"""Integration test for Google Search API Wrapper.""" from langchain_community.utilities.google_search import GoogleSearchAPIWrapper def test_call() -> None: """Test that call gives the correct answer.""" search = GoogleSearchAPIWrapper() output = search.run("What was Obama's first name?") assert "Barack Hussein Obama II" in output def test_no_result_call() -> None: """Test that call gives no result.""" search = GoogleSearchAPIWrapper() output = search.run( "NORESULTCALL_NORESULTCALL_NORESULTCALL_NORESULTCALL_NORESULTCALL_NORESULTCALL" ) print(type(output)) # noqa: T201 assert "No good Google Search Result was found" == output def test_result_with_params_call() -> None: """Test that call gives the correct answer with extra params.""" search = GoogleSearchAPIWrapper() output = search.results( query="What was Obama's first name?", num_results=5, search_params={"cr": "us", "safe": "active"}, ) assert len(output)