import json import re import sys from functools import cache from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Union CURR_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() CLI_TEMPLATE_DIR = ( CURR_DIR.parent.parent / "libs/cli/langchain_cli/integration_template/docs" ) INFO_BY_DIR: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[int, str]]] = { "chat": { "issue_number": 22296, }, "document_loaders": { "issue_number": 22866, }, "stores": {}, "llms": { "issue_number": 24803, }, "text_embedding": {"issue_number": 14856}, "toolkits": {"issue_number": "TODO"}, "tools": {"issue_number": "TODO"}, "vectorstores": {"issue_number": 24800}, "retrievers": {"issue_number": "TODO"}, } @cache def _get_headers(doc_dir: str) -> Iterable[str]: """Gets all markdown headers ## and below from the integration template. Ignores headers that contain "TODO".""" ipynb_name = f"{doc_dir}.ipynb" if not (CLI_TEMPLATE_DIR / ipynb_name).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {ipynb_name} in {CLI_TEMPLATE_DIR}") with open(CLI_TEMPLATE_DIR / ipynb_name, "r") as f: nb = json.load(f) headers: List[str] = [] for cell in nb["cells"]: if cell["cell_type"] == "markdown": for line in cell["source"]: if not line.startswith("##") or "TODO" in line: continue header = line.strip() headers.append(header) return headers def check_header_order(path: Path) -> None: doc_dir = if doc_dir not in INFO_BY_DIR: # Skip if not a directory we care about return headers = _get_headers(doc_dir) issue_number = INFO_BY_DIR[doc_dir].get("issue_number", "nonexistent") print(f"Checking {doc_dir} page {path}") with open(path, "r") as f: doc = regex = r".*".join(headers) if not, doc, re.DOTALL): issueline = ( ( " Please see" f"{issue_number} for instructions on how to correctly format a " f"{doc_dir} integration page." ) if isinstance(issue_number, int) else "" ) raise ValueError( f"Document {path} does not match the expected header order.{issueline}" ) def main(*new_doc_paths: Union[str, Path]) -> None: for path in new_doc_paths: path = Path(path).resolve().absolute() if CURR_DIR.parent / "docs" / "integrations" in path.parents: check_header_order(path) else: continue if __name__ == "__main__": main(*sys.argv[1:])