"""Run NatBot.""" import time from langchain.chains.natbot.base import NatBotChain from langchain.chains.natbot.crawler import Crawler def run_cmd(cmd: str, _crawler: Crawler) -> None: """Run command.""" cmd = cmd.split("\n")[0] if cmd.startswith("SCROLL UP"): _crawler.scroll("up") elif cmd.startswith("SCROLL DOWN"): _crawler.scroll("down") elif cmd.startswith("CLICK"): commasplit = cmd.split(",") id = commasplit[0].split(" ")[1] _crawler.click(id) elif cmd.startswith("TYPE"): spacesplit = cmd.split(" ") id = spacesplit[1] text_pieces = spacesplit[2:] text = " ".join(text_pieces) # Strip leading and trailing double quotes text = text[1:-1] if cmd.startswith("TYPESUBMIT"): text += "\n" _crawler.type(id, text) time.sleep(2) if __name__ == "__main__": objective = "Make a reservation for 2 at 7pm at bistro vida in menlo park" print("\nWelcome to natbot! What is your objective?") i = input() if len(i) > 0: objective = i quiet = False nat_bot_chain = NatBotChain.from_default(objective) _crawler = Crawler() _crawler.go_to_page("google.com") try: while True: browser_content = "\n".join(_crawler.crawl()) llm_command = nat_bot_chain.execute(_crawler.page.url, browser_content) if not quiet: print("URL: " + _crawler.page.url) print("Objective: " + objective) print("----------------\n" + browser_content + "\n----------------\n") if len(llm_command) > 0: print("Suggested command: " + llm_command) command = input() if command == "r" or command == "": run_cmd(llm_command, _crawler) elif command == "g": url = input("URL:") _crawler.go_to_page(url) elif command == "u": _crawler.scroll("up") time.sleep(1) elif command == "d": _crawler.scroll("down") time.sleep(1) elif command == "c": id = input("id:") _crawler.click(id) time.sleep(1) elif command == "t": id = input("id:") text = input("text:") _crawler.type(id, text) time.sleep(1) elif command == "o": objective = input("Objective:") else: print( "(g) to visit url\n(u) scroll up\n(d) scroll down\n(c) to click" "\n(t) to type\n(h) to view commands again" "\n(r/enter) to run suggested command\n(o) change objective" ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n[!] Ctrl+C detected, exiting gracefully.") exit(0)