from __future__ import annotations import json import logging import time from functools import partial from typing import ( Any, AsyncIterator, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, ) import aiohttp import requests from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import ( BaseModel, Field, PrivateAttr, SecretStr, root_validator, ) from langchain_core.utils import get_from_dict_or_env from requests.models import Response logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NVEModel(BaseModel): """ Underlying Client for interacting with the AI Foundation Model Function API. Leveraged by the NVIDIABaseModel to provide a simple requests-oriented interface. Direct abstraction over NGC-recommended streaming/non-streaming Python solutions. NOTE: Models in the playground does not currently support raw text continuation. """ ## Core defaults. These probably should not be changed fetch_url_format: str = Field("") call_invoke_base: str = Field("") func_list_format: str = Field("") get_session_fn: Callable = Field(requests.Session) get_asession_fn: Callable = Field(aiohttp.ClientSession) nvidia_api_key: SecretStr = Field( ..., description="API key for NVIDIA Foundation Endpoints. Starts with `nvapi-`", ) is_staging: bool = Field(False, description="Whether to use staging API") ## Generation arguments timeout: float = Field(60, ge=0, description="Timeout for waiting on response (s)") interval: float = Field(0.02, ge=0, description="Interval for pulling response") last_inputs: dict = Field({}, description="Last inputs sent over to the server") payload_fn: Callable = Field(lambda d: d, description="Function to process payload") headers_tmpl: dict = Field( ..., description="Headers template for API calls." " Should contain `call` and `stream` keys.", ) _available_functions: Optional[List[dict]] = PrivateAttr(default=None) _available_models: Optional[dict] = PrivateAttr(default=None) @property def headers(self) -> dict: """Return headers with API key injected""" headers_ = self.headers_tmpl.copy() for header in headers_.values(): if "{nvidia_api_key}" in header["Authorization"]: header["Authorization"] = header["Authorization"].format( nvidia_api_key=self.nvidia_api_key.get_secret_value(), ) return headers_ @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_model(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Validate and update model arguments, including API key and formatting""" values["nvidia_api_key"] = get_from_dict_or_env( values, "nvidia_api_key", "NVIDIA_API_KEY", ) if "nvapi-" not in values.get("nvidia_api_key", ""): raise ValueError("Invalid NVAPI key detected. Should start with `nvapi-`") values["is_staging"] = "nvapi-stg-" in values["nvidia_api_key"] if "headers_tmpl" not in values: call_kvs = { "Accept": "application/json", } stream_kvs = { "Accept": "text/event-stream", "content-type": "application/json", } shared_kvs = { "Authorization": "Bearer {nvidia_api_key}", "User-Agent": "langchain-nvidia-ai-endpoints", } values["headers_tmpl"] = { "call": {**call_kvs, **shared_kvs}, "stream": {**stream_kvs, **shared_kvs}, } return values @root_validator(pre=False) def validate_model_post(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Additional validation after default values have been put in""" values["stagify"] = partial(cls._stagify, is_staging=values["is_staging"]) values["fetch_url_format"] = values["stagify"](values.get("fetch_url_format")) values["call_invoke_base"] = values["stagify"](values.get("call_invoke_base")) return values @property def available_models(self) -> dict: """List the available models that can be invoked.""" if self._available_models is not None: return self._available_models live_fns = [v for v in self.available_functions if v.get("status") == "ACTIVE"] self._available_models = {v["name"]: v["id"] for v in live_fns} return self._available_models @property def available_functions(self) -> List[dict]: """List the available functions that can be invoked.""" if self._available_functions is not None: return self._available_functions invoke_url = self._stagify(self.func_list_format, self.is_staging) query_res = self.query(invoke_url) if "functions" not in query_res: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected response when querying {invoke_url}\n{query_res}" ) self._available_functions = query_res["functions"] return self._available_functions @staticmethod def _stagify(path: str, is_staging: bool) -> str: """Helper method to switch between staging and production endpoints""" if is_staging and "stg.api" not in path: return path.replace("api.", "stg.api.") if not is_staging and "stg.api" in path: return path.replace("stg.api.", "api.") return path #################################################################################### ## Core utilities for posting and getting from NV Endpoints def _post(self, invoke_url: str, payload: dict = {}) -> Tuple[Response, Any]: """Method for posting to the AI Foundation Model Function API.""" self.last_inputs = { "url": invoke_url, "headers": self.headers["call"], "json": self.payload_fn(payload), "stream": False, } session = self.get_session_fn() response =**self.last_inputs) self._try_raise(response) return response, session def _get(self, invoke_url: str, payload: dict = {}) -> Tuple[Response, Any]: """Method for getting from the AI Foundation Model Function API.""" self.last_inputs = { "url": invoke_url, "headers": self.headers["call"], "json": self.payload_fn(payload), "stream": False, } session = self.get_session_fn() last_response = session.get(**self.last_inputs) self._try_raise(last_response) return last_response, session def _wait(self, response: Response, session: Any) -> Response: """Wait for a response from API after an initial response is made""" start_time = time.time() while response.status_code == 202: time.sleep(self.interval) if (time.time() - start_time) > self.timeout: raise TimeoutError( f"Timeout reached without a successful response." f"\nLast response: {str(response)}" ) request_id = response.headers.get("NVCF-REQID", "") response = session.get( self.fetch_url_format + request_id, headers=self.headers["call"], ) self._try_raise(response) return response def _try_raise(self, response: Response) -> None: """Try to raise an error from a response""" ## (VK) Several systems can throw errors. This tries to coerce all of them ## If we can't predictably pull out request id, then dump response try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError: try: rd = response.json() if "detail" in rd and "reqId" in rd.get("detail", ""): rd_buf = "- " + str(rd["detail"]) rd_buf = rd_buf.replace(": ", ", Error: ").replace(", ", "\n- ") rd["detail"] = rd_buf except json.JSONDecodeError: rd = response.__dict__ rd = rd.get("_content", rd) if isinstance(rd, bytes): rd = rd.decode("utf-8")[5:] ## remove "data:" prefix try: rd = json.loads(rd) except Exception: rd = {"detail": rd} status = rd.get("status", "###") title = rd.get("title", rd.get("error", "Unknown Error")) header = f"[{status}] {title}" body = "" if "requestId" in rd: if "detail" in rd: body += f"{rd['detail']}\n" body += "RequestID: " + rd["requestId"] else: body = rd.get("detail", rd) if str(status) == "401": body += "\nPlease check or regenerate your API key." raise Exception(f"{header}\n{body}") from None #################################################################################### ## Simple query interface to show the set of model options def query(self, invoke_url: str, payload: dict = {}) -> dict: """Simple method for an end-to-end get query. Returns result dictionary""" response, session = self._get(invoke_url, payload) response = self._wait(response, session) output = self._process_response(response)[0] return output def _process_response(self, response: Union[str, Response]) -> List[dict]: """General-purpose response processing for single responses and streams""" if hasattr(response, "json"): ## For single response (i.e. non-streaming) try: return [response.json()] except json.JSONDecodeError: response = str(response.__dict__) if isinstance(response, str): ## For set of responses (i.e. streaming) msg_list = [] for msg in response.split("\n\n"): if "{" not in msg: continue msg_list += [json.loads(msg[msg.find("{") :])] return msg_list raise ValueError(f"Received ill-formed response: {response}") def _get_invoke_url( self, model_name: Optional[str] = None, invoke_url: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """Helper method to get invoke URL from a model name, URL, or endpoint stub""" if not invoke_url: if not model_name: raise ValueError("URL or model name must be specified to invoke") if model_name in self.available_models: invoke_url = self.available_models[model_name] elif f"playground_{model_name}" in self.available_models: invoke_url = self.available_models[f"playground_{model_name}"] else: available_models_str = "\n".join( [f"{k} - {v}" for k, v in self.available_models.items()] ) raise ValueError( f"Unknown model name {model_name} specified." "\nAvailable models are:\n" f"{available_models_str}" ) if not invoke_url: # For mypy raise ValueError("URL or model name must be specified to invoke") # Why is this even needed? if "http" not in invoke_url: invoke_url = f"{self.call_invoke_base}/{invoke_url}" return invoke_url #################################################################################### ## Generation interface to allow users to generate new values from endpoints def get_req( self, model_name: Optional[str] = None, payload: dict = {}, invoke_url: Optional[str] = None, stop: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Response: """Post to the API.""" invoke_url = self._get_invoke_url(model_name, invoke_url) if payload.get("stream", False) is True: payload = {**payload, "stream": False} response, session = self._post(invoke_url, payload) return self._wait(response, session) def get_req_generation( self, model_name: Optional[str] = None, payload: dict = {}, invoke_url: Optional[str] = None, stop: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> dict: """Method for an end-to-end post query with NVE post-processing.""" response = self.get_req(model_name, payload, invoke_url) output, _ = self.postprocess(response, stop=stop) return output def postprocess( self, response: Union[str, Response], stop: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None ) -> Tuple[dict, bool]: """Parses a response from the AI Foundation Model Function API. Strongly assumes that the API will return a single response. """ msg_list = self._process_response(response) msg, is_stopped = self._aggregate_msgs(msg_list) msg, is_stopped = self._early_stop_msg(msg, is_stopped, stop=stop) return msg, is_stopped def _aggregate_msgs(self, msg_list: Sequence[dict]) -> Tuple[dict, bool]: """Dig out relevant details of aggregated message""" content_buffer: Dict[str, Any] = dict() content_holder: Dict[Any, Any] = dict() is_stopped = False for msg in msg_list: if "choices" in msg: ## Tease out ['choices'][0]...['delta'/'message'] msg = msg.get("choices", [{}])[0] is_stopped = msg.get("finish_reason", "") == "stop" msg = msg.get("delta", msg.get("message", {"content": ""})) elif "data" in msg: ## Tease out ['data'][0]...['embedding'] msg = msg.get("data", [{}])[0] content_holder = msg for k, v in msg.items(): if k in ("content",) and k in content_buffer: content_buffer[k] += v else: content_buffer[k] = v if is_stopped: break content_holder = {**content_holder, **content_buffer} return content_holder, is_stopped def _early_stop_msg( self, msg: dict, is_stopped: bool, stop: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None ) -> Tuple[dict, bool]: """Try to early-terminate streaming or generation by iterating over stop list""" content = msg.get("content", "") if content and stop: for stop_str in stop: if stop_str and stop_str in content: msg["content"] = content[: content.find(stop_str) + 1] is_stopped = True return msg, is_stopped #################################################################################### ## Streaming interface to allow you to iterate through progressive generations def get_req_stream( self, model: Optional[str] = None, payload: dict = {}, invoke_url: Optional[str] = None, stop: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> Iterator: invoke_url = self._get_invoke_url(model, invoke_url) if payload.get("stream", True) is False: payload = {**payload, "stream": True} self.last_inputs = { "url": invoke_url, "headers": self.headers["stream"], "json": payload, "stream": True, } response = self.get_session_fn().post(**self.last_inputs) self._try_raise(response) call = self.copy() def out_gen() -> Generator[dict, Any, Any]: ## Good for client, since it allows self.last_inputs for line in response.iter_lines(): if line and line.strip() != b"data: [DONE]": line = line.decode("utf-8") msg, final_line = call.postprocess(line, stop=stop) yield msg if final_line: break self._try_raise(response) return (r for r in out_gen()) #################################################################################### ## Asynchronous streaming interface to allow multiple generations to happen at once. async def get_req_astream( self, model: Optional[str] = None, payload: dict = {}, invoke_url: Optional[str] = None, stop: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> AsyncIterator: invoke_url = self._get_invoke_url(model, invoke_url) if payload.get("stream", True) is False: payload = {**payload, "stream": True} self.last_inputs = { "url": invoke_url, "headers": self.headers["stream"], "json": payload, } async with self.get_asession_fn() as session: async with**self.last_inputs) as response: self._try_raise(response) async for line in response.content.iter_any(): if line and line.strip() != b"data: [DONE]": line = line.decode("utf-8") msg, final_line = self.postprocess(line, stop=stop) yield msg if final_line: break class _NVIDIAClient(BaseModel): """ Higher-Level AI Foundation Model Function API Client with argument defaults. Is subclassed by ChatNVIDIA to provide a simple LangChain interface. """ client: NVEModel = Field(NVEModel) model: str = Field(..., description="Name of the model to invoke") #################################################################################### @root_validator(pre=True) def validate_client(cls, values: Any) -> Any: """Validate and update client arguments, including API key and formatting""" if not values.get("client"): values["client"] = NVEModel(**values) return values @classmethod def is_lc_serializable(cls) -> bool: return True @property def available_functions(self) -> List[dict]: """Map the available functions that can be invoked.""" return self.client.available_functions @property def available_models(self) -> dict: """Map the available models that can be invoked.""" return self.client.available_models @staticmethod def get_available_functions(**kwargs: Any) -> List[dict]: """Map the available functions that can be invoked. Callable from class""" return NVEModel(**kwargs).available_functions @staticmethod def get_available_models(**kwargs: Any) -> dict: """Map the available models that can be invoked. Callable from class""" return NVEModel(**kwargs).available_models def get_model_details(self, model: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """Get more meta-details about a model retrieved by a given name""" if model is None: model = self.model model_key = self.client._get_invoke_url(model).split("/")[-1] known_fns = self.client.available_functions fn_spec = [f for f in known_fns if f.get("id") == model_key][0] return fn_spec