[comment: Please, a reference example here "docs/integrations/arxiv.md"]:: [comment: Use this template to create a new .md file in "docs/integrations/"]:: # Title_REPLACE_ME [comment: Only one Tile/H1 is allowed!]:: > [comment: Description: After reading this description, a reader should decide if this integration is good enough to try/follow reading OR]:: [comment: go to read the next integration doc. ]:: [comment: Description should include a link to the source for follow reading.]:: ## Installation and Setup [comment: Installation and Setup: All necessary additional package installations and set ups for Tokens, etc]:: ```bash pip install package_name_REPLACE_ME ``` [comment: OR this text:]:: There isn't any special setup for it. [comment: The next H2/## sections with names of the integration modules, like "LLM", "Text Embedding Models", etc]:: [comment: see "Modules" in the "index.html" page]:: [comment: Each H2 section should include a link to an example(s) and a python code with import of the integration class]:: [comment: Below are several example sections. Remove all unnecessary sections. Add all necessary sections not provided here.]:: ## LLM See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/llms/INCLUDE_REAL_NAME). ```python from langchain.llms import integration_class_REPLACE_ME ``` ## Text Embedding Models See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/text_embedding/INCLUDE_REAL_NAME) ```python from langchain.embeddings import integration_class_REPLACE_ME ``` ## Chat Models See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/chat/INCLUDE_REAL_NAME) ```python from langchain.chat_models import integration_class_REPLACE_ME ``` ## Document Loader See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/document_loaders/INCLUDE_REAL_NAME). ```python from langchain.document_loaders import integration_class_REPLACE_ME ```