import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union from langchain_core.messages import BaseMessage from langchain_core.output_parsers.transform import BaseTransformOutputParser from langchain_core.runnables.utils import AddableDict XML_FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS = """The output should be formatted as a XML file. 1. Output should conform to the tags below. 2. If tags are not given, make them on your own. 3. Remember to always open and close all the tags. As an example, for the tags ["foo", "bar", "baz"]: 1. String "\n \n \n \n" is a well-formatted instance of the schema. 2. String "\n \n " is a badly-formatted instance. 3. String "\n \n \n" is a badly-formatted instance. Here are the output tags: ``` {tags} ```""" # noqa: E501 class XMLOutputParser(BaseTransformOutputParser): """Parse an output using xml format.""" tags: Optional[List[str]] = None encoding_matcher: re.Pattern = re.compile( r"<([^>]*encoding[^>]*)>\n(.*)", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL ) def get_format_instructions(self) -> str: return XML_FORMAT_INSTRUCTIONS.format(tags=self.tags) def parse(self, text: str) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: # Try to find XML string within triple backticks match ="```(xml)?(.*)```", text, re.DOTALL) if match is not None: # If match found, use the content within the backticks text = encoding_match = if encoding_match: text = text = text.strip() if (text.startswith("<") or text.startswith("\n<")) and ( text.endswith(">") or text.endswith(">\n") ): root = ET.fromstring(text) return self._root_to_dict(root) else: raise ValueError(f"Could not parse output: {text}") def _transform( self, input: Iterator[Union[str, BaseMessage]] ) -> Iterator[AddableDict]: xml_start_re = re.compile(r"<[a-zA-Z:_]") parser = ET.XMLPullParser(["start", "end"]) xml_started = False current_path: List[str] = [] current_path_has_children = False buffer = "" for chunk in input: if isinstance(chunk, BaseMessage): # extract text chunk_content = chunk.content if not isinstance(chunk_content, str): continue chunk = chunk_content # add chunk to buffer of unprocessed text buffer += chunk # if xml string hasn't started yet, continue to next chunk if not xml_started: if match := # if xml string has started, remove all text before it buffer = buffer[match.start() :] xml_started = True else: continue # feed buffer to parser parser.feed(buffer) buffer = "" # yield all events for event, elem in parser.read_events(): if event == "start": # update current path current_path.append(elem.tag) current_path_has_children = False elif event == "end": # remove last element from current path current_path.pop() # yield element if not current_path_has_children: yield nested_element(current_path, elem) # prevent yielding of parent element if current_path: current_path_has_children = True else: xml_started = False # close parser parser.close() async def _atransform( self, input: AsyncIterator[Union[str, BaseMessage]] ) -> AsyncIterator[AddableDict]: parser = ET.XMLPullParser(["start", "end"]) current_path: List[str] = [] current_path_has_children = False async for chunk in input: if isinstance(chunk, BaseMessage): # extract text chunk_content = chunk.content if not isinstance(chunk_content, str): continue chunk = chunk_content # pass chunk to parser parser.feed(chunk) # yield all events for event, elem in parser.read_events(): if event == "start": # update current path current_path.append(elem.tag) current_path_has_children = False elif event == "end": # remove last element from current path current_path.pop() # yield element if not current_path_has_children: yield nested_element(current_path, elem) # prevent yielding of parent element current_path_has_children = True # close parser parser.close() def _root_to_dict(self, root: ET.Element) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: """Converts xml tree to python dictionary.""" result: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {root.tag: []} for child in root: if len(child) == 0: result[root.tag].append({child.tag: child.text}) else: result[root.tag].append(self._root_to_dict(child)) return result @property def _type(self) -> str: return "xml" def nested_element(path: List[str], elem: ET.Element) -> Any: """Get nested element from path.""" if len(path) == 0: return AddableDict({elem.tag: elem.text}) else: return AddableDict({path[0]: [nested_element(path[1:], elem)]})