import base64 import pytest from langchain_core.documents import Document from pytest_mock import MockerFixture from langchain_community.document_loaders.github import ( GithubFileLoader, GitHubIssuesLoader, ) def test_initialization() -> None: loader = GitHubIssuesLoader(repo="repo", access_token="access_token") assert loader.repo == "repo" assert loader.access_token == "access_token" assert loader.headers == { "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json", "Authorization": "Bearer access_token", } def test_initialization_ghe() -> None: loader = GitHubIssuesLoader( repo="repo", access_token="access_token", github_api_url="", ) assert loader.repo == "repo" assert loader.access_token == "access_token" assert loader.github_api_url == "" assert loader.headers == { "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json", "Authorization": "Bearer access_token", } def test_invalid_initialization() -> None: # Invalid parameter with pytest.raises(ValueError): GitHubIssuesLoader(invalid="parameter") # Invalid value for valid parameter with pytest.raises(ValueError): GitHubIssuesLoader(state="invalid_state") # Invalid type for labels with pytest.raises(ValueError): GitHubIssuesLoader(labels="not_a_list") # Invalid date format for since with pytest.raises(ValueError): GitHubIssuesLoader(since="not_a_date") def test_load_github_issue(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: mocker.patch( "requests.get", return_value=mocker.MagicMock(json=lambda: [], links=None) ) loader = GitHubIssuesLoader(repo="repo", access_token="access_token") documents = loader.load() assert documents == [] def test_parse_issue() -> None: issue = { "html_url": "", "title": "Example Issue 1", "user": {"login": "username1"}, "created_at": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z", "comments": 1, "state": "open", "labels": [{"name": "bug"}], "assignee": {"login": "username2"}, "milestone": {"title": "v1.0"}, "locked": "False", "number": "1", "body": "This is an example issue 1", } expected_document = Document( page_content=issue["body"], # type: ignore metadata={ "url": issue["html_url"], "title": issue["title"], "creator": issue["user"]["login"], # type: ignore "created_at": issue["created_at"], "comments": issue["comments"], "state": issue["state"], "labels": [label["name"] for label in issue["labels"]], # type: ignore "assignee": issue["assignee"]["login"], # type: ignore "milestone": issue["milestone"]["title"], # type: ignore "locked": issue["locked"], "number": issue["number"], "is_pull_request": False, }, ) loader = GitHubIssuesLoader(repo="repo", access_token="access_token") document = loader.parse_issue(issue) assert document == expected_document def test_url() -> None: # No parameters loader = GitHubIssuesLoader(repo="repo", access_token="access_token") assert loader.url == "" # parameters: state, sort loader = GitHubIssuesLoader( repo="repo", access_token="access_token", state="open", sort="created" ) assert ( loader.url == "" ) # parameters: milestone, state, assignee, creator, mentioned, labels, sort, # direction, since loader = GitHubIssuesLoader( repo="repo", access_token="access_token", milestone="*", state="closed", assignee="user1", creator="user2", mentioned="user3", labels=["bug", "ui", "@high"], sort="comments", direction="asc", since="2023-05-26T00:00:00Z", ) assert loader.url == ( "*&state=closed" "&assignee=user1&creator=user2&mentioned=user3&labels=bug,ui,@high" "&sort=comments&direction=asc&since=2023-05-26T00:00:00Z" ) def test_github_file_content_get_file_paths(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: # Mock the requests.get method to simulate the API response mocker.patch( "requests.get", return_value=mocker.MagicMock( json=lambda: { "tree": [ { "path": "", "mode": "100644", "type": "blob", "sha": "789", "size": 37, "url": "", } ] }, status_code=200, ), ) # case1: add file_filter loader = GithubFileLoader( repo="shufanhao/langchain", access_token="access_token", github_api_url="", file_filter=lambda file_path: file_path.endswith(".md"), ) # Call the load method files = loader.get_file_paths() # Assert the results assert len(files) == 1 assert files[0]["path"] == "" # case2: didn't add file_filter loader = GithubFileLoader( repo="shufanhao/langchain", access_token="access_token", github_api_url="", ) # Call the load method files = loader.get_file_paths() assert len(files) == 1 assert files[0]["path"] == "" # case3: add file_filter with a non-exist file path loader = GithubFileLoader( repo="shufanhao/langchain", access_token="access_token", github_api_url="", file_filter=lambda file_path: file_path.endswith(".py"), ) # Call the load method files = loader.get_file_paths() assert len(files) == 0 def test_github_file_content_loader(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None: # Mock the requests.get method to simulate the API response file_path_res = mocker.MagicMock( json=lambda: { "tree": [ { "path": "", "mode": "100644", "type": "blob", "sha": "789", "size": 37, "url": "", } ] }, status_code=200, ) file_content_res = mocker.MagicMock( json=lambda: {"content": base64.b64encode("Mocked content".encode("utf-8"))}, status_code=200, ) mocker.patch("requests.get", side_effect=[file_path_res, file_content_res]) # case1: file_extension=".md" loader = GithubFileLoader( repo="shufanhao/langchain", access_token="access_token", github_api_url="", ) # Call the load method docs = loader.load() assert len(docs) == 1 assert docs[0].page_content == "Mocked content" assert docs[0].metadata["sha"] == "789"