""" Test Amazon Bedrock API wrapper and services i.e 'Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock'. You can get a list of models from the bedrock client by running 'bedrock_models()' """ import os from typing import Any import pytest from langchain_core.callbacks import AsyncCallbackHandler from langchain_community.llms.bedrock import Bedrock # this is the guardrails id for the model you want to test GUARDRAILS_ID = os.environ.get("GUARDRAILS_ID", "7jarelix77") # this is the guardrails version for the model you want to test GUARDRAILS_VERSION = os.environ.get("GUARDRAILS_VERSION", "1") # this should trigger the guardrails - you can change this to any text you want which # will trigger the guardrails GUARDRAILS_TRIGGER = os.environ.get( "GUARDRAILS_TRIGGERING_QUERY", "I want to talk about politics." ) class BedrockAsyncCallbackHandler(AsyncCallbackHandler): """Async callback handler that can be used to handle callbacks from langchain.""" guardrails_intervened = False async def on_llm_error( self, error: BaseException, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: reason = kwargs.get("reason") if reason == "GUARDRAIL_INTERVENED": self.guardrails_intervened = True def get_response(self): return self.guardrails_intervened @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def bedrock_runtime_client(): import boto3 try: client = boto3.client( "bedrock-runtime", region_name=os.environ.get("AWS_REGION", "us-east-1"), ) return client except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"can not connect to bedrock-runtime client: {e}", pytrace=False) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def bedrock_client(): import boto3 try: client = boto3.client( "bedrock", region_name=os.environ.get("AWS_REGION", "us-east-1"), ) return client except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"can not connect to bedrock client: {e}", pytrace=False) @pytest.fixture def bedrock_models(bedrock_client): """List bedrock models.""" response = bedrock_client.list_foundation_models().get("modelSummaries") models = {} for model in response: models[model.get("modelId")] = model.get("modelName") return models def test_claude_instant_v1(bedrock_runtime_client, bedrock_models): try: llm = Bedrock( model_id="anthropic.claude-instant-v1", client=bedrock_runtime_client, model_kwargs={}, ) output = llm("Say something positive:") assert isinstance(output, str) except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"can not instantiate claude-instant-v1: {e}", pytrace=False) def test_amazon_bedrock_guardrails_no_intervention_for_valid_query( bedrock_runtime_client, bedrock_models ): try: llm = Bedrock( model_id="anthropic.claude-instant-v1", client=bedrock_runtime_client, model_kwargs={}, guardrails={ "id": GUARDRAILS_ID, "version": GUARDRAILS_VERSION, "trace": False, }, ) output = llm("Say something positive:") assert isinstance(output, str) except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"can not instantiate claude-instant-v1: {e}", pytrace=False) def test_amazon_bedrock_guardrails_intervention_for_invalid_query( bedrock_runtime_client, bedrock_models ): try: handler = BedrockAsyncCallbackHandler() llm = Bedrock( model_id="anthropic.claude-instant-v1", client=bedrock_runtime_client, model_kwargs={}, guardrails={ "id": GUARDRAILS_ID, "version": GUARDRAILS_VERSION, "trace": True, }, callbacks=[handler], ) except Exception as e: pytest.fail(f"can not instantiate claude-instant-v1: {e}", pytrace=False) else: llm(GUARDRAILS_TRIGGER) guardrails_intervened = handler.get_response() assert guardrails_intervened is True