# Anyscale >[Anyscale](https://www.anyscale.com) is a platform to run, fine tune and scale LLMs via production-ready APIs. > [Anyscale Endpoints](https://docs.anyscale.com/endpoints/overview) serve many open-source models in a cost-effective way. `Anyscale` also provides [an example](https://docs.anyscale.com/endpoints/model-serving/examples/langchain-integration) how to setup `LangChain` with `Anyscale` for advanced chat agents. ## Installation and Setup - Get an Anyscale Service URL, route and API key and set them as environment variables (`ANYSCALE_SERVICE_URL`,`ANYSCALE_SERVICE_ROUTE`, `ANYSCALE_SERVICE_TOKEN`). - Please see [the Anyscale docs](https://www.anyscale.com/get-started) for more details. We have to install the `openai` package: ```bash pip install openai ``` ## LLM See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/llms/anyscale). ```python from langchain_community.llms.anyscale import Anyscale ``` ## Chat Models See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/chat/anyscale). ```python from langchain_community.chat_models.anyscale import ChatAnyscale ``` ## Embeddings See a [usage example](/docs/integrations/text_embedding/anyscale). ```python from langchain_community.embeddings import AnyscaleEmbeddings ```