Commit Graph

194 Commits (30fb345342f2ae10d1d8fe10f93c548761a0395e)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Kirushikesh DB 12861273e1
experimental[patch]: Removed 'SQLResults:' from the LLMResponse in SQLDatabaseChain (#17104)
When using the SQLDatabaseChain with Llama2-70b LLM and, SQLite
database. I was getting `Warning: You can only execute one statement at
a time.`.

from langchain.sql_database import SQLDatabase
from langchain_experimental.sql import SQLDatabaseChain

sql_database_path = '/dccstor/mmdataretrieval/mm_dataset/swimming_record/rag_data/swimmingdataset.db'
sql_db = get_database(sql_database_path)
db_chain = SQLDatabaseChain.from_llm(mistral, sql_db, verbose=True, callbacks = [callback_obj])
    "query": "What is the best time of Lance Larson in men's 100 meter butterfly competition?"
Warning                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[31], line 3
      1 import langchain
      2 langchain.debug=False
----> 3 db_chain.invoke({
      4     "query": "What is the best time of Lance Larson in men's 100 meter butterfly competition?"
      5 })

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langchain/chains/, in Chain.invoke(self, input, config, **kwargs)
    160 except BaseException as e:
    161     run_manager.on_chain_error(e)
--> 162     raise e
    163 run_manager.on_chain_end(outputs)
    164 final_outputs: Dict[str, Any] = self.prep_outputs(
    165     inputs, outputs, return_only_outputs
    166 )

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langchain/chains/, in Chain.invoke(self, input, config, **kwargs)
    149 run_manager = callback_manager.on_chain_start(
    150     dumpd(self),
    151     inputs,
    152     name=run_name,
    153 )
    154 try:
    155     outputs = (
--> 156         self._call(inputs, run_manager=run_manager)
    157         if new_arg_supported
    158         else self._call(inputs)
    159     )
    160 except BaseException as e:
    161     run_manager.on_chain_error(e)

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langchain_experimental/sql/, in SQLDatabaseChain._call(self, inputs, run_manager)
    194 except Exception as exc:
    195     # Append intermediate steps to exception, to aid in logging and later
    196     # improvement of few shot prompt seeds
    197     exc.intermediate_steps = intermediate_steps  # type: ignore
--> 198     raise exc

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langchain_experimental/sql/, in SQLDatabaseChain._call(self, inputs, run_manager)
    139     intermediate_steps.append(
    140         sql_cmd
    141     )  # output: sql generation (no checker)
    142     intermediate_steps.append({"sql_cmd": sql_cmd})  # input: sql exec
--> 143     result =
    144     intermediate_steps.append(str(result))  # output: sql exec
    145 else:

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langchain_community/utilities/, in, command, fetch, include_columns)
    425 def run(
    426     self,
    427     command: str,
    428     fetch: Literal["all", "one"] = "all",
    429     include_columns: bool = False,
    430 ) -> str:
    431     """Execute a SQL command and return a string representing the results.
    433     If the statement returns rows, a string of the results is returned.
    434     If the statement returns no rows, an empty string is returned.
    435     """
--> 436     result = self._execute(command, fetch)
    438     res = [
    439         {
    440             column: truncate_word(value, length=self._max_string_length)
    443         for r in result
    444     ]
    446     if not include_columns:

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/langchain_community/utilities/, in SQLDatabase._execute(self, command, fetch)
    410     elif self.dialect == "postgresql":  # postgresql
    411         connection.exec_driver_sql("SET search_path TO %s", (self._schema,))
--> 413 cursor = connection.execute(text(command))
    414 if cursor.returns_rows:
    415     if fetch == "all":

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection.execute(self, statement, parameters, execution_options)
   1414     raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(statement) from err
   1415 else:
-> 1416     return meth(
   1417         self,
   1418         distilled_parameters,
   1419         execution_options or NO_OPTIONS,
   1420     )

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/, in ClauseElement._execute_on_connection(self, connection, distilled_params, execution_options)
    514     if TYPE_CHECKING:
    515         assert isinstance(self, Executable)
--> 516     return connection._execute_clauseelement(
    517         self, distilled_params, execution_options
    518     )
    519 else:
    520     raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(self)

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._execute_clauseelement(self, elem, distilled_parameters, execution_options)
   1627 compiled_cache: Optional[CompiledCacheType] = execution_options.get(
   1628     "compiled_cache", self.engine._compiled_cache
   1629 )
   1631 compiled_sql, extracted_params, cache_hit = elem._compile_w_cache(
   1632     dialect=dialect,
   1633     compiled_cache=compiled_cache,
   1637     linting=self.dialect.compiler_linting | compiler.WARN_LINTING,
   1638 )
-> 1639 ret = self._execute_context(
   1640     dialect,
   1641     dialect.execution_ctx_cls._init_compiled,
   1642     compiled_sql,
   1643     distilled_parameters,
   1644     execution_options,
   1645     compiled_sql,
   1646     distilled_parameters,
   1647     elem,
   1648     extracted_params,
   1649     cache_hit=cache_hit,
   1650 )
   1651 if has_events:
   1652     self.dispatch.after_execute(
   1653         self,
   1654         elem,
   1658         ret,
   1659     )

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._execute_context(self, dialect, constructor, statement, parameters, execution_options, *args, **kw)
   1843     return self._exec_insertmany_context(
   1844         dialect,
   1845         context,
   1846     )
   1847 else:
-> 1848     return self._exec_single_context(
   1849         dialect, context, statement, parameters
   1850     )

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._exec_single_context(self, dialect, context, statement, parameters)
   1985     result = context._setup_result_proxy()
   1987 except BaseException as e:
-> 1988     self._handle_dbapi_exception(
   1989         e, str_statement, effective_parameters, cursor, context
   1990     )
   1992 return result

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._handle_dbapi_exception(self, e, statement, parameters, cursor, context, is_sub_exec)
   2344     else:
   2345         assert exc_info[1] is not None
-> 2346         raise exc_info[1].with_traceback(exc_info[2])
   2347 finally:
   2348     del self._reentrant_error

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in Connection._exec_single_context(self, dialect, context, statement, parameters)
   1967                 break
   1968     if not evt_handled:
-> 1969         self.dialect.do_execute(
   1970             cursor, str_statement, effective_parameters, context
   1971         )
   1973 if self._has_events or self.engine._has_events:
   1974     self.dispatch.after_cursor_execute(
   1975         self,
   1976         cursor,
   1980         context.executemany,
   1981     )

File ~/.conda/envs/guardrails1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/, in DefaultDialect.do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context)
    921 def do_execute(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
--> 922     cursor.execute(statement, parameters)

Warning: You can only execute one statement at a time.
The Error occurs because when generating the SQLQuery, the llm_input
includes the stop character of "\nSQLResult:", so for this user query
the LLM generated response is **SELECT Time FROM men_butterfly_100m
WHERE Swimmer = 'Lance Larson';\nSQLResult:** it is required to remove
the SQLResult suffix on the llm response before executing it on the

llm_inputs = {
            "input": input_text,
            "top_k": str(self.top_k),
            "dialect": self.database.dialect,
            "table_info": table_info,
            "stop": ["\nSQLResult:"],

sql_cmd = self.llm_chain.predict(

if SQL_RESULT in sql_cmd:
    sql_cmd = sql_cmd.split(SQL_RESULT)[0].strip()
result =

<!-- Thank you for contributing to LangChain!

Please title your PR "<package>: <description>", where <package> is
whichever of langchain, community, core, experimental, etc. is being

Replace this entire comment with:
  - **Description:** a description of the change, 
  - **Issue:** the issue # it fixes if applicable,
  - **Dependencies:** any dependencies required for this change,
- **Twitter handle:** we announce bigger features on Twitter. If your PR
gets announced, and you'd like a mention, we'll gladly shout you out!

Please make sure your PR is passing linting and testing before
submitting. Run `make format`, `make lint` and `make test` from the root
of the package you've modified to check this locally.

See contribution guidelines for more information on how to write/run
tests, lint, etc:

If you're adding a new integration, please include:
1. a test for the integration, preferably unit tests that do not rely on
network access,
2. an example notebook showing its use. It lives in
`docs/docs/integrations` directory.

If no one reviews your PR within a few days, please @-mention one of
@baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @hwchase17.


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
6 months ago
T Cramer 540ebf35a9
community[patch]: Add explicit error message to Bedrock error output. (#17328)
- **Description:** Propagate Bedrock errors into Langchain explicitly.
Use-case: unset region error is hidden behind 'Could not load
credentials...' message
- **Issue:**
  - **Dependencies:** None


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
6 months ago
Luca Dorigo f19229c564
core[patch]: fix beta, deprecated typing (#18877)

While not technically incorrect, the TypeVar used for the `@beta`
decorator prevented pyright (and thus most vscode users) from correctly
seeing the types of functions/classes decorated with `@beta`.

This is in part due to a small bug in pyright
( ) - however, the
`Type` bound in the typevar `C = TypeVar("C", Type, Callable)` is not
doing anything - classes are `Callables` by default, so by my
understanding binding to `Type` does not actually provide any more
safety - the modified annotation still works correctly for both
functions, properties, and classes.


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
6 months ago
Tomaz Bratanic b04e663426
experimental[patch]: Flatten relationships in LLM graph transformer (#19642) 6 months ago
Juan Jose Miguel Ovalle Villamil 1fe10a3e3d
experimental[patch]: Enhance LLMGraphTransformer with async processing and improved readability (#19205)
- [x] **PR title**: "experimental: Enhance LLMGraphTransformer with
async processing and improved readability"

- [x] **PR message**: 
- **Description:** This pull request refactors the `process_response`
and `convert_to_graph_documents` methods in the LLMGraphTransformer
class to improve code readability and adds async versions of these
methods for concurrent processing.
    The main changes include:
- Simplifying list comprehensions and conditional logic in the
process_response method for better readability.
- Adding async versions aprocess_response and
aconvert_to_graph_documents to enable concurrent processing of
These enhancements aim to improve the overall efficiency and
maintainability of the `LLMGraphTransformer` class.
  - **Issue:** N/A
  - **Dependencies:** No additional dependencies required.
  - **Twitter handle:** @jjovalle99

- [x] **Add tests and docs**: N/A (This PR does not introduce a new

- [x] **Lint and test**: Ran make format, make lint, and make test from
the root of the modified package(s). All tests pass successfully.

Additional notes:

- The changes made in this PR are backwards compatible and do not
introduce any breaking changes.
- The PR touches only the `LLMGraphTransformer` class within the
experimental package.


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
6 months ago
Leonid Ganeline 3dc0f3c371
experimental[patch]: `PromptTemplate` import fix (#19617)
Changed import of `PromptTemplate` from `langchain` to `langchain_core`
in `langchain_experimental`
6 months ago
Leonid Ganeline 4159a4723c
experimental[patch]: update module doc strings (#19539)
Added missed module descriptions. Fixed format.
6 months ago
Zihong ff31cc1648
experimental: update the notebook link of semantic chunk. (#19253)
update the notebook link of semantic chunk.
6 months ago
Cycle 77868b1974
experimental: add buffer_size hyperparameter to SemanticChunker as in source video (#19208)
add buffer_size hyperparameter which used in combine_sentences function
6 months ago
Tomaz Bratanic cda43c5a11
experimental[patch]: Fix LLM graph transformer default prompt (#18856)
Some LLMs do not allow multiple user messages in sequence.
7 months ago
Tomaz Bratanic 246724faab
LLM graph transformer prompt engineering (#18843)
A bit of prompt engineering to improve results
7 months ago
Alexander Dicke 66576948e0
experimental[minor]: adds mixtral wrapper (#17423)
**Description:** Adds a chat wrapper for Mixtral models using the


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
7 months ago
Tomaz Bratanic c8c592d3f1
experimental[minor]: Add LLM graph transformer (#18733)
Add a class that constructs knowledge graphs based on text using an LLM.
7 months ago
Tomaz Bratanic 010a234f1e
docs: Fix diffbot graph transformer description (#18736)
The previous docstring was invalid
7 months ago
Massimiliano Pronesti 3b975c6ebe
experimental[minor]: add support for modin in pandas agent (#18749)
Added support for Intel's
[modin]( in
7 months ago
Erick Friis 4ac2cb4adc
anthropic[minor]: add tool calling (#18554) 7 months ago
matt haigh a4896da2a0
Experimental: Add other threshold types to SemanticChunker (#16807)
Adding different threshold types to the semantic chunker. I’ve had much
better and predictable performance when using standard deviations
instead of percentiles.


For all the documents I’ve tried, the distribution of distances look
similar to the above: positively skewed normal distribution. All skews
I’ve seen are less than 1 so that explains why standard deviations
perform well, but I’ve included IQR if anyone wants something more

Also, using the percentile method backwards, you can declare the number
of clusters and use semantic chunking to get an ‘optimal’ splitting.


Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
7 months ago
Leonid Ganeline 3f6bf852ea
experimental: docstrings update (#18048)
Added missed docstrings. Formatted docsctrings to the consistent format.
7 months ago
Erick Friis ed789be8f4
docs, templates: update schema imports to core (#17885)
- chat models, messages
- documents
- agentaction/finish
- baseretriever,document
- stroutputparser
- more messages
- basemessage
- format_document
- baseoutputparser


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
7 months ago
Pranav Agarwal 86ae48b781
experimental[minor]: Amazon Personalize support (#17436)
## Amazon Personalize support on Langchain

This PR is a successor to this PR -

This PR introduces an integration with [Amazon
Personalize]( to help you to
retrieve recommendations and use them in your natural language
applications. This integration provides two new components:

1. An `AmazonPersonalize` client, that provides a wrapper around the
Amazon Personalize API.
2. An `AmazonPersonalizeChain`, that provides a chain to pull in
recommendations using the client, and then generating the response in
natural language.

We have added this to langchain_experimental since there was feedback
from the previous PR about having this support in experimental rather
than the core or community extensions.

Here is some sample code to explain the usage.


from langchain_experimental.recommenders import AmazonPersonalize
from langchain_experimental.recommenders import AmazonPersonalizeChain
from langchain.llms.bedrock import Bedrock

recommender_arn = "<insert_arn>"

bedrock_llm = Bedrock(

chain = AmazonPersonalizeChain.from_llm(
response = chain({'user_id': '1'})

Reviewer: @3coins
7 months ago
Mattt394 7c6009b76f
experimental[patch]: Fixed typos in SmartLLMChain ideation and critique prompts (#11507)
Noticed and fixed a few typos in the SmartLLMChain default ideation and
critique prompts


Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
7 months ago
DanisJiang de9a6cdf16
experimental[patch]: Enhance protection against arbitrary code execution in PALChain (#17091)
- **Description:** Block some ways to trigger arbitrary code execution
bug in PALChain.


Co-authored-by: Eugene Yurtsev <>
7 months ago
Bagatur c0ce93236a
experimental[patch]: fix zero-shot pandas agent (#17442) 7 months ago
Theo / Taeyoon Kang 1987f905ed
core[patch]: Support .yml extension for YAML (#16783)
- **Description:**

[AS-IS] When dealing with a yaml file, the extension must be .yaml.  

[TO-BE] In the absence of extension length constraints in the OS, the
extension of the YAML file is yaml, but control over the yml extension
must still be made.

It's as if it's an error because it's a .jpg extension in jpeg support.

  - **Issue:** - 

  - **Dependencies:**
no dependencies required for this change,
7 months ago
Erick Friis 3a2eb6e12b
infra: add print rule to ruff (#16221)
Added noqa for existing prints. Can slowly remove / will prevent more
being intro'd
8 months ago
Eugene Yurtsev 780e84ae79
community[minor]: SQLDatabase Add fetch mode `cursor`, query parameters, query by selectable, expose execution options, and documentation (#17191)
- **Description:** Improve `SQLDatabase` adapter component to promote
code re-use, see
  - **Needed by:** GH-16246
  - **Addressed to:** @baskaryan, @cbornet 

## Details
- Add `cursor` fetch mode
- Accept SQL query parameters
- Accept both `str` and SQLAlchemy selectables as query expression
- Expose `execution_options`
- Documentation page (notebook) about `SQLDatabase` [^1]
See [About

[^1]: Apparently there hasn't been any yet?


Co-authored-by: Andreas Motl <>
8 months ago
Leonid Ganeline 563f325034
experimental[patch]: fixed import in `experimental` (#17078) 8 months ago
Giulio Zani 9f0b63dba0
experimental[patch]: Fixes issue #17060 (#17062)
As described in issue #17060, in the case in which text has only one
sentence the following function fails. Checking for that and adding a
return case fixed the issue.

    def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]:
        """Split text into multiple components."""
        # Splitting the essay on '.', '?', and '!'
        single_sentences_list = re.split(r"(?<=[.?!])\s+", text)
        sentences = [
            {"sentence": x, "index": i} for i, x in enumerate(single_sentences_list)
        sentences = combine_sentences(sentences)
        embeddings = self.embeddings.embed_documents(
            [x["combined_sentence"] for x in sentences]
        for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
            sentence["combined_sentence_embedding"] = embeddings[i]
        distances, sentences = calculate_cosine_distances(sentences)
        start_index = 0

        # Create a list to hold the grouped sentences
        chunks = []
        breakpoint_percentile_threshold = 95
        breakpoint_distance_threshold = np.percentile(
            distances, breakpoint_percentile_threshold
        )  # If you want more chunks, lower the percentile cutoff

        indices_above_thresh = [
            i for i, x in enumerate(distances) if x > breakpoint_distance_threshold
        ]  # The indices of those breakpoints on your list

        # Iterate through the breakpoints to slice the sentences
        for index in indices_above_thresh:
            # The end index is the current breakpoint
            end_index = index

            # Slice the sentence_dicts from the current start index to the end index
            group = sentences[start_index : end_index + 1]
            combined_text = " ".join([d["sentence"] for d in group])

            # Update the start index for the next group
            start_index = index + 1

        # The last group, if any sentences remain
        if start_index < len(sentences):
            combined_text = " ".join([d["sentence"] for d in sentences[start_index:]])
        return chunks

Co-authored-by: Giulio Zani <>
8 months ago
Bagatur 7d03d8f586
docs: fix docstring examples (#16889) 8 months ago
Bagatur b0347f3e2b
docs: add csv use case (#16756) 8 months ago
Massimiliano Pronesti 1bc8d9a943
experimental[patch]: missing resolution strategy in anonymization (#16653)
- **Description:** Presidio-based anonymizers are not working because
`_remove_conflicts_and_get_text_manipulation_data` was being called
without a conflict resolution strategy. This PR fixes this issue. In
addition, it removes some mutable default arguments (antipattern).
To reproduce the issue, just run the very first cell of this
[notebook]( from
langchain's documentation.

<!-- Thank you for contributing to LangChain!

Please title your PR "<package>: <description>", where <package> is
whichever of langchain, community, core, experimental, etc. is being

Replace this entire comment with:
  - **Description:** a description of the change, 
  - **Issue:** the issue # it fixes if applicable,
  - **Dependencies:** any dependencies required for this change,
- **Twitter handle:** we announce bigger features on Twitter. If your PR
gets announced, and you'd like a mention, we'll gladly shout you out!

Please make sure your PR is passing linting and testing before
submitting. Run `make format`, `make lint` and `make test` from the root
of the package you've modified to check this locally.

See contribution guidelines for more information on how to write/run
tests, lint, etc:

If you're adding a new integration, please include:
1. a test for the integration, preferably unit tests that do not rely on
network access,
2. an example notebook showing its use. It lives in
`docs/docs/integrations` directory.

If no one reviews your PR within a few days, please @-mention one of
@baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @hwchase17.
8 months ago
Bagatur bccb07f93e
core[patch]: simple prompt pretty printing (#15968) 8 months ago
Harrison Chase 20abe24819
experimental[minor]: Add semantic chunker (#15799) 9 months ago
Bagatur baeac236b6
langchain[patch], experimental[patch]: update utilities imports (#15438) 9 months ago
Bagatur 1678d6ca17
langchain[patch], experimental[patch], docs: update tools imports (#15433) 9 months ago
Bagatur fa5d49f2c1
docs, experimental[patch], langchain[patch], community[patch]: update storage imports (#15429)
g grep -l "langchain.vectorstores" | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/langchain\.vectorstores/langchain_community.vectorstores/g"
g grep -l "langchain.document_loaders" | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/langchain\.document_loaders/langchain_community.document_loaders/g"
g grep -l "langchain.chat_loaders" | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/langchain\.chat_loaders/langchain_community.chat_loaders/g"
g grep -l "langchain.document_transformers" | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/langchain\.document_transformers/langchain_community.document_transformers/g"
g grep -l "langchain\.graphs" | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/langchain\.graphs/langchain_community.graphs/g"
g grep -l "langchain\.memory\.chat_message_histories" | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/langchain\.memory\.chat_message_histories/langchain_community.chat_message_histories/g"
gco master libs/langchain/tests/unit_tests/*/
gco master libs/langchain/tests/unit_tests/**/
9 months ago
Bagatur 480626dc99
docs, community[patch], experimental[patch], langchain[patch], cli[pa… (#15412)
…tch]: import models from community

git grep -l 'from langchain\.chat_models' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.chat_models/from\ langchain_community.chat_models/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain\.llms' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.llms/from\ langchain_community.llms/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain\.embeddings' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.embeddings/from\ langchain_community.embeddings/g"
git checkout master libs/langchain/tests/unit_tests/llms
git checkout master libs/langchain/tests/unit_tests/chat_models
git checkout master libs/langchain/tests/unit_tests/embeddings/
make format
cd libs/langchain; make format
cd ../experimental; make format
cd ../core; make format
9 months ago
Bagatur 8e0d5813c2
langchain[patch], experimental[patch]: replace langchain.schema imports (#15410)
Import from core instead.

git grep -l 'from langchain.schema\.output_parser' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.schema\.output_parser/from\ langchain_core.output_parsers/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain.schema\.messages' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.schema\.messages/from\ langchain_core.messages/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain.schema\.document' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.schema\.document/from\ langchain_core.documents/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain.schema\.runnable' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.schema\.runnable/from\ langchain_core.runnables/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain.schema\.vectorstore' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.schema\.vectorstore/from\ langchain_core.vectorstores/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain.schema\.language_model' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.schema\.language_model/from\ langchain_core.language_models/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain.schema\.embeddings' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.schema\.embeddings/from\ langchain_core.embeddings/g"
git grep -l 'from langchain.schema\.storage' | xargs -L 1 sed -i '' "s/from\ langchain\.schema\.storage/from\ langchain_core.stores/g"
git checkout master libs/langchain/tests/unit_tests/schema/
make format
cd libs/experimental
make format
cd ../langchain
make format
9 months ago
Nuno Campos eb5e250188 Propagate context vars in all classes/methods
- Any direct usage of ThreadPoolExecutor or asyncio.run_in_executor needs manual handling of context vars
9 months ago
Leonid Ganeline b2fd41331e
docs: docstrings `langchain_community` update (#14889)
Addded missed docstrings. Fixed inconsistency in docstrings.

**Note** CC @efriis 
There were PR errors on
But, I didn't touch this file in this PR! Can it be some cache problems?
I fixed this error.
9 months ago
Oleksandr Yaremchuk d82a3828f2
Improve prompt injection detection (#14842)
- **Description:** This is addition to [my previous
PR]( with
improvements to flexibility allowing different models and notebook to
use ONNX runtime for faster speed. Since the last PR, [our
got more than 660k downloads, and with the [public
showed much fewer false-positives than the previous one from deepset.
Additionally, on the ONNX runtime, it can be running 3x faster on the
CPU, which might be handy for builders using Langchain.
 **Issue:** N/A
 - **Dependencies:** N/A
 - **Tag maintainer:** N/A 
- **Twitter handle:** `@laiyer_ai`
9 months ago
Bagatur ed58eeb9c5
community[major], core[patch], langchain[patch], experimental[patch]: Create langchain-community (#14463)
Moved the following modules to new package langchain-community in a backwards compatible fashion:

mv langchain/langchain/adapters community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/callbacks community/langchain_community/callbacks
mv langchain/langchain/chat_loaders community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/chat_models community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/document_loaders community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/docstore community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/document_transformers community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/embeddings community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/graphs community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/llms community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/memory/chat_message_histories community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/retrievers community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/storage community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/tools community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/utilities community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/vectorstores community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/agents/agent_toolkits community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/ community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/adapters community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/callbacks community/langchain_community/callbacks
mv langchain/langchain/chat_loaders community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/chat_models community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/document_loaders community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/docstore community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/document_transformers community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/embeddings community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/graphs community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/llms community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/memory/chat_message_histories community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/retrievers community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/storage community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/tools community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/utilities community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/vectorstores community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/agents/agent_toolkits community/langchain_community
mv langchain/langchain/ community/langchain_community

Moved the following to core
mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils
mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils
mv langchain/langchain/utils/ core/langchain_core/utils
cat langchain/langchain/utils/ >> core/langchain_core/utils/
rm langchain/langchain/utils/

See .scripts/community_split/ for all changes
10 months ago
Anish Nag 6da0cfea0e
experimental[patch]: SmartLLMChain Output Key Customization (#14466)
The `SmartLLMChain` was was fixed to output key "resolution".
Unfortunately, this prevents the ability to use multiple `SmartLLMChain`
in a `SequentialChain` because of colliding output keys. This change
simply gives the option the customize the output key to allow for
sequential chaining. The default behavior is the same as the current

Now, it's possible to do the following:
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_experimental.smart_llm import SmartLLMChain
from langchain.chains import SequentialChain

joke_prompt = PromptTemplate(
    template="Tell me a joke about {content}.",
review_prompt = PromptTemplate(
    input_variables=["scale", "joke"],
    template="Rate the following joke from 1 to {scale}: {joke}"

llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.9, model_name="gpt-4-32k")
joke_chain = SmartLLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=joke_prompt, output_key="joke")
review_chain = SmartLLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=review_prompt, output_key="review")

chain = SequentialChain(
    chains=[joke_chain, review_chain],
    input_variables=["content", "scale"],
response ={"content": "chickens", "scale": "10"})


Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
10 months ago
Erick Friis b3f226e8f8
core[patch], langchain[patch], experimental[patch]: import CI (#14414) 10 months ago
Bagatur b2280fd874
core[patch], langchain[patch]: fix required deps (#14373) 10 months ago
kavinraj A S ab6b41937a
Fixed a typo in smart_llm prompt (#13052)
<!-- Thank you for contributing to LangChain!

Replace this entire comment with:
  - **Description:** a description of the change, 
  - **Issue:** the issue # it fixes (if applicable),
  - **Dependencies:** any dependencies required for this change,
- **Tag maintainer:** for a quicker response, tag the relevant
maintainer (see below),
- **Twitter handle:** we announce bigger features on Twitter. If your PR
gets announced, and you'd like a mention, we'll gladly shout you out!

Please make sure your PR is passing linting and testing before
submitting. Run `make format`, `make lint` and `make test` to check this

See contribution guidelines for more information on how to write/run
tests, lint, etc:

If you're adding a new integration, please include:
1. a test for the integration, preferably unit tests that do not rely on
network access,
2. an example notebook showing its use. It lives in `docs/extras`

If no one reviews your PR within a few days, please @-mention one of
@baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @hwchase17.
10 months ago
Lance Martin 66848871fc
Multi-modal RAG template (#14186)
* OpenCLIP embeddings
* GPT-4V


Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
10 months ago
Eun Hye Kim f758c8adc4
Fix #11737 issue (extra_tools option of create_pandas_dataframe_agent is not working) (#13203)
- **Description:** Fix #11737 issue (extra_tools option of
create_pandas_dataframe_agent is not working),
  - **Issue:** #11737 ,
  - **Dependencies:** no,
- **Tag maintainer:** @baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @hwchase17 I needed this
method at work, so I modified it myself and used it. There is a similar
issue(#11737) and PR(#13018) of @PyroGenesis, so I combined my code at
the original PR.
You may be busy, but it would be great help for me if you checked. Thank
  - **Twitter handle:** @lunara_x 

If you need an .ipynb example about this, please tag me. 
I will share what I am working on after removing any work-related


Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
10 months ago
Abdul 82102c99b3
langchain[patch]: Running SQLDatabaseChain adds prefix "SQLQuery:\n" (#14058)
- **Issue:**


Co-authored-by: Abdul Kader Maliyakkal <>
10 months ago
James Braza 24385a00de
core[minor], langchain[patch], experimental[patch]: Added missing `py.typed` to `langchain_core` (#14143)
See PR title.

From what I can see, `poetry` will auto-include this. Please let me know
if I am missing something here.


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
10 months ago
Lance Martin cbe4753e1a
Update Open CLIP embd (#14155)
Prior default model required a large amt of RAM and often crashed
Jupyter ntbk kernel.
10 months ago
Jacob Lee 3328507f11
langchain[patch], experimental[minor]: Adds OllamaFunctions wrapper (#13330)
CC @baskaryan @hwchase17 @jmorganca 

Having a bit of trouble importing `langchain_experimental` from a
notebook, will figure it out tomorrow

~Ah and also is blocked by #13226~


Co-authored-by: Lance Martin <>
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
10 months ago
Leonid Ganeline bf5787f58b
experimental[patch]: fixed namespace bug (#13585)
It was :
`from langchain.schema.prompts import BasePromptTemplate`
but because of the breaking change in the ns, it is now
`from langchain.schema.prompt_template import BasePromptTemplate`

This bug prevents building the API Reference for the langchain_experimental
10 months ago
Johannes Foulds fc40bd4cdb
AnthropicFunctions function_call compatibility (#13901)
- **Description:** Updates to `AnthropicFunctions` to be compatible with
the OpenAI `function_call` functionality.
- **Issue:** The functionality to indicate `auto`, `none` and a forced
function_call was not completely implemented in the existing code.
  - **Dependencies:** None
- **Tag maintainer:** @baskaryan , and any of the other maintainers if
  - **Twitter handle:** None

I have specifically tested this functionality via AWS Bedrock with the
Claude-2 and Claude-Instant models.
10 months ago
Oleksandr Yaremchuk c0277d06e8
experimental[patch] Update prompt injection model (#13930)
- **Description:** Existing model used for Prompt Injection is quite
outdated but we fine-tuned and open-source a new model based on the same
model deberta-v3-base from Microsoft -
It supports more up-to-date injections and less prone to
  - **Dependencies:** No
  - **Tag maintainer:** -
  - **Twitter handle:** @alex_yaremchuk


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
10 months ago
Bob Lin e6ebde9688
experimental[patch]: Add experimental.agent imports (#13839)
- **Description:** The experimental package needs to be compatible with
the usage of importing agents

For example, if i use `from langchain.agents import
create_pandas_dataframe_agent`, running the program will prompt the
following information:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/Users/dongwm/test/", line 1, in <module>
     from langchain.agents import create_pandas_dataframe_agent
   File "/Users/dongwm/test/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/langchain/agents/", line 87, in __getattr__
     raise ImportError(
ImportError: create_pandas_dataframe_agent has been moved to langchain experimental. See for more information.
Please update your import statement from: `langchain.agents.create_pandas_dataframe_agent` to `langchain_experimental.agents.create_pandas_dataframe_agent`.

But when I changed to `from langchain_experimental.agents import
create_pandas_dataframe_agent`, it was actually wrong:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/dongwm/test/", line 2, in <module>
    from langchain_experimental.agents import create_pandas_dataframe_agent
ImportError: cannot import name 'create_pandas_dataframe_agent' from 'langchain_experimental.agents' (/Users/dongwm/test/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/langchain_experimental/agents/

I should use `from langchain_experimental.agents.agent_toolkits import
create_pandas_dataframe_agent`. In order to solve the problem and make
it compatible, I added additional import code to the
langchain_experimental package. Now it can be like this Used `from
langchain_experimental.agents import create_pandas_dataframe_agent`

  - **Twitter handle:** [lin_bob57617](
10 months ago
Bagatur c61e30632e
BUG: more core fixes (#13665)
Fix some circular deps:
- move PromptValue into top level module bc both PromptTemplates and
OutputParsers import
- move tracer context vars to `tracers.context` and import them in
functions in `callbacks.manager`
- add core import tests
10 months ago
Martin Krasser 79ed66f870
EXPERIMENTAL Generic LLM wrapper to support chat model interface with configurable chat prompt format (#8295)
## Update 2023-09-08

This PR now supports further models in addition to Lllama-2 chat models.
See [this comment](#issuecomment-1668988543) for further details. The
title of this PR has been updated accordingly.

## Original PR description

This PR adds a generic `Llama2Chat` model, a wrapper for LLMs able to
serve Llama-2 chat models (like `LlamaCPP`,
`HuggingFaceTextGenInference`, ...). It implements `BaseChatModel`,
converts a list of chat messages into the [required Llama-2 chat prompt
format]( and
forwards the formatted prompt as `str` to the wrapped `LLM`. Usage

# uses a locally hosted Llama2 chat model
llm = HuggingFaceTextGenInference(

# Wrap llm to support Llama2 chat prompt format.
# Resulting model is a chat model
model = Llama2Chat(llm=llm)

messages = [
    SystemMessage(content="You are a helpful assistant."),

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(messages)
memory = ConversationBufferMemory(memory_key="chat_history", return_messages=True)
chain = LLMChain(llm=model, prompt=prompt, memory=memory)

# use chat model in a conversation
# ...

Also part of this PR are tests and a demo notebook.

- Tag maintainer: @hwchase17
- Twitter handle: `@mrt1nz`


Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
10 months ago
Bagatur 1c67db4c18
Move OAI assistants to langchain and add callbacks (#13236) 10 months ago
Lance Martin d2e50b3108
Add Chroma multimodal cookbook (#12952)


Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
11 months ago
Bagatur 8b2a82b5ce
Bagatur/docs smith context (#13139) 11 months ago
Bagatur 55aeff6777
oai assistant multiple actions (#13068) 11 months ago
Bagatur 57e19989f6
Bagatur/oai assistant (#13010) 11 months ago
Noam Gat 14e8c74736
LM Format Enforcer Integration + Sample Notebook (#12625)
## Description

This PR adds support for
[lm-format-enforcer]( to


The library is similar to jsonformer / RELLM which are supported in
Langchain, but has several advantages such as
- Batching and Beam search support
- More complete JSON Schema support
- LLM has control over whitespace, improving quality
- Better runtime performance due to only calling the LLM's generate()
function once per generate() call.

The integration is loosely based on the jsonformer integration in terms
of project structure.

## Dependencies

No compile-time dependency was added, but if `lm-format-enforcer` is not
installed, a runtime error will occur if it is trying to be used.

## Tests

Due to the integration modifying the internal parameters of the
underlying huggingface transformer LLM, it is not possible to test
without building a real LM, which requires internet access. So, similar
to the jsonformer and RELLM integrations, the testing is via the

## Twitter Handle


Looking forward to hearing feedback!


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
11 months ago
Predrag Gruevski f94e24dfd7
Install and use `ruff format` instead of black for code formatting. (#12585)
Best to review one commit at a time, since two of the commits are 100%
autogenerated changes from running `ruff format`:
- Install and use `ruff format` instead of black for code formatting.
- Output of `ruff format .` in the `langchain` package.
- Use `ruff format` in experimental package.
- Format changes in experimental package by `ruff format`.
- Manual formatting fixes to make `ruff .` pass.
11 months ago
Harrison Chase 0ca539eb85
Clean up deprecated agents and update __init__ in experimental (#12231)
Update init paths in experimental
11 months ago
Shorthills AI 25c98dbba9
Fixed some grammatical and Exception types issues (#12015)
Fixed some grammatical issues and Exception types.

@baskaryan , @eyurtsev


Co-authored-by: Sanskar Tanwar <>
Co-authored-by: UpneetShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: HarshGuptaShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: AdityaKalraShorthillsAI <>
Co-authored-by: SakshiShorthillsAI <>
11 months ago
Nikhil Jha dff24285ea
Comprehend Moderation 0.2 (#11730)
This PR replaces the previous `Intent` check with the new `Prompt
Safety` check. The logic and steps to enable chain moderation via the
Amazon Comprehend service, allowing you to detect and redact PII, Toxic,
and Prompt Safety information in the LLM prompt or answer remains
This implementation updates the code and configuration types with
respect to `Prompt Safety`.

### Usage sample

from langchain_experimental.comprehend_moderation import (BaseModerationConfig, 

pii_config = ModerationPiiConfig(

toxicity_config = ModerationToxicityConfig(

prompt_safety_config = ModerationPromptSafetyConfig(

moderation_config = BaseModerationConfig(
    filters=[pii_config, toxicity_config, prompt_safety_config]

comp_moderation_with_config = AmazonComprehendModerationChain(
    moderation_config=moderation_config, #specify the configuration
    client=comprehend_client,            #optionally pass the Boto3 Client

template = """Question: {question}


prompt = PromptTemplate(template=template, input_variables=["question"])

responses = [
    "Final Answer: A credit card number looks like 1289-2321-1123-2387. A fake SSN number looks like 323-22-9980. John Doe's phone number is (999)253-9876.", 
    "Final Answer: This is a really shitty way of constructing a birdhouse. This is fucking insane to think that any birds would actually create their motherfucking nests here."
llm = FakeListLLM(responses=responses)

llm_chain = LLMChain(prompt=prompt, llm=llm)

chain = ( 
    | comp_moderation_with_config 
    | {llm_chain.input_keys[0]: lambda x: x['output'] }  
    | llm_chain 
    | { "input": lambda x: x['text'] } 
    | comp_moderation_with_config 

    response = chain.invoke({"question": "A sample SSN number looks like this 123-456-7890. Can you give me some more samples?"})
except Exception as e:


### Output

> Entering new AmazonComprehendModerationChain chain...
Running AmazonComprehendModerationChain...
Running pii Validation...
Running toxicity Validation...
Running prompt safety Validation...

> Finished chain.

> Entering new AmazonComprehendModerationChain chain...
Running AmazonComprehendModerationChain...
Running pii Validation...
Running toxicity Validation...
Running prompt safety Validation...

> Finished chain.
Final Answer: A credit card number looks like 1289-2321-1123-2387. A fake SSN number looks like XXXXXXXXXXXX John Doe's phone number is (999)253-9876.


Co-authored-by: Jha <>
Co-authored-by: Anjan Biswas <>
Co-authored-by: Anjan Biswas <>
11 months ago
Erick Friis 95ae40ff90
Fix Anthropic Functions ainvoke (#12215)
Removes custom `NotImplementedError` in experimental anthropic
functions, allowing it to fallback on default `ainvoke` implementation.
11 months ago
Harrison Chase ee69116761
move csv agent to langchain experimental (#12113) 11 months ago
Harrison Chase 03bf6ef473
add missing init files (#12114) 11 months ago
Bagatur 85302a9ec1
Add CI check that integration tests compile (#12090) 11 months ago
Predrag Gruevski 392df7b2e3
Type hints on varargs and kwargs that take anything should be `Any`. (#11950)
Type hinting `*args` as `List[Any]` means that each positional argument
should be a list. Type hinting `**kwargs` as `Dict[str, Any]` means that
each keyword argument should be a dict of strings.

This is almost never what we actually wanted, and doesn't seem to be
what we want in any of the cases I'm replacing here.
11 months ago
Predrag Gruevski dcd0392423
Upgrade to newer black (23.10) and ruff (first 0.1.x!) versions. (#11944)
Minor lint dependency version upgrade to pick up latest functionality.

Ruff's new v0.1 version comes with lots of nice features, like
fix-safety guarantees and a preview mode for not-yet-stable features:
11 months ago
maks-operlejn-ds 42dcc502c7
Anonymizer small fixes (#11915) 11 months ago
Predrag Gruevski 7c0f1bf23f
Upgrade experimental package dependencies and use Poetry 1.6.1. (#11339)
Part of upgrading our CI to use Poetry 1.6.1.
11 months ago
Eugene Yurtsev 0d37b4c27d
Add python,pandas,xorbits,spark agents to experimental (#11774)
See for contex
12 months ago
Erick Friis 1861cc7100
General anthropic functions, steps towards experimental integration tests (#11727)
To match change in js here

Some integration tests need a bit more work in experimental:
![Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 12 02 49

Pretty sure the sqldatabase ones are an actual regression or change in
interface because it's returning a placeholder.


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
12 months ago
Suresh Kumar Ponnusamy 70f7558db2
langchain-experimental: Add allow_list support in experimental/data_anonymizer (#11597)
- **Description:** Add allow_list support in langchain experimental
data-anonymizer package
  - **Issue:** no
  - **Dependencies:** no
  - **Tag maintainer:** @hwchase17
  - **Twitter handle:**
12 months ago
Kwanghoon Choi fbb82608cd
Fixed a bug in reporting Python code validation (#11522)
- **Description:** fixed a bug in pal-chain when it reports Python
    code validation errors. When node.func does not have any ids, the
    original code tried to print in raising ValueError.
- **Issue:** n/a,
- **Dependencies:** no dependencies,
- **Tag maintainer:** @hazzel-cn, @eyurtsev
- **Twitter handle:** @lazyswamp


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
12 months ago
Eugene Yurtsev c9bce5bbfb
Add version to langchain_experimental (#11613)
Add version to langchain experimental
12 months ago
maks-operlejn-ds f64522fbaf
Reset deanonymizer mapping (#11559)
@hwchase17 @baskaryan
12 months ago
maks-operlejn-ds b14b65d62a
Support all presidio entities (#11558)

@baskaryan @hwchase17
12 months ago
maks-operlejn-ds 4d62def9ff
Better deanonymizer matching strategy (#11557)
@baskaryan, @hwchase17
12 months ago
Qihui Xie 57ade13b2b
fix llm_inputs duplication problem in intermediate_steps in SQLDatabaseChain (#10279)
Use `.copy()` to fix the bug that the first `llm_inputs` element is
overwritten by the second `llm_inputs` element in `intermediate_steps`.

***Problem description:***
In [line 127](

c732d8fffd/libs/experimental/langchain_experimental/sql/ (L127C17-L127C17)),
the `llm_inputs` of the sql generation step is appended as the first
element of `intermediate_steps`:
            intermediate_steps.append(llm_inputs)  # input: sql generation

However, `llm_inputs` is a mutable dict, it is updated in [line
for the final answer step:
                llm_inputs["input"] = input_text
Then, the updated `llm_inputs` is appended as another element of
`intermediate_steps` in [line
180](c732d8fffd/libs/experimental/langchain_experimental/sql/ (L180)):
                intermediate_steps.append(llm_inputs)  # input: final answer

As a result, the final `intermediate_steps` returned in [line
189](c732d8fffd/libs/experimental/langchain_experimental/sql/ (L189C43-L189C43))
actually contains two same `llm_inputs` elements, i.e., the `llm_inputs`
for the sql generation step overwritten by the one for final answer step
by mistake. Users are not able to get the actual `llm_inputs` for the
sql generation step from `intermediate_steps`

Simply calling `.copy()` when appending `llm_inputs` to
`intermediate_steps` can solve this problem.
12 months ago
Bagatur a3a2ce623e Revise vowpal_wabbit notebook 12 months ago
Bagatur 8fafa1af91 merge 12 months ago
maks-operlejn-ds 2aae1102b0
Instance anonymization (#10501)
### Description

Add instance anonymization - if `John Doe` will appear twice in the
text, it will be treated as the same entity.
The difference between `PresidioAnonymizer` and
`PresidioReversibleAnonymizer` is that only the second one has a
built-in memory, so it will remember anonymization mapping for multiple

>>> anonymizer = PresidioAnonymizer()
>>> anonymizer.anonymize("My name is John Doe. Hi John Doe!")
'My name is Noah Rhodes. Hi Noah Rhodes!'
>>> anonymizer.anonymize("My name is John Doe. Hi John Doe!")
'My name is Brett Russell. Hi Brett Russell!'
>>> anonymizer = PresidioReversibleAnonymizer()
>>> anonymizer.anonymize("My name is John Doe. Hi John Doe!")
'My name is Noah Rhodes. Hi Noah Rhodes!'
>>> anonymizer.anonymize("My name is John Doe. Hi John Doe!")
'My name is Noah Rhodes. Hi Noah Rhodes!'

### Twitter handle
@deepsense_ai / @MaksOpp

### Tag maintainer
@baskaryan @hwchase17 @hinthornw


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
12 months ago
Eugene Yurtsev fcccde406d
Add SymbolicMathChain to experiment in preparation for deprecation (#11129)
Move symbolic math chain to experimental
12 months ago
Predrag Gruevski c9986bc3a9
Tweak type hints to match dependency's behavior. (#11355)
Needs #11353 to merge first, and a new `langchain` to be published with
those changes.
12 months ago
Predrag Gruevski 5d6b83d9cf
Make a copy of external data instead of mutating another object's attributes. (#11349)
Fix for a bug surfaced as part of #11339. `mypy` caught this since the
types didn't match up.
12 months ago
Mohammad Mohtashim 3bddd708f7
Add memory to sql chain (#8597)
continuation of PR #8550

@hwchase17 please see and merge. And also close the PR #8550.


Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <>
Co-authored-by: Erick Friis <>
12 months ago
Eugene Yurtsev 5e2d5047af
add LLMBashChain to experimental (#11305)
Add LLMBashChain to experimental
12 months ago
Kazuki Maeda a363ab5292
rename repo namespace to langchain-ai (#11259)
### Description
renamed several repository links from `hwchase17` to `langchain-ai`.

### Why
I discovered that the README file in the devcontainer contains an old
repository name, so I took the opportunity to rename the old repository
name in all files within the repository, excluding those that do not
require changes.

### Dependencies

### Tag maintainer

### Twitter handle
12 months ago
Haozhe 4c97a10bd0
fix code injection vuln (#11233)
- **Description:** Fix a code injection vuln by adding one more keyword
into the filtering list
  - **Issue:** N/A
  - **Dependencies:** N/A
  - **Tag maintainer:** 
  - **Twitter handle:**

Co-authored-by: Eugene Yurtsev <>
1 year ago
PaperMoose 5d7c6d1bca
Synthetic Data generation (#9472)

Co-authored-by: William Fu-Hinthorn <>
Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago
Harrison Chase 5f13668fa0
Harrison/move vectorstore base (#11030) 1 year ago
Nuno Campos 7b13292e35
Remove python eval from vector sql db chain (#10937)
<!-- Thank you for contributing to LangChain!

Replace this entire comment with:
  - **Description:** a description of the change, 
  - **Issue:** the issue # it fixes (if applicable),
  - **Dependencies:** any dependencies required for this change,
- **Tag maintainer:** for a quicker response, tag the relevant
maintainer (see below),
- **Twitter handle:** we announce bigger features on Twitter. If your PR
gets announced, and you'd like a mention, we'll gladly shout you out!

Please make sure your PR is passing linting and testing before
submitting. Run `make format`, `make lint` and `make test` to check this

See contribution guidelines for more information on how to write/run
tests, lint, etc:

If you're adding a new integration, please include:
1. a test for the integration, preferably unit tests that do not rely on
network access,
2. an example notebook showing its use. It lives in `docs/extras`

If no one reviews your PR within a few days, please @-mention one of
@baskaryan, @eyurtsev, @hwchase17.
1 year ago
Harrison Chase 777b33b873
fix experimental imports (#10875) 1 year ago
Mateusz Wosinski a29cd89923
Synthetic data generation (#9759)
### Description

Implements synthetic data generation with the fields and preferences
given by the user. Adds showcase notebook.
Corresponding prompt was proposed for langchain-hub.

### Example

output = chain({"fields": {"colors": ["blue", "yellow"]}, "preferences": {"style": "Make it in a style of a weather forecast."}})

# {'fields': {'colors': ['blue', 'yellow']},
 'preferences': {'style': 'Make it in a style of a weather forecast.'},
 'text': "Good morning! Today's weather forecast brings a beautiful combination of colors to the sky, with hues of blue and yellow gently blending together like a mesmerizing painting."}

### Twitter handle 

@deepsense_ai @matt_wosinski


Co-authored-by: Bagatur <>
1 year ago