# Predibase Learn how to use LangChain with models on Predibase. ## Setup - Create a [Predibase](hhttps://predibase.com/) account and [API key](https://docs.predibase.com/sdk-guide/intro). - Install the Predibase Python client with `pip install predibase` - Use your API key to authenticate ### LLM Predibase integrates with LangChain by implementing LLM module. You can see a short example below or a full notebook under LLM > Integrations > Predibase. ```python import os os.environ["PREDIBASE_API_TOKEN"] = "{PREDIBASE_API_TOKEN}" from langchain.llms import Predibase model = Predibase(model = 'vicuna-13b', predibase_api_key=os.environ.get('PREDIBASE_API_TOKEN')) response = model("Can you recommend me a nice dry wine?") print(response) ```