import glob import sys from pathlib import Path PARTNER_DIR = Path(__file__).parents[2] / "libs" / "partners" DOCS_DIR = Path(__file__).parents[1] PLATFORMS = { path.split("/")[-1][:-4] for path in glob.glob( str(DOCS_DIR) + "/docs/integrations/platforms/*.mdx", recursive=True ) } EXTERNAL_PACKAGES = { "astradb", "aws", "cohere", "elasticsearch", "google-community", "google-genai", "google-vertexai", "nvidia-ai-endpoints", "postgres", "redis", "weaviate", "upstage", } JS_PACKAGES = { "google-gauth", "openai", "anthropic", "google-genai", "pinecone", "aws", "google-vertexai", "qdrant", "azure-dynamic-sessions", "google-vertexai-web", "redis", "azure-openai", "google-webauth", "baidu-qianfan", "groq", "standard-tests", "cloudflare", "mistralai", "textsplitters", "cohere", "mixedbread-ai", "weaviate", "mongodb", "yandex", "exa", "nomic", "google-common", "ollama", } IN_REPO_PACKAGES = { path.split("/")[-2] for path in glob.glob(str(PARTNER_DIR) + "/**/pyproject.toml", recursive=True) } ALL_PACKAGES = IN_REPO_PACKAGES.union(EXTERNAL_PACKAGES) CUSTOM_NAME = { "google-genai": "Google Generative AI", "aws": "AWS", "airbyte": "Airbyte", } CUSTOM_PROVIDER_PAGES = { "azure-dynamic-sessions": "/docs/integrations/platforms/microsoft/", "google-community": "/docs/integrations/platforms/google/", "google-genai": "/docs/integrations/platforms/google/", "google-vertexai": "/docs/integrations/platforms/google/", "nvidia-ai-endpoints": "/docs/integrations/providers/nvidia/", "exa": "/docs/integrations/providers/exa_search/", "mongodb": "/docs/integrations/providers/mongodb_atlas/", } PLATFORM_PAGES = {name: f"/docs/integrations/platforms/{name}/" for name in PLATFORMS} PROVIDER_PAGES = { name: f"/docs/integrations/providers/{name}/" for name in ALL_PACKAGES if glob.glob(str(DOCS_DIR / f"docs/integrations/providers/{name}.*")) } PROVIDER_PAGES = { **PROVIDER_PAGES, **PLATFORM_PAGES, **CUSTOM_PROVIDER_PAGES, } print(PROVIDER_PAGES) def package_row(name: str) -> str: js = "✅" if name in JS_PACKAGES else "❌" link = PROVIDER_PAGES.get(name) title = CUSTOM_NAME.get(name) or name.title().replace("-", " ").replace( "db", "DB" ).replace("Db", "DB").replace("ai", "AI").replace("Ai", "AI") provider = f"[{title}]({link})" if link else title return f"| {provider} | [langchain-{name}]({name.replace('-', '_')}_api_reference.html) | ![PyPI - Downloads]({name}?style=flat-square&label=%20&color=blue) | ![PyPI - Version]({name}?style=flat-square&label=%20&color=orange) | {js} |" def table() -> str: header = """| Provider | Package | Downloads | Latest | [JS]( | | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | """ return header + "\n".join(package_row(name) for name in sorted(ALL_PACKAGES)) def doc() -> str: return f"""\ --- sidebar_position: 0 sidebar_class_name: hidden --- # Providers :::info If you'd like to write your own integration, see [Extending LangChain](/docs/how_to/#custom). If you'd like to contribute an integration, see [Contributing integrations](/docs/contributing/integrations/). ::: LangChain integrates with many providers. ## Integration Packages These providers have standalone `langchain-{{provider}}` packages for improved versioning, dependency management and testing. {table()} ## All Providers Click [here](/docs/integrations/providers/) to see all providers. """ if __name__ == "__main__": output_dir = Path(sys.argv[1]) / "integrations" / "platforms" with open(output_dir / "index.mdx", "w") as f: f.write(doc())