"""Util that Searches calendar events in Office 365. Free, but setup is required. See link below. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth/ """ from datetime import datetime as dt from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type from langchain_core.callbacks import CallbackManagerForToolRun from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Extra, Field from langchain_community.tools.office365.base import O365BaseTool from langchain_community.tools.office365.utils import UTC_FORMAT, clean_body class SearchEventsInput(BaseModel): """Input for SearchEmails Tool. From https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/search-query-parameter""" start_datetime: str = Field( description=( " The start datetime for the search query in the following format: " ' YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mm, where "T" separates the date and time ' " components, and the time zone offset is specified as ±hh:mm. " ' For example: "2023-06-09T10:30:00+03:00" represents June 9th, ' " 2023, at 10:30 AM in a time zone with a positive offset of 3 " " hours from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)." ) ) end_datetime: str = Field( description=( " The end datetime for the search query in the following format: " ' YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS±hh:mm, where "T" separates the date and time ' " components, and the time zone offset is specified as ±hh:mm. " ' For example: "2023-06-09T10:30:00+03:00" represents June 9th, ' " 2023, at 10:30 AM in a time zone with a positive offset of 3 " " hours from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)." ) ) max_results: int = Field( default=10, description="The maximum number of results to return.", ) truncate: bool = Field( default=True, description=( "Whether the event's body is truncated to meet token number limits. Set to " "False for searches that will retrieve small events, otherwise, set to " "True." ), ) class O365SearchEvents(O365BaseTool): """Class for searching calendar events in Office 365 Free, but setup is required """ name: str = "events_search" args_schema: Type[BaseModel] = SearchEventsInput description: str = ( " Use this tool to search for the user's calendar events." " The input must be the start and end datetimes for the search query." " The output is a JSON list of all the events in the user's calendar" " between the start and end times. You can assume that the user can " " not schedule any meeting over existing meetings, and that the user " "is busy during meetings. Any times without events are free for the user. " ) class Config: """Configuration for this pydantic object.""" extra = Extra.forbid def _run( self, start_datetime: str, end_datetime: str, max_results: int = 10, truncate: bool = True, run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForToolRun] = None, truncate_limit: int = 150, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: # Get calendar object schedule = self.account.schedule() calendar = schedule.get_default_calendar() # Process the date range parameters start_datetime_query = dt.strptime(start_datetime, UTC_FORMAT) end_datetime_query = dt.strptime(end_datetime, UTC_FORMAT) # Run the query q = calendar.new_query("start").greater_equal(start_datetime_query) q.chain("and").on_attribute("end").less_equal(end_datetime_query) events = calendar.get_events(query=q, include_recurring=True, limit=max_results) # Generate output dict output_events = [] for event in events: output_event = {} output_event["organizer"] = event.organizer output_event["subject"] = event.subject if truncate: output_event["body"] = clean_body(event.body)[:truncate_limit] else: output_event["body"] = clean_body(event.body) # Get the time zone from the search parameters time_zone = start_datetime_query.tzinfo # Assign the datetimes in the search time zone output_event["start_datetime"] = event.start.astimezone(time_zone).strftime( UTC_FORMAT ) output_event["end_datetime"] = event.end.astimezone(time_zone).strftime( UTC_FORMAT ) output_event["modified_date"] = event.modified.astimezone( time_zone ).strftime(UTC_FORMAT) output_events.append(output_event) return output_events