# Hugging Face This page covers how to use the Hugging Face ecosystem (including the [Hugging Face Hub](https://huggingface.co)) within LangChain. It is broken into two parts: installation and setup, and then references to specific Hugging Face wrappers. ## Installation and Setup If you want to work with the Hugging Face Hub: - Install the Hub client library with `pip install huggingface_hub` - Create a Hugging Face account (it's free!) - Create an [access token](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/security-tokens) and set it as an environment variable (`HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN`) If you want work with the Hugging Face Python libraries: - Install `pip install transformers` for working with models and tokenizers - Install `pip install datasets` for working with datasets ## Wrappers ### LLM There exists two Hugging Face LLM wrappers, one for a local pipeline and one for a model hosted on Hugging Face Hub. Note that these wrappers only work for models that support the following tasks: [`text2text-generation`](https://huggingface.co/models?library=transformers&pipeline_tag=text2text-generation&sort=downloads), [`text-generation`](https://huggingface.co/models?library=transformers&pipeline_tag=text-classification&sort=downloads) To use the local pipeline wrapper: ```python from langchain.llms import HuggingFacePipeline ``` To use a the wrapper for a model hosted on Hugging Face Hub: ```python from langchain.llms import HuggingFaceHub ``` For a more detailed walkthrough of the Hugging Face Hub wrapper, see [this notebook](/docs/integrations/llms/huggingface_hub.html) ### Embeddings There exists two Hugging Face Embeddings wrappers, one for a local model and one for a model hosted on Hugging Face Hub. Note that these wrappers only work for [`sentence-transformers` models](https://huggingface.co/models?library=sentence-transformers&sort=downloads). To use the local pipeline wrapper: ```python from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings ``` To use a the wrapper for a model hosted on Hugging Face Hub: ```python from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceHubEmbeddings ``` For a more detailed walkthrough of this, see [this notebook](/docs/integrations/text_embedding/huggingfacehub.html) ### Tokenizer There are several places you can use tokenizers available through the `transformers` package. By default, it is used to count tokens for all LLMs. You can also use it to count tokens when splitting documents with ```python from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter CharacterTextSplitter.from_huggingface_tokenizer(...) ``` For a more detailed walkthrough of this, see [this notebook](/docs/modules/data_connection/document_transformers/text_splitters/huggingface_length_function.html) ### Datasets The Hugging Face Hub has lots of great [datasets](https://huggingface.co/datasets) that can be used to evaluate your LLM chains. For a detailed walkthrough of how to use them to do so, see [this notebook](/docs/use_cases/evaluation/huggingface_datasets.html)