"""Test Google PaLM Chat API wrapper. Note: This test must be run with the GOOGLE_API_KEY environment variable set to a valid API key. """ from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage from langchain_core.outputs import ChatGeneration, ChatResult, LLMResult from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatGooglePalm def test_chat_google_palm() -> None: """Test Google PaLM Chat API wrapper.""" chat = ChatGooglePalm() message = HumanMessage(content="Hello") response = chat([message]) assert isinstance(response, BaseMessage) assert isinstance(response.content, str) def test_chat_google_palm_system_message() -> None: """Test Google PaLM Chat API wrapper with system message.""" chat = ChatGooglePalm() system_message = SystemMessage(content="You are to chat with the user.") human_message = HumanMessage(content="Hello") response = chat([system_message, human_message]) assert isinstance(response, BaseMessage) assert isinstance(response.content, str) def test_chat_google_palm_generate() -> None: """Test Google PaLM Chat API wrapper with generate.""" chat = ChatGooglePalm(n=2, temperature=1.0) message = HumanMessage(content="Hello") response = chat.generate([[message], [message]]) assert isinstance(response, LLMResult) assert len(response.generations) == 2 for generations in response.generations: assert len(generations) == 2 for generation in generations: assert isinstance(generation, ChatGeneration) assert isinstance(generation.text, str) assert generation.text == generation.message.content def test_chat_google_palm_multiple_completions() -> None: """Test Google PaLM Chat API wrapper with multiple completions.""" # The API de-dupes duplicate responses, so set temperature higher. This # could be a flakey test though... chat = ChatGooglePalm(n=5, temperature=1.0) message = HumanMessage(content="Hello") response = chat._generate([message]) assert isinstance(response, ChatResult) assert len(response.generations) == 5 for generation in response.generations: assert isinstance(generation.message, BaseMessage) assert isinstance(generation.message.content, str) async def test_async_chat_google_palm() -> None: """Test async generation.""" chat = ChatGooglePalm(n=2, temperature=1.0) message = HumanMessage(content="Hello") response = await chat.agenerate([[message], [message]]) assert isinstance(response, LLMResult) assert len(response.generations) == 2 for generations in response.generations: assert len(generations) == 2 for generation in generations: assert isinstance(generation, ChatGeneration) assert isinstance(generation.text, str) assert generation.text == generation.message.content