from __future__ import annotations import logging import os import pathlib import platform from typing import Optional, Tuple from langchain_core.documents import Document from langchain_core.env import get_runtime_environment from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseLoader logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLUGIN_VERSION = "0.1.1" CLASSIFIER_URL = os.getenv("PEBBLO_CLASSIFIER_URL", "http://localhost:8000") PEBBLO_CLOUD_URL = os.getenv("PEBBLO_CLOUD_URL", "") LOADER_DOC_URL = "/v1/loader/doc" APP_DISCOVER_URL = "/v1/app/discover" # Supported loaders for Pebblo safe data loading file_loader = [ "JSONLoader", "S3FileLoader", "UnstructuredMarkdownLoader", "UnstructuredPDFLoader", "UnstructuredFileLoader", "UnstructuredJsonLoader", "PyPDFLoader", "GCSFileLoader", "AmazonTextractPDFLoader", "CSVLoader", "UnstructuredExcelLoader", "UnstructuredEmailLoader", ] dir_loader = [ "DirectoryLoader", "S3DirLoader", "SlackDirectoryLoader", "PyPDFDirectoryLoader", "NotionDirectoryLoader", ] in_memory = ["DataFrameLoader"] remote_db = [ "NotionDBLoader", "GoogleDriveLoader", ] LOADER_TYPE_MAPPING = { "file": file_loader, "dir": dir_loader, "in-memory": in_memory, "remote_db": remote_db, } SUPPORTED_LOADERS = (*file_loader, *dir_loader, *in_memory) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class IndexedDocument(Document): id: str class Runtime(BaseModel): """Pebblo Runtime. Args: type (Optional[str]): Runtime type. Defaults to "" host (str): Hostname of runtime. path (str): Current working directory path. ip (Optional[str]): Ip of current runtime. Defaults to "" platform (str): Platform details of current runtime. os (str): OS name. os_version (str): OS version. language (str): Runtime kernel. language_version (str): version of current runtime kernel. runtime (Optional[str]) More runtime details. Defaults to "" """ type: str = "local" host: str path: str ip: Optional[str] = "" platform: str os: str os_version: str language: str language_version: str runtime: str = "local" class Framework(BaseModel): """Pebblo Framework instance. Args: name (str): Name of the Framework. version (str): Version of the Framework. """ name: str version: str class App(BaseModel): """Pebblo AI application. Args: name (str): Name of the app. owner (str): Owner of the app. description (Optional[str]): Description of the app. load_id (str): Unique load_id of the app instance. runtime (Runtime): Runtime details of app. framework (Framework): Framework details of the app plugin_version (str): Plugin version used for the app. """ name: str owner: str description: Optional[str] load_id: str runtime: Runtime framework: Framework plugin_version: str class Doc(BaseModel): """Pebblo document. Args: name (str): Name of app originating this document. owner (str): Owner of app. docs (list): List of documents with its metadata. plugin_version (str): Pebblo plugin Version load_id (str): Unique load_id of the app instance. loader_details (dict): Loader details with its metadata. loading_end (bool): Boolean, specifying end of loading of source. source_owner (str): Owner of the source of the loader. """ name: str owner: str docs: list plugin_version: str load_id: str loader_details: dict loading_end: bool source_owner: str def get_full_path(path: str) -> str: """Return an absolute local path for a local file/directory, for a network related path, return as is. Args: path (str): Relative path to be resolved. Returns: str: Resolved absolute path. """ if ( not path or ("://" in path) or ("/" == path[0]) or (path in ["unknown", "-", "in-memory"]) ): return path full_path = pathlib.Path(path).resolve() return str(full_path) def get_loader_type(loader: str) -> str: """Return loader type among, file, dir or in-memory. Args: loader (str): Name of the loader, whose type is to be resolved. Returns: str: One of the loader type among, file/dir/in-memory. """ for loader_type, loaders in LOADER_TYPE_MAPPING.items(): if loader in loaders: return loader_type return "unsupported" def get_loader_full_path(loader: BaseLoader) -> str: """Return an absolute source path of source of loader based on the keys present in Document object from loader. Args: loader (BaseLoader): Langchain document loader, derived from Baseloader. """ from langchain_community.document_loaders import ( DataFrameLoader, GCSFileLoader, NotionDBLoader, S3FileLoader, ) location = "-" if not isinstance(loader, BaseLoader): logger.error( "loader is not derived from BaseLoader, source location will be unknown!" ) return location loader_dict = loader.__dict__ try: if "bucket" in loader_dict: if isinstance(loader, GCSFileLoader): location = f"gc://{loader.bucket}/{loader.blob}" elif isinstance(loader, S3FileLoader): location = f"s3://{loader.bucket}/{loader.key}" elif "source" in loader_dict: location = loader_dict["source"] if location and "channel" in loader_dict: channel = loader_dict["channel"] if channel: location = f"{location}/{channel}" elif "path" in loader_dict: location = loader_dict["path"] elif "file_path" in loader_dict: location = loader_dict["file_path"] elif "web_paths" in loader_dict: web_paths = loader_dict["web_paths"] if web_paths and isinstance(web_paths, list) and len(web_paths) > 0: location = web_paths[0] # For in-memory types: elif isinstance(loader, DataFrameLoader): location = "in-memory" elif isinstance(loader, NotionDBLoader): location = f"notiondb://{loader.database_id}" except Exception: pass return get_full_path(str(location)) def get_runtime() -> Tuple[Framework, Runtime]: """Fetch the current Framework and Runtime details. Returns: Tuple[Framework, Runtime]: Framework and Runtime for the current app instance. """ runtime_env = get_runtime_environment() framework = Framework( name="langchain", version=runtime_env.get("library_version", None) ) uname = platform.uname() runtime = Runtime( host=uname.node, path=os.environ["PWD"], platform=runtime_env.get("platform", "unknown"), os=uname.system, os_version=uname.version, ip=get_ip(), language=runtime_env.get("runtime", "unknown"), language_version=runtime_env.get("runtime_version", "unknown"), ) if "Darwin" in runtime.os: runtime.type = "desktop" runtime.runtime = "Mac OSX" logger.debug(f"framework {framework}") logger.debug(f"runtime {runtime}") return framework, runtime def get_ip() -> str: """Fetch local runtime ip address. Returns: str: IP address """ import socket # lazy imports host = socket.gethostname() try: public_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) except Exception: public_ip = socket.gethostbyname("localhost") return public_ip