import os import py import pytest from langchain_community.document_loaders import GitLoader def init_repo(tmpdir: py.path.local, dir_name: str) -> str: from git import Repo repo_dir = tmpdir.mkdir(dir_name) repo = Repo.init(repo_dir) git = repo.git git.checkout(b="main") git.config("", "Test User") git.config("", "") sample_file = "file.txt" with open(os.path.join(repo_dir, sample_file), "w") as f: f.write("content") git.add([sample_file]) git.commit(m="Initial commit") return str(repo_dir) @pytest.mark.requires("git") def test_load_twice(tmpdir: py.path.local) -> None: """ Test that loading documents twice from the same repository does not raise an error. """ clone_url = init_repo(tmpdir, "remote_repo") repo_path = tmpdir.mkdir("local_repo").strpath loader = GitLoader(repo_path=repo_path, clone_url=clone_url) documents = loader.load() assert len(documents) == 1 documents = loader.load() assert len(documents) == 1 @pytest.mark.requires("git") def test_clone_different_repo(tmpdir: py.path.local) -> None: """ Test that trying to clone a different repository into a directory already containing a clone raises a ValueError. """ clone_url = init_repo(tmpdir, "remote_repo") repo_path = tmpdir.mkdir("local_repo").strpath loader = GitLoader(repo_path=repo_path, clone_url=clone_url) documents = loader.load() assert len(documents) == 1 other_clone_url = init_repo(tmpdir, "other_remote_repo") other_loader = GitLoader(repo_path=repo_path, clone_url=other_clone_url) with pytest.raises(ValueError): other_loader.load()