import logging import os import time from typing import Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple from langchain_core.documents import Document from langchain_community.document_loaders.base import BaseBlobParser from langchain_community.document_loaders.blob_loaders import Blob from langchain_community.utils.openai import is_openai_v1 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OpenAIWhisperParser(BaseBlobParser): """Transcribe and parse audio files. Audio transcription is with OpenAI Whisper model. Args: api_key: OpenAI API key chunk_duration_threshold: minimum duration of a chunk in seconds NOTE: According to the OpenAI API, the chunk duration should be at least 0.1 seconds. If the chunk duration is less or equal than the threshold, it will be skipped. """ def __init__( self, api_key: Optional[str] = None, *, chunk_duration_threshold: float = 0.1, base_url: Optional[str] = None, ): self.api_key = api_key self.chunk_duration_threshold = chunk_duration_threshold self.base_url = ( base_url if base_url is not None else os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_BASE") ) def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazily parse the blob.""" import io try: import openai except ImportError: raise ImportError( "openai package not found, please install it with " "`pip install openai`" ) try: from pydub import AudioSegment except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pydub package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pydub`" ) if is_openai_v1(): # api_key optional, defaults to `os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']` client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=self.api_key, base_url=self.base_url) else: # Set the API key if provided if self.api_key: openai.api_key = self.api_key if self.base_url: openai.base_url = self.base_url # Audio file from disk audio = AudioSegment.from_file(blob.path) # Define the duration of each chunk in minutes # Need to meet 25MB size limit for Whisper API chunk_duration = 20 chunk_duration_ms = chunk_duration * 60 * 1000 # Split the audio into chunk_duration_ms chunks for split_number, i in enumerate(range(0, len(audio), chunk_duration_ms)): # Audio chunk chunk = audio[i : i + chunk_duration_ms] # Skip chunks that are too short to transcribe if chunk.duration_seconds <= self.chunk_duration_threshold: continue file_obj = io.BytesIO(chunk.export(format="mp3").read()) if blob.source is not None: = blob.source + f"_part_{split_number}.mp3" else: = f"part_{split_number}.mp3" # Transcribe print(f"Transcribing part {split_number + 1}!") # noqa: T201 attempts = 0 while attempts < 3: try: if is_openai_v1(): transcript = model="whisper-1", file=file_obj ) else: transcript = openai.Audio.transcribe("whisper-1", file_obj) break except Exception as e: attempts += 1 print(f"Attempt {attempts} failed. Exception: {str(e)}") # noqa: T201 time.sleep(5) else: print("Failed to transcribe after 3 attempts.") # noqa: T201 continue yield Document( page_content=transcript.text, metadata={"source": blob.source, "chunk": split_number}, ) class OpenAIWhisperParserLocal(BaseBlobParser): """Transcribe and parse audio files with OpenAI Whisper model. Audio transcription with OpenAI Whisper model locally from transformers. Parameters: device - device to use NOTE: By default uses the gpu if available, if you want to use cpu, please set device = "cpu" lang_model - whisper model to use, for example "openai/whisper-medium" forced_decoder_ids - id states for decoder in multilanguage model, usage example: from transformers import WhisperProcessor processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-medium") forced_decoder_ids = WhisperProcessor.get_decoder_prompt_ids(language="french", task="transcribe") forced_decoder_ids = WhisperProcessor.get_decoder_prompt_ids(language="french", task="translate") """ def __init__( self, device: str = "0", lang_model: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: int = 8, chunk_length: int = 30, forced_decoder_ids: Optional[Tuple[Dict]] = None, ): """Initialize the parser. Args: device: device to use. lang_model: whisper model to use, for example "openai/whisper-medium". Defaults to None. forced_decoder_ids: id states for decoder in a multilanguage model. Defaults to None. batch_size: batch size used for decoding Defaults to 8. chunk_length: chunk length used during inference. Defaults to 30s. """ try: from transformers import pipeline except ImportError: raise ImportError( "transformers package not found, please install it with " "`pip install transformers`" ) try: import torch except ImportError: raise ImportError( "torch package not found, please install it with " "`pip install torch`" ) # Determine the device to use if device == "cpu": self.device = "cpu" else: self.device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" if self.device == "cpu": default_model = "openai/whisper-base" self.lang_model = lang_model if lang_model else default_model else: # Set the language model based on the device and available memory mem = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(self.device).total_memory / (1024**2) if mem < 5000: rec_model = "openai/whisper-base" elif mem < 7000: rec_model = "openai/whisper-small" elif mem < 12000: rec_model = "openai/whisper-medium" else: rec_model = "openai/whisper-large" self.lang_model = lang_model if lang_model else rec_model print("Using the following model: ", self.lang_model) # noqa: T201 self.batch_size = batch_size # load model for inference self.pipe = pipeline( "automatic-speech-recognition", model=self.lang_model, chunk_length_s=chunk_length, device=self.device, ) if forced_decoder_ids is not None: try: self.pipe.model.config.forced_decoder_ids = forced_decoder_ids except Exception as exception_text: "Unable to set forced_decoder_ids parameter for whisper model" f"Text of exception: {exception_text}" "Therefore whisper model will use default mode for decoder" ) def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazily parse the blob.""" import io try: from pydub import AudioSegment except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pydub package not found, please install it with `pip install pydub`" ) try: import librosa except ImportError: raise ImportError( "librosa package not found, please install it with " "`pip install librosa`" ) # Audio file from disk audio = AudioSegment.from_file(blob.path) file_obj = io.BytesIO(audio.export(format="mp3").read()) # Transcribe print(f"Transcribing part {blob.path}!") # noqa: T201 y, sr = librosa.load(file_obj, sr=16000) prediction = self.pipe(y.copy(), batch_size=self.batch_size)["text"] yield Document( page_content=prediction, metadata={"source": blob.source}, ) class YandexSTTParser(BaseBlobParser): """Transcribe and parse audio files. Audio transcription is with OpenAI Whisper model.""" def __init__( self, *, api_key: Optional[str] = None, iam_token: Optional[str] = None, model: str = "general", language: str = "auto", ): """Initialize the parser. Args: api_key: API key for a service account with the `ai.speechkit-stt.user` role. iam_token: IAM token for a service account with the `ai.speechkit-stt.user` role. model: Recognition model name. Defaults to general. language: The language in ISO 639-1 format. Defaults to automatic language recognition. Either `api_key` or `iam_token` must be provided, but not both. """ if (api_key is None) == (iam_token is None): raise ValueError( "Either 'api_key' or 'iam_token' must be provided, but not both." ) self.api_key = api_key self.iam_token = iam_token self.model = model self.language = language def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazily parse the blob.""" try: from speechkit import configure_credentials, creds, model_repository from speechkit.stt import AudioProcessingType except ImportError: raise ImportError( "yandex-speechkit package not found, please install it with " "`pip install yandex-speechkit`" ) try: from pydub import AudioSegment except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pydub package not found, please install it with " "`pip install pydub`" ) if self.api_key: configure_credentials( yandex_credentials=creds.YandexCredentials(api_key=self.api_key) ) else: configure_credentials( yandex_credentials=creds.YandexCredentials(iam_token=self.iam_token) ) audio = AudioSegment.from_file(blob.path) model = model_repository.recognition_model() model.model = self.model model.language = self.language model.audio_processing_type = AudioProcessingType.Full result = model.transcribe(audio) for res in result: yield Document( page_content=res.normalized_text, metadata={"source": blob.source}, ) class FasterWhisperParser(BaseBlobParser): """Transcribe and parse audio files with faster-whisper. faster-whisper is a reimplementation of OpenAI's Whisper model using CTranslate2, which is up to 4 times faster than openai/whisper for the same accuracy while using less memory. The efficiency can be further improved with 8-bit quantization on both CPU and GPU. It can automatically detect the following 14 languages and transcribe the text into their respective languages: en, zh, fr, de, ja, ko, ru, es, th, it, pt, vi, ar, tr. The gitbub repository for faster-whisper is : Example: Load a YouTube video and transcribe the video speech into a document. .. code-block:: python from langchain.document_loaders.generic import GenericLoader from import FasterWhisperParser from langchain.document_loaders.blob_loaders.youtube_audio import YoutubeAudioLoader url="" save_dir="your_dir/" loader = GenericLoader( YoutubeAudioLoader([url],save_dir), FasterWhisperParser() ) docs = loader.load() """ def __init__( self, *, device: Optional[str] = "cuda", model_size: Optional[str] = None, ): """Initialize the parser. Args: device: It can be "cuda" or "cpu" based on the available device. model_size: There are four model sizes to choose from: "base", "small", "medium", and "large-v3", based on the available GPU memory. """ try: import torch except ImportError: raise ImportError( "torch package not found, please install it with `pip install torch`" ) # Determine the device to use if device == "cpu": self.device = "cpu" else: self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" # Determine the model_size if self.device == "cpu": self.model_size = "base" else: # Set the model_size based on the available memory mem = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(self.device).total_memory / (1024**2) if mem < 1000: self.model_size = "base" elif mem < 3000: self.model_size = "small" elif mem < 5000: self.model_size = "medium" else: self.model_size = "large-v3" # If the user has assigned a model size, then use the assigned size if model_size is not None: if model_size in ["base", "small", "medium", "large-v3"]: self.model_size = model_size def lazy_parse(self, blob: Blob) -> Iterator[Document]: """Lazily parse the blob.""" import io try: from pydub import AudioSegment except ImportError: raise ImportError( "pydub package not found, please install it with `pip install pydub`" ) try: from faster_whisper import WhisperModel except ImportError: raise ImportError( "faster_whisper package not found, please install it with " "`pip install faster-whisper`" ) # get the audio if isinstance(, bytes): # blob contains the audio audio = AudioSegment.from_file(io.BytesIO( elif is None and blob.path: # Audio file from disk audio = AudioSegment.from_file(blob.path) else: raise ValueError("Unable to get audio from blob") file_obj = io.BytesIO(audio.export(format="mp3").read()) # Transcribe model = WhisperModel( self.model_size, device=self.device, compute_type="float16" ) segments, info = model.transcribe(file_obj, beam_size=5) for segment in segments: yield Document( page_content=segment.text, metadata={ "source": blob.source, "timestamps": "[%.2fs -> %.2fs]" % (segment.start, segment.end), "language": info.language, "probability": "%d%%" % round(info.language_probability * 100), **blob.metadata, }, )