import re from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Tuple from langchain_core.structured_query import ( Comparator, Comparison, Operation, Operator, StructuredQuery, Visitor, ) def _DEFAULT_COMPOSER(op_name: str) -> Callable: """ Default composer for logical operators. Args: op_name: Name of the operator. Returns: Callable that takes a list of arguments and returns a string. """ def f(*args: Any) -> str: args_: map[str] = map(str, args) return f" {op_name} ".join(args_) return f def _FUNCTION_COMPOSER(op_name: str) -> Callable: """ Composer for functions. Args: op_name: Name of the function. Returns: Callable that takes a list of arguments and returns a string. """ def f(*args: Any) -> str: args_: map[str] = map(str, args) return f"{op_name}({','.join(args_)})" return f class MyScaleTranslator(Visitor): """Translate `MyScale` internal query language elements to valid filters.""" allowed_operators = [Operator.AND, Operator.OR, Operator.NOT] """Subset of allowed logical operators.""" allowed_comparators = [ Comparator.EQ, Comparator.GT, Comparator.GTE, Comparator.LT, Comparator.LTE, Comparator.CONTAIN, Comparator.LIKE, ] map_dict = { Operator.AND: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER("AND"), Operator.OR: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER("OR"), Operator.NOT: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER("NOT"), Comparator.EQ: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER("="), Comparator.GT: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER(">"), Comparator.GTE: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER(">="), Comparator.LT: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER("<"), Comparator.LTE: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER("<="), Comparator.CONTAIN: _FUNCTION_COMPOSER("has"), Comparator.LIKE: _DEFAULT_COMPOSER("ILIKE"), } def __init__(self, metadata_key: str = "metadata") -> None: super().__init__() self.metadata_key = metadata_key def visit_operation(self, operation: Operation) -> Dict: args = [arg.accept(self) for arg in operation.arguments] func = operation.operator self._validate_func(func) return self.map_dict[func](*args) def visit_comparison(self, comparison: Comparison) -> Dict: regex = r"\((.*?)\)" matched ="\(\w+\)", comparison.attribute) # If arbitrary function is applied to an attribute if matched: attr = re.sub( regex, f"({self.metadata_key}.{[1:-1]})", comparison.attribute, ) else: attr = f"{self.metadata_key}.{comparison.attribute}" value = comparison.value comp = comparison.comparator value = f"'{value}'" if isinstance(value, str) else value # convert timestamp for datetime objects if isinstance(value, dict) and value.get("type") == "date": attr = f"parseDateTime32BestEffort({attr})" value = f"parseDateTime32BestEffort('{value['date']}')" # string pattern match if comp is Comparator.LIKE: value = f"'%{value[1:-1]}%'" return self.map_dict[comp](attr, value) def visit_structured_query( self, structured_query: StructuredQuery ) -> Tuple[str, dict]: print(structured_query) # noqa: T201 if structured_query.filter is None: kwargs = {} else: kwargs = {"where_str": structured_query.filter.accept(self)} return structured_query.query, kwargs