description=comment)) uc_type_json_str = json.dumps(uc_type_json, sort_keys=True) type_hash = md5(uc_type_json_str.encode()).hexdigest()[:8] return create_model(f"Struct_{type_hash}", **fields) # type: ignore else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown type {uc_type_json}. Try upgrading this package.") def _generate_args_schema(function: "FunctionInfo") -> Type[BaseModel]: if function.input_params is None: return BaseModel params = function.input_params.parameters assert params is not None fields = {} for p in params: assert p.type_json is not None type_json = json.loads(p.type_json)["type"] pydantic_type = _uc_type_to_pydantic_type(type_json) description = p.comment default: Any = ... if p.parameter_default: pydantic_type = Optional[pydantic_type] # type: ignore default = None # TODO: Convert default value string to the correct type. # We might need to use statement execution API # to get the JSON representation of the value. default_description = f"(Default: {p.parameter_default})" if description: description += f" {default_description}" else: description = default_description fields[] = ( pydantic_type, Field(default=default, description=description), ) return create_model( f"{function.catalog_name}__{function.schema_name}__{}__params", **fields, # type: ignore ) def _get_tool_name(function: "FunctionInfo") -> str: tool_name = f"{function.catalog_name}__{function.schema_name}__{}"[ -64: ] return tool_name def _get_default_workspace_client() -> "WorkspaceClient": try: from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Could not import databricks-sdk python package. " "Please install it with `pip install databricks-sdk`." ) from e return WorkspaceClient() class UCFunctionToolkit(BaseToolkit): warehouse_id: str = Field( description="The ID of a Databricks SQL Warehouse to execute functions." ) workspace_client: "WorkspaceClient" = Field( default_factory=_get_default_workspace_client, description="Databricks workspace client.", ) tools: Dict[str, BaseTool] = Field(default_factory=dict) class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True def include(self, *function_names: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Self: """ Includes UC functions to the toolkit. Args: functions: A list of UC function names in the format "catalog_name.schema_name.function_name" or "catalog_name.schema_name.*". If the function name ends with ".*", all functions in the schema will be added. kwargs: Extra arguments to pass to StructuredTool, e.g., `return_direct`. """ for name in function_names: if name.endswith(".*"): catalog_name, schema_name = name[:-2].split(".") # TODO: handle pagination, warn and truncate if too many functions = self.workspace_client.functions.list( catalog_name=catalog_name, schema_name=schema_name ) for f in functions: assert f.full_name is not None self.include(f.full_name, **kwargs) else: if name not in[name] = self._make_tool(name, **kwargs) return self def _make_tool(self, function_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> BaseTool: function = self.workspace_client.functions.get(function_name) name = _get_tool_name(function) description = function.comment or "" args_schema = _generate_args_schema(function) def func(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: # TODO: We expect all named args and ignore args. # Non-empty args show up when the function has no parameters. args_json = json.loads(json.dumps(kwargs, default=str)) result = execute_function( ws=self.workspace_client, warehouse_id=self.warehouse_id, function=function, parameters=args_json, ) return result.to_json() return StructuredTool( name=name, description=description, args_schema=args_schema, func=func, **kwargs, ) def get_tools(self) -> List[BaseTool]: return list(