Adding different threshold types to the semantic chunker. I’ve had much
better and predictable performance when using standard deviations
instead of percentiles.
For all the documents I’ve tried, the distribution of distances look
similar to the above: positively skewed normal distribution. All skews
I’ve seen are less than 1 so that explains why standard deviations
perform well, but I’ve included IQR if anyone wants something more
Also, using the percentile method backwards, you can declare the number
of clusters and use semantic chunking to get an ‘optimal’ splitting.
Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <hw.chase.17@gmail.com>
As described in issue #17060, in the case in which text has only one
sentence the following function fails. Checking for that and adding a
return case fixed the issue.
def split_text(self, text: str) -> List[str]:
"""Split text into multiple components."""
# Splitting the essay on '.', '?', and '!'
single_sentences_list = re.split(r"(?<=[.?!])\s+", text)
sentences = [
{"sentence": x, "index": i} for i, x in enumerate(single_sentences_list)
sentences = combine_sentences(sentences)
embeddings = self.embeddings.embed_documents(
[x["combined_sentence"] for x in sentences]
for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):
sentence["combined_sentence_embedding"] = embeddings[i]
distances, sentences = calculate_cosine_distances(sentences)
start_index = 0
# Create a list to hold the grouped sentences
chunks = []
breakpoint_percentile_threshold = 95
breakpoint_distance_threshold = np.percentile(
distances, breakpoint_percentile_threshold
) # If you want more chunks, lower the percentile cutoff
indices_above_thresh = [
i for i, x in enumerate(distances) if x > breakpoint_distance_threshold
] # The indices of those breakpoints on your list
# Iterate through the breakpoints to slice the sentences
for index in indices_above_thresh:
# The end index is the current breakpoint
end_index = index
# Slice the sentence_dicts from the current start index to the end index
group = sentences[start_index : end_index + 1]
combined_text = " ".join([d["sentence"] for d in group])
# Update the start index for the next group
start_index = index + 1
# The last group, if any sentences remain
if start_index < len(sentences):
combined_text = " ".join([d["sentence"] for d in sentences[start_index:]])
return chunks
Co-authored-by: Giulio Zani <salamanderxing@Giulios-MBP.homenet.telecomitalia.it>