import hashlib import re import shutil from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, TypedDict from git import Repo from langchain_cli.constants import ( DEFAULT_GIT_REF, DEFAULT_GIT_REPO, DEFAULT_GIT_SUBDIRECTORY, ) class DependencySource(TypedDict): git: str ref: Optional[str] subdirectory: Optional[str] api_path: Optional[str] event_metadata: Dict # use poetry dependency string format def parse_dependency_string( dep: Optional[str], repo: Optional[str], branch: Optional[str], api_path: Optional[str], ) -> DependencySource: if dep is not None and dep.startswith("git+"): if repo is not None or branch is not None: raise ValueError( "If a dependency starts with git+, you cannot manually specify " "a repo or branch." ) # remove git+ gitstring = dep[4:] subdirectory = None ref = None # first check for #subdirectory= on the end if "#subdirectory=" in gitstring: gitstring, subdirectory = gitstring.split("#subdirectory=") if "#" in subdirectory or "@" in subdirectory: raise ValueError( "#subdirectory must be the last part of the dependency string" ) # find first slash after :// # find @ or # after that slash # remainder is ref # if no @ or #, then ref is None # find first slash after :// if "://" not in gitstring: raise ValueError( "git+ dependencies must start with git+https:// or git+ssh://" ) _, find_slash = gitstring.split("://", 1) if "/" not in find_slash: post_slash = find_slash ref = None else: _, post_slash = find_slash.split("/", 1) if "@" in post_slash or "#" in post_slash: _, ref = re.split(r"[@#]", post_slash, 1) # gitstring is everything before that gitstring = gitstring[: -len(ref) - 1] if ref is not None else gitstring return DependencySource( git=gitstring, ref=ref, subdirectory=subdirectory, api_path=api_path, event_metadata={"dependency_string": dep}, ) elif dep is not None and dep.startswith("https://"): raise ValueError("Only git dependencies are supported") else: # if repo is none, use default, including subdirectory base_subdir = Path(DEFAULT_GIT_SUBDIRECTORY) if repo is None else Path() subdir = str(base_subdir / dep) if dep is not None else None gitstring = ( DEFAULT_GIT_REPO if repo is None else f"{repo.strip('/')}.git" ) ref = DEFAULT_GIT_REF if branch is None else branch # it's a default git repo dependency return DependencySource( git=gitstring, ref=ref, subdirectory=subdir, api_path=api_path, event_metadata={ "dependency_string": dep, "used_repo_flag": repo is not None, "used_branch_flag": branch is not None, }, ) def _list_arg_to_length(arg: Optional[List[str]], num: int) -> Sequence[Optional[str]]: if not arg: return [None] * num elif len(arg) == 1: return arg * num elif len(arg) == num: return arg else: raise ValueError(f"Argument must be of length 1 or {num}") def parse_dependencies( dependencies: Optional[List[str]], repo: List[str], branch: List[str], api_path: List[str], ) -> List[DependencySource]: num_deps = max( len(dependencies) if dependencies is not None else 0, len(repo), len(branch) ) if ( (dependencies and len(dependencies) != num_deps) or (api_path and len(api_path) != num_deps) or (repo and len(repo) not in [1, num_deps]) or (branch and len(branch) not in [1, num_deps]) ): raise ValueError( "Number of defined repos/branches/api_paths did not match the " "number of templates." ) inner_deps = _list_arg_to_length(dependencies, num_deps) inner_api_paths = _list_arg_to_length(api_path, num_deps) inner_repos = _list_arg_to_length(repo, num_deps) inner_branches = _list_arg_to_length(branch, num_deps) return [ parse_dependency_string(iter_dep, iter_repo, iter_branch, iter_api_path) for iter_dep, iter_repo, iter_branch, iter_api_path in zip( inner_deps, inner_repos, inner_branches, inner_api_paths ) ] def _get_repo_path(gitstring: str, ref: Optional[str], repo_dir: Path) -> Path: # only based on git for now ref_str = ref if ref is not None else "" hashed = hashlib.sha256((f"{gitstring}:{ref_str}").encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()[:8] removed_protocol = gitstring.split("://")[-1] removed_basename = re.split(r"[/:]", removed_protocol, 1)[-1] removed_extras = removed_basename.split("#")[0] foldername = re.sub(r"\W", "_", removed_extras) directory_name = f"{foldername}_{hashed}" return repo_dir / directory_name def update_repo(gitstring: str, ref: Optional[str], repo_dir: Path) -> Path: # see if path already saved repo_path = _get_repo_path(gitstring, ref, repo_dir) if repo_path.exists(): # try pulling try: repo = Repo(repo_path) if != ref: raise ValueError() repo.remotes.origin.pull() except Exception: # if it fails, delete and clone again shutil.rmtree(repo_path) Repo.clone_from(gitstring, repo_path, branch=ref, depth=1) else: Repo.clone_from(gitstring, repo_path, branch=ref, depth=1) return repo_path def copy_repo( source: Path, destination: Path, ) -> None: """ Copies a repo, ignoring git folders. Raises FileNotFound error if it can't find source """ def ignore_func(_, files): return [f for f in files if f == ".git"] shutil.copytree(source, destination, ignore=ignore_func)