# flake8: noqa GET_ISSUES_PROMPT = """ This tool will fetch a list of the repository's issues. It will return the title, and issue number of 5 issues. It takes no input. """ GET_ISSUE_PROMPT = """ This tool will fetch the title, body, and comment thread of a specific issue. **VERY IMPORTANT**: You must specify the issue number as an integer. """ COMMENT_ON_ISSUE_PROMPT = """ This tool is useful when you need to comment on a GitLab issue. Simply pass in the issue number and the comment you would like to make. Please use this sparingly as we don't want to clutter the comment threads. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Your input to this tool MUST strictly follow these rules: - First you must specify the issue number as an integer - Then you must place two newlines - Then you must specify your comment """ CREATE_PULL_REQUEST_PROMPT = """ This tool is useful when you need to create a new pull request in a GitLab repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Your input to this tool MUST strictly follow these rules: - First you must specify the title of the pull request - Then you must place two newlines - Then you must write the body or description of the pull request To reference an issue in the body, put its issue number directly after a #. For example, if you would like to create a pull request called "README updates" with contents "added contributors' names, closes issue #3", you would pass in the following string: README updates added contributors' names, closes issue #3 """ CREATE_FILE_PROMPT = """ This tool is a wrapper for the GitLab API, useful when you need to create a file in a GitLab repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Your input to this tool MUST strictly follow these rules: - First you must specify which file to create by passing a full file path (**IMPORTANT**: the path must not start with a slash) - Then you must specify the contents of the file For example, if you would like to create a file called /test/test.txt with contents "test contents", you would pass in the following string: test/test.txt test contents """ READ_FILE_PROMPT = """ This tool is a wrapper for the GitLab API, useful when you need to read the contents of a file in a GitLab repository. Simply pass in the full file path of the file you would like to read. **IMPORTANT**: the path must not start with a slash """ UPDATE_FILE_PROMPT = """ This tool is a wrapper for the GitLab API, useful when you need to update the contents of a file in a GitLab repository. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Your input to this tool MUST strictly follow these rules: - First you must specify which file to modify by passing a full file path (**IMPORTANT**: the path must not start with a slash) - Then you must specify the old contents which you would like to replace wrapped in OLD <<<< and >>>> OLD - Then you must specify the new contents which you would like to replace the old contents with wrapped in NEW <<<< and >>>> NEW For example, if you would like to replace the contents of the file /test/test.txt from "old contents" to "new contents", you would pass in the following string: test/test.txt This is text that will not be changed OLD <<<< old contents >>>> OLD NEW <<<< new contents >>>> NEW """ DELETE_FILE_PROMPT = """ This tool is a wrapper for the GitLab API, useful when you need to delete a file in a GitLab repository. Simply pass in the full file path of the file you would like to delete. **IMPORTANT**: the path must not start with a slash """