import sys from pathlib import Path SEARCH_TOOL_FEAT_TABLE = { "Exa Search": { "pricing": "1000 free searches/month", "available_data": "URL, Author, Title, Published Date", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/exa_search", }, "Bing Search": { "pricing": "Paid", "available_data": "URL, Snippet, Title", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/bing_search", }, "DuckDuckgoSearch": { "pricing": "Free", "available_data": "URL, Snippet, Title", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/ddg", }, "Brave Search": { "pricing": "Free", "available_data": "URL, Snippet, Title", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/brave_search", }, "Google Search": { "pricing": "Paid", "available_data": "URL, Snippet, Title", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/google_search", }, "Google Serper": { "pricing": "Free", "available_data": "URL, Snippet, Title, Search Rank, Site Links", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/google_serper", }, "Mojeek Search": { "pricing": "Paid", "available_data": "URL, Snippet, Title", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/mojeek_search", }, "SearxNG Search": { "pricing": "Free", "available_data": "URL, Snippet, Title, Category", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/searx_search", }, " Search": { "pricing": "Free for 60 days", "available_data": "URL, Title, Page Content", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/you", }, "SearchApi": { "pricing": "100 Free Searches on Sign Up", "available_data": "URL, Snippet, Title, Search Rank, Site Links, Authors", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/searchapi", }, "SerpAPI": { "pricing": "100 Free Searches/Month", "available_data": "Answer", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/serpapi", }, } CODE_INTERPRETER_TOOL_FEAT_TABLE = { "Bearly Code Interpreter": { "langauges": "Python", "sandbox_lifetime": "Resets on Execution", "upload": True, "return_results": "Text", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/bearly", }, "Riza Code Interpreter": { "langauges": "Python, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby", "sandbox_lifetime": "Resets on Execution", "upload": False, "return_results": "Text", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/riza", }, "E2B Data Analysis": { "langauges": "Python. In beta: JavaScript, R, Java", "sandbox_lifetime": "24 Hours", "upload": True, "return_results": "Text, Images, Videos", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/e2b_data_analysis", }, "Azure Container Apps dynamic sessions": { "langauges": "Python", "sandbox_lifetime": "1 Hour", "upload": True, "return_results": "Text, Images", "link": "/docs/integrations/tools/azure_dynamic_sessions", }, } TOOLS_TEMPLATE = """\ --- sidebar_position: 0 sidebar_class_name: hidden keywords: [compatibility] custom_edit_url: hide_table_of_contents: true --- # Tools :::info If you'd like to write your own tool, see [this how-to](/docs/how_to/custom_tools/). If you'd like to contribute an integration, see [Contributing integrations](/docs/contributing/integrations/). ::: ## Search Tools The following table shows tools that execute online searches in some shape or form: {search_table} ## Code Interpreter Tools The following table shows tools that can be used as code interpreters: {code_interpreter_table} """ def get_search_tools_table() -> str: """Get the table of search tools.""" header = ["tool", "pricing", "available_data"] title = ["Tool", "Free/Paid", "Return Data"] rows = [title, [":-"] + [":-:"] * (len(title) - 1)] for search_tool, feats in sorted(SEARCH_TOOL_FEAT_TABLE.items()): # Fields are in the order of the header row = [ f"[{search_tool}]({feats['link']})", ] for h in header[1:]: row.append(feats.get(h)) rows.append(row) return "\n".join(["|".join(row) for row in rows]) def get_code_interpreter_table() -> str: """Get the table of search tools.""" header = [ "tool", "langauges", "sandbox_lifetime", "upload", "return_results", ] title = [ "Tool", "Supported Languages", "Sandbox Lifetime", "Supports File Uploads", "Return Types", ] rows = [title, [":-"] + [":-:"] * (len(title) - 1)] for search_tool, feats in sorted(CODE_INTERPRETER_TOOL_FEAT_TABLE.items()): # Fields are in the order of the header row = [ f"[{search_tool}]({feats['link']})", ] for h in header[1:]: value = feats.get(h) if h == "upload": if value is True: row.append("✅") else: row.append("❌") else: row.append(value) rows.append(row) return "\n".join(["|".join(row) for row in rows]) if __name__ == "__main__": output_dir = Path(sys.argv[1]) output_integrations_dir = output_dir / "integrations" output_integrations_dir_tools = output_integrations_dir / "tools" output_integrations_dir_tools.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) tools_page = TOOLS_TEMPLATE.format( search_table=get_search_tools_table(), code_interpreter_table=get_code_interpreter_table(), ) with open(output_integrations_dir / "tools" / "index.mdx", "w") as f: f.write(tools_page)