SHELL := /bin/bash .PHONY: all format lint test tests integration_test integration_tests spell_check help # Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. all: help # Define a variable for the test file path. TEST_FILE ?= tests/unit_tests/ INTEGRATION_TEST_FILE ?= tests/integration_tests/ test: poetry run pytest $(TEST_FILE) tests: poetry run pytest $(TEST_FILE) integration_test: poetry run pytest $(INTEGRATION_TEST_FILE) integration_tests: poetry run pytest $(INTEGRATION_TEST_FILE) ###################### # LINTING AND FORMATTING ###################### # Define a variable for Python and notebook files. PYTHON_FILES=. MYPY_CACHE=.mypy_cache lint format: PYTHON_FILES=. lint_diff format_diff: PYTHON_FILES=$(shell git diff --relative=libs/partners/astradb --name-only --diff-filter=d master | grep -E '\.py$$|\.ipynb$$') lint_package: PYTHON_FILES=langchain_astradb lint_tests: PYTHON_FILES=tests lint_tests: MYPY_CACHE=.mypy_cache_test lint lint_diff lint_package lint_tests: poetry run ruff . poetry run ruff format $(PYTHON_FILES) --diff poetry run ruff --select I $(PYTHON_FILES) mkdir -p $(MYPY_CACHE); poetry run mypy $(PYTHON_FILES) --cache-dir $(MYPY_CACHE) format format_diff: poetry run ruff format $(PYTHON_FILES) poetry run ruff --select I --fix $(PYTHON_FILES) spell_check: poetry run codespell --toml pyproject.toml spell_fix: poetry run codespell --toml pyproject.toml -w check_imports: $(shell find langchain_astradb -name '*.py') poetry run python ./scripts/ $^ ###################### # HELP ###################### help: @echo '----' @echo 'check_imports - check imports' @echo 'format - run code formatters' @echo 'lint - run linters' @echo 'test - run unit tests' @echo 'tests - run unit tests' @echo 'test TEST_FILE= - run all tests in file'