`mypy` cannot type-check code that relies on dependencies that aren't
Eventually we'll probably want to install as many optional dependencies
as possible. However, the full "extended deps" setup for langchain
creates a 3GB cache file and takes a while to unpack and install. We'll
probably want something a bit more targeted.
This is a first step toward something better.
A test file was accidentally dropping a `results.json` file in the
current working directory as a result of running `make test`.
This is undesirable, since we don't want to risk accidentally adding
stray files into the repo if we run tests locally and then do `git add
.` without inspecting the file list very closely.
Makes it easier to do recursion using regular python compositional
def lambda_decorator(func):
"""Decorate function as a RunnableLambda"""
return runnable.RunnableLambda(func)
def fibonacci(a, config: runnable.RunnableConfig) -> int:
if a <= 1:
return a
return fibonacci.invoke(
a - 1, config
) + fibonacci.invoke(a - 2, config)
Also makes it more natural to do things like error handle and call other
langchain objects in ways we probably don't want to support in
def handle_errors(a, config: runnable.RunnableConfig) -> int:
return my_chain.invoke(a, config)
except MyExceptionType as exc:
return my_other_chain.invoke({"original": a, "error": exc}, config)
In this case, the next chain takes in the exception object. Maybe this
could be something we toggle in `with_fallbacks` but I fear we'll get
into uglier APIs + heavier cognitive load if we try to do too much there
Co-authored-by: Nuno Campos <nuno@boringbits.io>
- Description: Fix bug in SPARQL intent selection
- Issue: After the change in #7758 the intent is always set to "UPDATE".
Indeed, if the answer to the prompt contains only "SELECT" the
`find("SELECT")` operation returns a higher value w.r.t. `-1` returned
by `find("UPDATE")`.
- Dependencies: None,
- Tag maintainer: @baskaryan @aditya-29
- Twitter handle: @mario_scrock
It seems the caching action was not always correctly recreating
softlinks. At first glance, the softlinks it created seemed fine, but
they didn't always work. Possibly hitting some kind of underlying bug,
but not particularly worth debugging in depth -- we can manually create
the soft links we need.
- Revert "Temporarily disable step that seems to be transiently failing.
- Refresh shell hashtable and show poetry/python location and version.
Make sure that changes to CI infrastructure get tested on CI before
being merged.
Without this PR, changes to the poetry setup action don't trigger a CI
run and in principle could break `master` when merged.
Text Generation Inference's client permits the use of a None temperature
as seen
[here](033230ae66/clients/python/text_generation/client.py (L71C9-L71C20)).
While I haved dived into TGI's server code and don't know about the
implications of using None as a temperature setting, I think we should
grant users the option to pass None as a temperature parameter to TGI.
#9304 introduced a critical bug. The S3DirectoryLoader fails completely
because boto3 checks the naming of kw arguments and one of the args is
badly named (very sorry for that)
cc @baskaryan
Changes in:
- `create_sql_agent` function so that user can easily add custom tools
as complement for the toolkit.
- updating **sql use case** notebook to showcase 2 examples of extra
Motivation for these changes is having the possibility of including
domain expert knowledge to the agent, which improves accuracy and
reduces time/tokens.
Co-authored-by: Manuel Soria <manuel.soria@greyscaleai.com>
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <baskaryan@gmail.com>
## Description
### Issue
This pull request addresses a lingering issue identified in PR #7070. In
that previous pull request, an attempt was made to address the problem
of empty embeddings when using the `OpenAIEmbeddings` class. While PR
#7070 introduced a mechanism to retry requests for embeddings, it didn't
fully resolve the issue as empty embeddings still occasionally
### Problem
In certain specific use cases, empty embeddings can be encountered when
requesting data from the OpenAI API. In some cases, these empty
embeddings can be skipped or removed without affecting the functionality
of the application. However, they might not always be resolved through
retries, and their presence can adversely affect the functionality of
applications relying on the `OpenAIEmbeddings` class.
### Solution
To provide a more robust solution for handling empty embeddings, we
propose the introduction of an optional parameter, `skip_empty`, in the
`OpenAIEmbeddings` class. When set to `True`, this parameter will enable
the behavior of automatically skipping empty embeddings, ensuring that
problematic empty embeddings do not disrupt the processing flow. The
developer will be able to optionally toggle this behavior if needed
without disrupting the application flow.
## Changes Made
- Added an optional parameter, `skip_empty`, to the `OpenAIEmbeddings`
- When `skip_empty` is set to `True`, empty embeddings are automatically
skipped without causing errors or disruptions.
### Example Usage
from openai.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings
# Initialize the OpenAIEmbeddings class with skip_empty=True
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings(api_key="your_api_key", skip_empty=True)
# Request embeddings, empty embeddings are automatically skipped. docs is a variable containing the already splitted text.
results = embeddings.embed_documents(docs)
# Process results without interruption from empty embeddings
- Description:
Add a 'download_dir' argument to VLLM model (to change the cache
download directotu when retrieving a model from HF hub)
- Issue:
On some remote machine, I want the cache dir to be in a volume where I
have space (models are heavy nowadays). Sometimes the default HF cache
dir might not be what we want.
- Dependencies:
Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <hw.chase.17@gmail.com>
I have restructured the code to ensure uniform handling of ImportError.
In place of previously used ValueError, I've adopted the standard
practice of raising ImportError with explanatory messages. This
modification enhances code readability and clarifies that any problems
stem from module importation.
Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <141953346+AashishSainiShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <142397527+AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <142413097+AdarshKumarShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <141389263+VishalYadavShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <142381084+ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <142473460+PankajKumarShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <142393903+AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AmitSinghShorthillsAI <142410046+AmitSinghShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Aayush <142384656+AayushShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AnujMauryaShorthillsAI <142393269+AnujMauryaShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Previous PR #9353 has incomplete type checks and deprecation warnings.
This PR will fix those type check and add deprecation warning to myscale
(Reopen PR #7706, hope this problem can fix.)
When using `pdfplumber`, some documents may be parsed incorrectly,
resulting in **duplicated characters**.
Taking the
document as an example:
## Before
from langchain.document_loaders import PDFPlumberLoader
pdf_file = 'file.pdf'
loader = PDFPlumberLoader(pdf_file)
docs = loader.load()
11000000 SSeerriieess
PPoorrttaabbllee ssiinnggllee ggaass ddeetteeccttoorrss ffoorr HHyyddrrooggeenn aanndd CCoommbbuussttiibbllee ggaasseess
TThhee RRiikkeenn KKeeiikkii GGPP--11000000 iiss aa ccoommppaacctt aanndd
lliigghhttwweeiigghhtt ggaass ddeetteeccttoorr wwiitthh hhiigghh sseennssiittiivviittyy ffoorr
tthhee ddeetteeccttiioonn ooff hhyyddrrooccaarrbboonnss.. TThhee mmeeaassuurreemmeenntt
iiss ppeerrffoorrmmeedd ffoorr tthhiiss ppuurrppoossee bbyy mmeeaannss ooff ccaattaallyyttiicc
sseennssoorr.. TThhee GGPP--11000000 hhaass aa bbuuiilltt--iinn ppuummpp wwiitthh
ppuummpp bboooosstteerr ffuunnccttiioonn aanndd aa ddiirreecctt sseelleeccttiioonn ffrroomm
aa lliisstt ooff 2255 hhyyddrrooccaarrbboonnss ffoorr eexxaacctt aalliiggnnmmeenntt ooff tthhee
ttaarrggeett ggaass -- OOnnllyy ccaalliibbrraattiioonn oonn CCHH iiss nneecceessssaarryy..
TThhee RRiikkeenn KKeeiikkii 110000vvvvttaabbllee ssiinnggllee HHyyddrrooggeenn aanndd
CCoommbbuussttiibbllee ggaass ddeetteeccttoorrss..
TThheerree aarree 33 ssttaannddaarrdd mmooddeellss::
GGPP--11000000:: 00--1100%%LLEELL // 00--110000%%LLEELL ›› LLEELL ddeetteeccttoorr
NNCC--11000000:: 00--11000000ppppmm // 00--1100000000ppppmm ›› PPPPMM
DDiirreecctt rreeaaddiinngg ooff tthhee ccoonncceennttrraattiioonn vvaalluueess ooff
ccoommbbuussttiibbllee ggaasseess ooff 2255 ggaasseess ((55 NNPP--11000000))..
EEaassyy ooppeerraattiioonn ffeeaattuurree ooff cchhaannggiinngg tthhee ggaass nnaammee
ddiissppllaayy wwiitthh 11 sswwiittcchh bbuuttttoonn..
LLoonngg ddiissttaannccee ddrraawwiinngg ppoossssiibbllee wwiitthh tthhee ppuummpp
bboooosstteerr ffuunnccttiioonn..
VVaarriioouuss ccoommbbuussttiibbllee ggaasseess ccaann bbee mmeeaassuurreedd bbyy tthhee
ppppmm oorrddeerr wwiitthh NNCC--11000000..
www.bruusgaard.no postmaster@bruusgaard.no +47 67 54 93 30 Rev: 446-2
We can see that there are a large number of duplicated characters in the
text, which can cause issues in subsequent applications.
## After
Therefore, based on the
[solution](https://github.com/jsvine/pdfplumber/issues/71) provided by
the `pdfplumber` source project. I added the `"dedupe_chars()"` method
to address this problem. (Just pass the parameter `dedupe` to `True`)
from langchain.document_loaders import PDFPlumberLoader
pdf_file = 'file.pdf'
loader = PDFPlumberLoader(pdf_file, dedupe=True)
docs = loader.load()
1000 Series
Portable single gas detectors for Hydrogen and Combustible gases
The Riken Keiki GP-1000 is a compact and
lightweight gas detector with high sensitivity for
the detection of hydrocarbons. The measurement
is performed for this purpose by means of catalytic
sensor. The GP-1000 has a built-in pump with
pump booster function and a direct selection from
a list of 25 hydrocarbons for exact alignment of the
target gas - Only calibration on CH is necessary.
The Riken Keiki 100vvtable single Hydrogen and
Combustible gas detectors.
There are 3 standard models:
GP-1000: 0-10%LEL / 0-100%LEL › LEL detector
NC-1000: 0-1000ppm / 0-10000ppm › PPM
Direct reading of the concentration values of
combustible gases of 25 gases (5 NP-1000).
Easy operation feature of changing the gas name
display with 1 switch button.
Long distance drawing possible with the pump
booster function.
Various combustible gases can be measured by the
ppm order with NC-1000.
www.bruusgaard.no postmaster@bruusgaard.no +47 67 54 93 30 Rev: 446-2
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <baskaryan@gmail.com>
I have restructured the code to ensure uniform handling of ImportError.
In place of previously used ValueError, I've adopted the standard
practice of raising ImportError with explanatory messages. This
modification enhances code readability and clarifies that any problems
stem from module importation.
Co-authored-by: Aashish Saini <141953346+AashishSainiShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI <142397527+AryamanJaiswalShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Adarsh Shrivastav <142413097+AdarshKumarShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Vishal <141389263+VishalYadavShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI <142381084+ChetnaGuptaShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: PankajKumarShorthillsAI <142473460+PankajKumarShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI <142393903+AbhishekYadavShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AmitSinghShorthillsAI <142410046+AmitSinghShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Aayush <142384656+AayushShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: AnujMauryaShorthillsAI <142393269+AnujMauryaShorthillsAI@users.noreply.github.com>
- Implemented the MilvusTranslator for self-querying using Milvus vector
- Made unit tests to test its functionality
- Documented the Milvus self-querying
- Description: this PR adds the possibility to configure boto3 in the S3
loaders. Any named argument you add will be used to create the Boto3
session. This is useful when the AWS credentials can't be passed as env
variables or can't be read from the credentials file.
- Issue: N/A
- Dependencies: N/A
- Tag maintainer: ?
- Twitter handle: cbornet_
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <baskaryan@gmail.com>
Various improvements to the Model I/O section of the documentation
- Changed "Chat Model" to "chat model" in a few spots for internal
- Minor spelling & grammar fixes to improve readability & comprehension