import json from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, cast from langchain_core.callbacks.manager import CallbackManagerForLLMRun from langchain_core.language_models.chat_models import BaseChatModel from langchain_core.messages import ( AIMessage, BaseMessage, ChatMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage, ) from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGeneration, ChatResult from langchain_community.llms.azureml_endpoint import ( AzureMLBaseEndpoint, AzureMLEndpointApiType, ContentFormatterBase, ) class LlamaContentFormatter(ContentFormatterBase): def __init__(self): raise TypeError( "`LlamaContentFormatter` is deprecated for chat models. Use " "`LlamaChatContentFormatter` instead." ) class LlamaChatContentFormatter(ContentFormatterBase): """Content formatter for `LLaMA`.""" SUPPORTED_ROLES: List[str] = ["user", "assistant", "system"] @staticmethod def _convert_message_to_dict(message: BaseMessage) -> Dict: """Converts message to a dict according to role""" content = cast(str, message.content) if isinstance(message, HumanMessage): return { "role": "user", "content": ContentFormatterBase.escape_special_characters(content), } elif isinstance(message, AIMessage): return { "role": "assistant", "content": ContentFormatterBase.escape_special_characters(content), } elif isinstance(message, SystemMessage): return { "role": "system", "content": ContentFormatterBase.escape_special_characters(content), } elif ( isinstance(message, ChatMessage) and message.role in LlamaChatContentFormatter.SUPPORTED_ROLES ): return { "role": message.role, "content": ContentFormatterBase.escape_special_characters(content), } else: supported = ",".join( [role for role in LlamaChatContentFormatter.SUPPORTED_ROLES] ) raise ValueError( f"""Received unsupported role. Supported roles for the LLaMa Foundation Model: {supported}""" ) @property def supported_api_types(self) -> List[AzureMLEndpointApiType]: return [AzureMLEndpointApiType.realtime, AzureMLEndpointApiType.serverless] def format_request_payload( self, messages: List[BaseMessage], model_kwargs: Dict, api_type: AzureMLEndpointApiType, ) -> str: """Formats the request according to the chosen api""" chat_messages = [ LlamaChatContentFormatter._convert_message_to_dict(message) for message in messages ] if api_type == AzureMLEndpointApiType.realtime: request_payload = json.dumps( { "input_data": { "input_string": chat_messages, "parameters": model_kwargs, } } ) elif api_type == AzureMLEndpointApiType.serverless: request_payload = json.dumps({"messages": chat_messages, **model_kwargs}) else: raise ValueError( f"`api_type` {api_type} is not supported by this formatter" ) return str.encode(request_payload) def format_response_payload( self, output: bytes, api_type: AzureMLEndpointApiType ) -> ChatGeneration: """Formats response""" if api_type == AzureMLEndpointApiType.realtime: try: choice = json.loads(output)["output"] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError) as e: raise ValueError(self.format_error_msg.format(api_type=api_type)) from e return ChatGeneration( message=BaseMessage( content=choice.strip(), type="assistant", ), generation_info=None, ) if api_type == AzureMLEndpointApiType.serverless: try: choice = json.loads(output)["choices"][0] if not isinstance(choice, dict): raise TypeError( "Endpoint response is not well formed for a chat " "model. Expected `dict` but `{type(choice)}` was received." ) except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError) as e: raise ValueError(self.format_error_msg.format(api_type=api_type)) from e return ChatGeneration( message=BaseMessage( content=choice["message"]["content"].strip(), type=choice["message"]["role"], ), generation_info=dict( finish_reason=choice.get("finish_reason"), logprobs=choice.get("logprobs"), ), ) raise ValueError(f"`api_type` {api_type} is not supported by this formatter") class AzureMLChatOnlineEndpoint(BaseChatModel, AzureMLBaseEndpoint): """Azure ML Online Endpoint chat models. Example: .. code-block:: python azure_llm = AzureMLOnlineEndpoint( endpoint_url="", endpoint_api_type=AzureMLApiType.realtime, endpoint_api_key="my-api-key", content_formatter=chat_content_formatter, ) """ # noqa: E501 @property def _identifying_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the identifying parameters.""" _model_kwargs = self.model_kwargs or {} return { **{"model_kwargs": _model_kwargs}, } @property def _llm_type(self) -> str: """Return type of llm.""" return "azureml_chat_endpoint" def _generate( self, messages: List[BaseMessage], stop: Optional[List[str]] = None, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForLLMRun] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ChatResult: """Call out to an AzureML Managed Online endpoint. Args: messages: The messages in the conversation with the chat model. stop: Optional list of stop words to use when generating. Returns: The string generated by the model. Example: .. code-block:: python response = azureml_model("Tell me a joke.") """ _model_kwargs = self.model_kwargs or {} _model_kwargs.update(kwargs) if stop: _model_kwargs["stop"] = stop request_payload = self.content_formatter.format_request_payload( messages, _model_kwargs, self.endpoint_api_type ) response_payload = body=request_payload, run_manager=run_manager ) generations = self.content_formatter.format_response_payload( response_payload, self.endpoint_api_type ) return ChatResult(generations=[generations])