""" Develop installable templates. """ import re import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional import typer from typing_extensions import Annotated from langchain_cli.utils.packages import get_langserve_export, get_package_root package_cli = typer.Typer(no_args_is_help=True, add_completion=False) @package_cli.command() def new( name: Annotated[str, typer.Argument(help="The name of the folder to create")], with_poetry: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option("--with-poetry/--no-poetry", help="Don't run poetry install"), ] = False, ): """ Creates a new template package. """ computed_name = name if name != "." else Path.cwd().name destination_dir = Path.cwd() / name if name != "." else Path.cwd() # copy over template from ../package_template project_template_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "package_template" shutil.copytree(project_template_dir, destination_dir, dirs_exist_ok=name == ".") package_name_split = computed_name.split("/") package_name = ( package_name_split[-2] if len(package_name_split) > 1 and package_name_split[-1] == "" else package_name_split[-1] ) module_name = re.sub( r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", package_name, ) # generate app route code chain_name = f"{module_name}_chain" app_route_code = ( f"from {module_name} import chain as {chain_name}\n\n" f'add_routes(app, {chain_name}, path="/{package_name}")' ) # replace template strings pyproject = destination_dir / "pyproject.toml" pyproject_contents = pyproject.read_text() pyproject.write_text( pyproject_contents.replace("__package_name__", package_name).replace( "__module_name__", module_name ) ) # move module folder package_dir = destination_dir / module_name shutil.move(destination_dir / "package_template", package_dir) # update init init = package_dir / "__init__.py" init_contents = init.read_text() init.write_text(init_contents.replace("__module_name__", module_name)) # replace readme readme = destination_dir / "README.md" readme_contents = readme.read_text() readme.write_text( readme_contents.replace("__package_name__", package_name).replace( "__app_route_code__", app_route_code ) ) # poetry install if with_poetry: subprocess.run(["poetry", "install"], cwd=destination_dir) @package_cli.command() def serve( *, port: Annotated[ Optional[int], typer.Option(help="The port to run the server on") ] = None, host: Annotated[ Optional[str], typer.Option(help="The host to run the server on") ] = None, configurable: Annotated[ bool, typer.Option( "--configurable/--no-configurable", help="Whether to include a configurable route", ), ] = True, ) -> None: """ Starts a demo app for this template. """ # load pyproject.toml project_dir = get_package_root() pyproject = project_dir / "pyproject.toml" # get langserve export - throws KeyError if invalid get_langserve_export(pyproject) host_str = host if host is not None else "" script = ( "langchain_cli.dev_scripts:create_demo_server" if not configurable else "langchain_cli.dev_scripts:create_demo_server_configurable" ) import uvicorn uvicorn.run( script, factory=True, reload=True, port=port if port is not None else 8000, host=host_str, ) @package_cli.command() def list(contains: Annotated[Optional[str], typer.Argument()] = None) -> None: """ List all or search for available templates. """ from langchain_cli.utils.github import list_packages packages = list_packages(contains=contains) for package in packages: typer.echo(package)