# Add ToolException that a tool can throw
This is an optional exception that tool throws when execution error
When this exception is thrown, the agent will not stop working,but will
handle the exception according to the handle_tool_error variable of the
tool,and the processing result will be returned to the agent as
observation,and printed in pink on the console.It can be used like this:
from langchain.schema import ToolException
from langchain import LLMMathChain, SerpAPIWrapper, OpenAI
from langchain.agents import AgentType, initialize_agent
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.tools import BaseTool, StructuredTool, Tool, tool
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0)
llm_math_chain = LLMMathChain(llm=llm, verbose=True)
class Error_tool:
def run(self, s: str):
raise ToolException('The current search tool is not available.')
def handle_tool_error(error) -> str:
return "The following errors occurred during tool execution:"+str(error)
search_tool1 = Error_tool()
search_tool2 = SerpAPIWrapper()
tools = [
description="useful for when you need to answer questions about current events.You should give priority to using it.",
description="useful for when you need to answer questions about current events",
agent = initialize_agent(tools, llm, agent=AgentType.ZERO_SHOT_REACT_DESCRIPTION, verbose=True,
agent.run("Who is Leo DiCaprio's girlfriend? What is her current age raised to the 0.43 power?")
## Who can review?
- @vowelparrot
Co-authored-by: Dev 2049 <dev.dev2049@gmail.com>
# Add AzureCognitiveServicesToolkit to call Azure Cognitive Services
API: achieve some multimodal capabilities
This PR adds a toolkit named AzureCognitiveServicesToolkit which bundles
the following tools:
- AzureCogsImageAnalysisTool: calls Azure Cognitive Services image
analysis API to extract caption, objects, tags, and text from images.
- AzureCogsFormRecognizerTool: calls Azure Cognitive Services form
recognizer API to extract text, tables, and key-value pairs from
- AzureCogsSpeech2TextTool: calls Azure Cognitive Services speech to
text API to transcribe speech to text.
- AzureCogsText2SpeechTool: calls Azure Cognitive Services text to
speech API to synthesize text to speech.
This toolkit can be used to process image, document, and audio inputs.
Co-authored-by: Dev 2049 <dev.dev2049@gmail.com>
# PowerBI major refinement in working of tool and tweaks in the rest
I've gained some experience with more complex sets and the earlier
implementation had too many tries by the agent to create DAX, so
refactored the code to run the LLM to create dax based on a question and
then immediately run the same against the dataset, with retries and a
prompt that includes the error for the retry. This works much better!
Also did some other refactoring of the inner workings, making things
clearer, more concise and faster.
Update to pull request https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain/pull/3215
1) Improved the sanitization of query (using regex), by removing python
command (since gpt-3.5-turbo sometimes assumes python console as a
terminal, and runs python command first which causes error). Also
sometimes 1 line python codes contain single backticks.
2) Added 7 new test cases.
For more details, view the previous pull request.
Co-authored-by: Deepak S V <svdeepak99@users.noreply.github.com>
# Powerbi API wrapper bug fix + integration tests
- Bug fix by removing `TYPE_CHECKING` in in utilities/powerbi.py
- Added integration test for power bi api in
- Added integration test for power bi agent in
- Edited .env.examples to help set up power bi related environment
- Updated demo notebook with working code in
docs../examples/powerbi.ipynb - AzureOpenAI -> ChatOpenAI
Chat models (gpt3.5, gpt4) are much more capable than davinci at writing
DAX queries, so that is important to getting the agent to work properly.
Interestingly, gpt3.5-turbo needed the examples=DEFAULT_FEWSHOT_EXAMPLES
to write consistent DAX queries, so gpt4 seems necessary as the smart
## Before submitting
Azure-core and Azure-identity are necessary dependencies
check integration tests with the following:
`pytest tests/integration_tests/utilities/test_powerbi_api.py`
`pytest tests/integration_tests/agent/test_powerbi_agent.py`
You will need a power bi account with a dataset id + table name in order
to test. See .env.examples for details.
## Who can review?
Co-authored-by: aditya-pethe <adityapethe1@gmail.com>
works wonderfully, but the _tool_ itself can't be used in master branch.
- added OpenWeatherMap **tool** to the public api, to be loadable with
`load_tools` by using "openweathermap-api" tool name (that name is used
in the existing
at the bottom of the page)
- updated OpenWeatherMap tool's **description** to make the input format
match what the API expects (e.g. `London,GB` instead of `'London,GB'`)
- added [ecosystem documentation page for
- added tool usage example to [OpenWeatherMap's
Let me know if there's something I missed or something needs to be
updated! Or feel free to make edits yourself if that makes it easier for
you 🙂
Currently, all Zapier tools are built using the pre-written base Zapier
prompt. These small changes (that retain default behavior) will allow a
user to create a Zapier tool using the ZapierNLARunTool while providing
their own base prompt.
Their prompt must contain input fields for zapier_description and
params, checked and enforced in the tool's root validator.
An example of when this may be useful: user has several, say 10, Zapier
tools enabled. Currently, the long generic default Zapier base prompt is
attached to every single tool, using an extreme number of tokens for no
real added benefit (repeated). User prompts LLM on how to use Zapier
tools once, then overrides the base prompt.
Or: user has a few specific Zapier tools and wants to maximize their
success rate. So, user writes prompts/descriptions for those tools
specific to their use case, and provides those to the ZapierNLARunTool.
A consideration - this is the simplest way to implement this I could
think of... though ideally custom prompting would be possible at the
Toolkit level as well. For now, this should be sufficient in solving the
concerns outlined above.
* implemented arun, results, and aresults. Reuses aiosession if
* helper tools GoogleSerperRun and GoogleSerperResults
* support for Google Images, Places and News (examples given) and
filtering based on time (e.g. past hour)
* updated docs
Haven't gotten to all of them, but this:
- Updates some of the tools notebooks to actually instantiate a tool
(many just show a 'utility' rather than a tool. More changes to come in
separate PR)
- Move the `Tool` and decorator definitions to `langchain/tools/base.py`
(but still export from `langchain.agents`)
- Add scene explain to the load_tools() function
- Add unit tests for public apis for the langchain.tools and langchain.agents modules
Add other File Utilities, include
- List Directory
- Search for file
- Move
- Copy
- Remove file
Bundle as toolkit
Add a notebook that connects to the Chat Agent, which somewhat supports
multi-arg input tools
Update original read/write files to return the original dir paths and
better handle unsupported file paths.
Add unit tests
- Permit the specification of a `root_dir` to the read/write file tools
to specify a working directory
- Add validation for attempts to read/write outside the directory (e.g.,
through `../../` or symlinks or `/abs/path`'s that don't lie in the
correct path)
- Add some tests for all
One question is whether we should make a default root directory for
these? tradeoffs either way
This still doesn't handle the following
- non-JSON media types
- anyOf, allOf, oneOf's
And doesn't emit the typescript definitions for referred types yet, but
that can be saved for a separate PR.
Also, we could have better support for Swagger 2.0 specs and OpenAPI
3.0.3 (can use the same lib for the latter) recommend offline conversion
for now.
This PR adds
* `ZeroShotAgent.as_sql_agent`, which returns an agent for interacting
with a sql database. This builds off of `SQLDatabaseChain`. The main
advantages are 1) answering general questions about the db, 2) access to
a tool for double checking queries, and 3) recovering from errors
* `ZeroShotAgent.as_json_agent` which returns an agent for interacting
with json blobs.
* Several examples in notebooks
Co-authored-by: Harrison Chase <hw.chase.17@gmail.com>