""" Manage LangChain apps """ import shutil import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import typer from typing_extensions import Annotated from langchain_cli.utils.events import create_events from langchain_cli.utils.git import ( DependencySource, copy_repo, parse_dependencies, update_repo, ) from langchain_cli.utils.packages import ( LangServeExport, get_langserve_export, get_package_root, ) from langchain_cli.utils.pyproject import ( add_dependencies_to_pyproject_toml, remove_dependencies_from_pyproject_toml, ) REPO_DIR = Path(typer.get_app_dir("langchain")) / "git_repos" app_cli = typer.Typer(no_args_is_help=True, add_completion=False) @app_cli.command() def new( name: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help="The name of the folder to create")], *, package: Annotated[ Optional[List[str]], typer.Option(help="Packages to seed the project with"), ] = None, pip: Annotated[ Optional[bool], typer.Option( "--pip/--no-pip", help="Pip install the template(s) as editable dependencies", is_flag=True, ), ] = None, ): """ Create a new LangServe application. """ has_packages = package is not None and len(package) > 0 pip_bool = False if pip is None and has_packages: pip_bool = typer.confirm( "Would you like to `pip install -e` the template(s)?", default=False, ) # copy over template from ../project_template project_template_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "project_template" destination_dir = Path.cwd() / name if name != "." else Path.cwd() app_name = name if name != "." else Path.cwd().name shutil.copytree(project_template_dir, destination_dir, dirs_exist_ok=name == ".") readme = destination_dir / "README.md" readme_contents = readme.read_text() readme.write_text(readme_contents.replace("__app_name__", app_name)) # add packages if specified if has_packages: add(package, project_dir=destination_dir, pip=pip_bool) @app_cli.command() def add( dependencies: Annotated[ Optional[List[str]], typer.Argument(help="The dependency to add") ] = None, *, api_path: Annotated[List[str], typer.Option(help="API paths to add")] = [], project_dir: Annotated[ Optional[Path], typer.Option(help="The project directory") ] = None, repo: Annotated[ List[str], typer.Option(help="Install templates from a specific github repo instead"), ] = [], branch: Annotated[ List[str], typer.Option(help="Install templates from a specific branch") ] = [], pip: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--pip/--no-pip", help="Pip install the template(s) as editable dependencies", is_flag=True, prompt="Would you like to `pip install -e` the template(s)?", ), ], ): """ Adds the specified template to the current LangServe app. e.g.: langchain app add extraction-openai-functions langchain app add git+ssh://git@github.com/efriis/simple-pirate.git """ parsed_deps = parse_dependencies(dependencies, repo, branch, api_path) project_root = get_package_root(project_dir) package_dir = project_root / "packages" create_events( [{"event": "serve add", "properties": dict(parsed_dep=d)} for d in parsed_deps] ) # group by repo/ref grouped: Dict[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], List[DependencySource]] = {} for dep in parsed_deps: key_tup = (dep["git"], dep["ref"]) lst = grouped.get(key_tup, []) lst.append(dep) grouped[key_tup] = lst installed_destination_paths: List[Path] = [] installed_destination_names: List[str] = [] installed_exports: List[LangServeExport] = [] for (git, ref), group_deps in grouped.items(): if len(group_deps) == 1: typer.echo(f"Adding {git}@{ref}...") else: typer.echo(f"Adding {len(group_deps)} templates from {git}@{ref}") source_repo_path = update_repo(git, ref, REPO_DIR) for dep in group_deps: source_path = ( source_repo_path / dep["subdirectory"] if dep["subdirectory"] else source_repo_path ) pyproject_path = source_path / "pyproject.toml" if not pyproject_path.exists(): typer.echo(f"Could not find {pyproject_path}") continue langserve_export = get_langserve_export(pyproject_path) # default path to package_name inner_api_path = dep["api_path"] or langserve_export["package_name"] destination_path = package_dir / inner_api_path if destination_path.exists(): typer.echo( f"Folder {str(inner_api_path)} already exists. " "Skipping...", ) continue copy_repo(source_path, destination_path) typer.echo(f" - Downloaded {dep['subdirectory']} to {inner_api_path}") installed_destination_paths.append(destination_path) installed_destination_names.append(inner_api_path) installed_exports.append(langserve_export) if len(installed_destination_paths) == 0: typer.echo("No packages installed. Exiting.") return try: add_dependencies_to_pyproject_toml( project_root / "pyproject.toml", zip(installed_destination_names, installed_destination_paths), ) except Exception: # Can fail if user modified/removed pyproject.toml typer.echo("Failed to add dependencies to pyproject.toml, continuing...") try: cwd = Path.cwd() installed_destination_strs = [ str(p.relative_to(cwd)) for p in installed_destination_paths ] except ValueError: # Can fail if the cwd is not a parent of the package typer.echo("Failed to print install command, continuing...") else: if pip: cmd = ["pip", "install", "-e"] + installed_destination_strs cmd_str = " \\\n ".join(installed_destination_strs) typer.echo(f"Running: pip install -e \\\n {cmd_str}") subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=cwd) chain_names = [] for e in installed_exports: original_candidate = f'{e["package_name"].replace("-", "_")}_chain' candidate = original_candidate i = 2 while candidate in chain_names: candidate = original_candidate + "_" + str(i) i += 1 chain_names.append(candidate) api_paths = [ str(Path("/") / path.relative_to(package_dir)) for path in installed_destination_paths ] imports = [ f"from {e['module']} import {e['attr']} as {name}" for e, name in zip(installed_exports, chain_names) ] routes = [ f'add_routes(app, {name}, path="{path}")' for name, path in zip(chain_names, api_paths) ] t = ( "this template" if len(chain_names) == 1 else f"these {len(chain_names)} templates" ) lines = ( ["", f"To use {t}, add the following to your app:\n\n```", ""] + imports + [""] + routes + ["```"] ) typer.echo("\n".join(lines)) @app_cli.command() def remove( api_paths: Annotated[List[str], typer.Argument(help="The API paths to remove")], *, project_dir: Annotated[ Optional[Path], typer.Option(help="The project directory") ] = None, ): """ Removes the specified package from the current LangServe app. """ project_root = get_package_root(project_dir) project_pyproject = project_root / "pyproject.toml" package_root = project_root / "packages" remove_deps: List[str] = [] for api_path in api_paths: package_dir = package_root / api_path if not package_dir.exists(): typer.echo(f"Package {api_path} does not exist. Skipping...") continue try: pyproject = package_dir / "pyproject.toml" langserve_export = get_langserve_export(pyproject) typer.echo(f"Removing {langserve_export['package_name']}...") shutil.rmtree(package_dir) remove_deps.append(api_path) except Exception: pass try: remove_dependencies_from_pyproject_toml(project_pyproject, remove_deps) except Exception: # Can fail if user modified/removed pyproject.toml typer.echo("Failed to remove dependencies from pyproject.toml.") @app_cli.command() def serve( *, port: Annotated[ Optional[int], typer.Option(help="The port to run the server on") ] = None, host: Annotated[ Optional[str], typer.Option(help="The host to run the server on") ] = None, app: Annotated[ Optional[str], typer.Option(help="The app to run, e.g. `app.server:app`") ] = None, ) -> None: """ Starts the LangServe app. """ # add current dir as first entry of path sys.path.append(str(Path.cwd())) app_str = app if app is not None else "app.server:app" host_str = host if host is not None else "" import uvicorn uvicorn.run( app_str, host=host_str, port=port if port is not None else 8000, reload=True )