docs: Update v0.2 information (#21796)

Update information about v0.2 upgrade
Eugene Yurtsev 4 months ago committed by GitHub
parent 3b5ac44e03
commit fc644c0e1c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
sidebar_position: 1
sidebar_label: v0.2
# LangChain v0.2
LangChain v0.2 was released in May 2024. This release includes a number of breaking changes and deprecations. This document contains a guide on upgrading to 0.2.x, as well as a list of deprecations and breaking changes.
## Migration
This documentation will help you upgrade your code to LangChain `0.2.x.`. To prepare for migration, we first recommend you take the following steps:
1. install the 0.2.x versions of langchain-core, langchain and upgrade to recent versions of other packages that you may be using (e.g. langgraph, langchain-community, langchain-openai, etc.)
2. Verify that your code runs properly with the new packages (e.g., unit tests pass)
3. Install a recent version of `langchain-cli` , and use the tool to replace old imports used by your code with the new imports. (See instructions below.)
4. Manually resolve any remaining deprecation warnings
5. Re-run unit tests
### Upgrade to new imports
We created a tool to help migrate your code. This tool is still in **beta** and may not cover all cases, but
we hope that it will help you migrate your code more quickly.
The migration script has the following limitations:
1. Its limited to helping users move from old imports to new imports. It doesnt help address other deprecations.
2. It cant handle imports that involve `as` .
3. New imports are always placed in global scope, even if the old import that was replaced was located inside some local scope (e..g, function body).
4. It will likely miss some deprecated imports.
Here is an example of the import changes that the migration script can help apply automatically:
| From Package | To Package | Deprecated Import | New Import |
| langchain | langchain-community | from langchain.vectorstores import InMemoryVectorStore | from langchain_community.vectorstores import InMemoryVectorStore |
| langchain-community | langchain_openai | from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI | from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI |
| langchain-community | langchain-core | from langchain_community.document_loaders import Blob | from langchain_core.document_loaders import Blob |
| langchain | langchain-core | from langchain.schema.document import Document | from langchain_core.documents import Document |
| langchain | langchain-text-splitters | from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter | from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter |
#### Deprecation timeline
We have two main types of deprecations:
1. Code that was moved from `langchain` into another package (e.g, `langchain-community`)
If you try to import it from `langchain`, the import will keep on working, but will raise a deprecation warning. The warning will provide a replacement import statement.
python -c "from langchain.document_loaders.markdown import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader"
LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing UnstructuredMarkdownLoader from langchain.document_loaders is deprecated. Please replace deprecated imports:
>> from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader
with new imports of:
>> from langchain_community.document_loaders import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader
We will continue supporting the imports in `langchain` until release 0.4 as long as the relevant package where the code lives is installed. (e.g., as long as `langchain_community` is installed.)
However, we advise for users to not rely on these imports and instead migrate to the new imports. To help with this process, were releasing a migration script via the LangChain CLI. See further instructions in migration guide.
2. Code that has better alternatives available and will eventually be removed, so theres only a single way to do things. (e.g., `predict_messages` method in ChatModels has been deprecated in favor of `invoke`).
Many of these were marked for removal in 0.2. We have bumped the removal to 0.3.
#### Installation
pip install langchain-cli
langchain-cli --version # <-- Make sure the version is at least 0.0.22
#### Usage
Given that the migration script is not perfect, you should make sure you have a backup of your code first (e.g., using version control like `git`).
You will need to run the migration script **twice** as it only applies one import replacement per run.
For example, say your code still uses `from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI`:
After the first run, youll get: `from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI`
After the second run, youll get: `from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI`
# Run a first time
# Will replace from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
langchain-cli migrate [path to code] --diff # Preview
langchain-cli migrate [path to code] # Apply
# Run a second time to apply more import replacements
langchain-cli migrate [path to code] --diff # Preview
langchain-cli migrate [path to code] # Apply
#### Other options
# See help menu
langchain-cli migrate --help
# Preview Changes without applying
langchain-cli migrate --diff [path to code]
# Run on code including ipython notebooks
# Apply all import updates except for updates from langchain to langchain-core
langchain-cli migrate --disable langchain_to_core --include-ipynb [path to code]
## Deprecations and breaking changes
This code contains a list of deprecations and removals in the `langchain` and `langchain-core` packages.
### Breaking changes in 0.2.0
As of release 0.2.0, `langchain` is required to be integration-agnostic. This means that code in `langchain` should not by default instantiate any specific chat models, llms, embedding models, vectorstores etc; instead, the user will be required to specify those explicitly.
The following functions and classes require an explicit LLM to be passed as an argument:
- `langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.vectorstore.toolkit.VectorStoreToolkit`
- `langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.vectorstore.toolkit.VectorStoreRouterToolkit`
- `langchain.chains.openai_functions.get_openapi_chain`
- `langchain.chains.router.MultiRetrievalQAChain.from_retrievers`
- `langchain.indexes.VectorStoreIndexWrapper.query`
- `langchain.indexes.VectorStoreIndexWrapper.query_with_sources`
- `langchain.indexes.VectorStoreIndexWrapper.aquery_with_sources`
- `langchain.chains.flare.FlareChain`
The following classes now require passing an explicit Embedding model as an argument:
- `langchain.indexes.VectostoreIndexCreator`
The following code has been removed:
- `langchain.natbot.NatBotChain.from_default` removed in favor of the `from_llm` class method.
### Deprecations
We have two main types of deprecations:
1. Code that was moved from `langchain` into another package (e.g, `langchain-community`)
If you try to import it from `langchain`, the import will keep on working, but will raise a deprecation warning. The warning will provide a replacement import statement.
python -c "from langchain.document_loaders.markdown import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader"
LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing UnstructuredMarkdownLoader from langchain.document_loaders is deprecated. Please replace deprecated imports:
>> from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader
with new imports of:
>> from langchain_community.document_loaders import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader
We will continue supporting the imports in `langchain` until release 0.4 as long as the relevant package where the code lives is installed. (e.g., as long as `langchain_community` is installed.)
However, we advise for users to not rely on these imports and instead migrate to the new imports. To help with this process, were releasing a migration script via the LangChain CLI. See further instructions in migration guide.
2. Code that has better alternatives available and will eventually be removed, so theres only a single way to do things. (e.g., `predict_messages` method in ChatModels has been deprecated in favor of `invoke`).
Many of these were marked for removal in 0.2. We have bumped the removal to 0.3.

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sidebar_label: Changes
# Deprecations and Breaking Changes
This code contains a list of deprecations and removals in the `langchain` and `langchain-core` packages.
New features and improvements are not listed here. See the [overview](/docs/versions/v_02/overview) for a summary of what's new in this release.
## Breaking changes
As of release 0.2.0, `langchain` is required to be integration-agnostic. This means that code in `langchain` should not by default instantiate any specific chat models, llms, embedding models, vectorstores etc; instead, the user will be required to specify those explicitly.
The following functions and classes require an explicit LLM to be passed as an argument:
- `langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.vectorstore.toolkit.VectorStoreToolkit`
- `langchain.agents.agent_toolkits.vectorstore.toolkit.VectorStoreRouterToolkit`
- `langchain.chains.openai_functions.get_openapi_chain`
- `langchain.chains.router.MultiRetrievalQAChain.from_retrievers`
- `langchain.indexes.VectorStoreIndexWrapper.query`
- `langchain.indexes.VectorStoreIndexWrapper.query_with_sources`
- `langchain.indexes.VectorStoreIndexWrapper.aquery_with_sources`
- `langchain.chains.flare.FlareChain`
The following classes now require passing an explicit Embedding model as an argument:
- `langchain.indexes.VectostoreIndexCreator`
The following code has been removed:
- `langchain.natbot.NatBotChain.from_default` removed in favor of the `from_llm` class method.
Behavior was changed for the following code:
- `@tool` decorator now assigns the function doc-string as the tool description. Previously, the `@tool` decorator
using to prepend the function signature.
Before 0.2.0:
def my_tool(x: str) -> str:
"""Some description."""
return "something"
Would result in: `my_tool: (x: str) -> str - Some description.`
As of 0.2.0:
It will result in: `Some description.`
## Code that moved to another package
Code that was moved from `langchain` into another package (e.g, `langchain-community`)
If you try to import it from `langchain`, the import will keep on working, but will raise a deprecation warning. The warning will provide a replacement import statement.
python -c "from langchain.document_loaders.markdown import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader"
LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing UnstructuredMarkdownLoader from langchain.document_loaders is deprecated. Please replace deprecated imports:
>> from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader
with new imports of:
>> from langchain_community.document_loaders import UnstructuredMarkdownLoader
We will continue supporting the imports in `langchain` until release 0.4 as long as the relevant package where the code lives is installed. (e.g., as long as `langchain_community` is installed.)
However, we advise for users to not rely on these imports and instead migrate to the new imports. To help with this process, were releasing a migration script via the LangChain CLI. See further instructions in migration guide.
## Code targeted for removal
Code that has better alternatives available and will eventually be removed, so theres only a single way to do things. (e.g., `predict_messages` method in ChatModels has been deprecated in favor of `invoke`).
### astream events V1
If you are using `astream_events`, please review how to [migrate to astream events v2](/docs/versions/v_02/migrating_astream_events).
### langchain_core
#### try_load_from_hub
In module: `utils.loading`
Deprecated: 0.1.30
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Using the hwchase17/langchain-hub repo for prompts is deprecated. Please use instead.
#### BaseLanguageModel.predict
In module: `language_models.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseLanguageModel.predict_messages
In module: `language_models.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseLanguageModel.apredict
In module: `language_models.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
#### BaseLanguageModel.apredict_messages
In module: `language_models.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
#### RunTypeEnum
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Use string instead.
#### TracerSessionV1Base
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### TracerSessionV1Create
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### TracerSessionV1
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### TracerSessionBase
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### TracerSession
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### BaseRun
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Run
#### LLMRun
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Run
#### ChainRun
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Run
#### ToolRun
In module: `tracers.schemas`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Run
#### BaseChatModel.__call__
In module: `language_models.chat_models`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseChatModel.call_as_llm
In module: `language_models.chat_models`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseChatModel.predict
In module: `language_models.chat_models`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseChatModel.predict_messages
In module: `language_models.chat_models`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseChatModel.apredict
In module: `language_models.chat_models`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
#### BaseChatModel.apredict_messages
In module: `language_models.chat_models`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
#### BaseLLM.__call__
In module: `language_models.llms`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseLLM.predict
In module: `language_models.llms`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseLLM.predict_messages
In module: `language_models.llms`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseLLM.apredict
In module: `language_models.llms`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
#### BaseLLM.apredict_messages
In module: `language_models.llms`
Deprecated: 0.1.7
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
#### BaseRetriever.get_relevant_documents
In module: `retrievers`
Deprecated: 0.1.46
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### BaseRetriever.aget_relevant_documents
In module: `retrievers`
Deprecated: 0.1.46
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
#### ChatPromptTemplate.from_role_strings
In module: ``
Deprecated: 0.0.1
Alternative: from_messages classmethod
#### ChatPromptTemplate.from_strings
In module: ``
Deprecated: 0.0.1
Alternative: from_messages classmethod
#### BaseTool.__call__
In module: `tools`
Deprecated: 0.1.47
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### convert_pydantic_to_openai_function
In module: `utils.function_calling`
Deprecated: 0.1.16
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_function()
#### convert_pydantic_to_openai_tool
In module: `utils.function_calling`
Deprecated: 0.1.16
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_tool()
#### convert_python_function_to_openai_function
In module: `utils.function_calling`
Deprecated: 0.1.16
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_function()
#### format_tool_to_openai_function
In module: `utils.function_calling`
Deprecated: 0.1.16
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_function()
#### format_tool_to_openai_tool
In module: `utils.function_calling`
Deprecated: 0.1.16
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: langchain_core.utils.function_calling.convert_to_openai_tool()
## langchain
#### AgentType
In module: `agents.agent_types`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Use new agent constructor methods like create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent, etc.
#### Chain.__call__
In module: `chains.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### Chain.acall
In module: `chains.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
In module: `chains.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: invoke
#### Chain.arun
In module: `chains.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ainvoke
#### Chain.apply
In module: `chains.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: batch
#### LLMChain
In module: `chains.llm`
Deprecated: 0.1.17
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: RunnableSequence, e.g., `prompt | llm`
#### LLMSingleActionAgent
In module: `agents.agent`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Use new agent constructor methods like create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent, etc.
#### Agent
In module: `agents.agent`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Use new agent constructor methods like create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent, etc.
#### OpenAIFunctionsAgent
In module: `agents.openai_functions_agent.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_openai_functions_agent
#### ZeroShotAgent
In module: `agents.mrkl.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_react_agent
#### MRKLChain
In module: `agents.mrkl.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### ConversationalAgent
In module: `agents.conversational.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_react_agent
#### ConversationalChatAgent
In module: `agents.conversational_chat.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_json_chat_agent
#### ChatAgent
In module: ``
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_react_agent
#### OpenAIMultiFunctionsAgent
In module: `agents.openai_functions_multi_agent.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_openai_tools_agent
#### ReActDocstoreAgent
In module: `agents.react.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### DocstoreExplorer
In module: `agents.react.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### ReActTextWorldAgent
In module: `agents.react.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### ReActChain
In module: `agents.react.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### SelfAskWithSearchAgent
In module: `agents.self_ask_with_search.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_self_ask_with_search
#### SelfAskWithSearchChain
In module: `agents.self_ask_with_search.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### StructuredChatAgent
In module: `agents.structured_chat.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_structured_chat_agent
#### RetrievalQA
In module: `chains.retrieval_qa.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.17
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_retrieval_chain
#### load_agent_from_config
In module: `agents.loading`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### load_agent
In module: `agents.loading`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
#### initialize_agent
In module: `agents.initialize`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: Use new agent constructor methods like create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent, etc.
#### XMLAgent
In module: `agents.xml.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.0
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_xml_agent
#### CohereRerank
In module: `retrievers.document_compressors.cohere_rerank`
Deprecated: 0.0.30
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: langchain_cohere.CohereRerank
#### ConversationalRetrievalChain
In module: `chains.conversational_retrieval.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.17
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_history_aware_retriever together with create_retrieval_chain (see example in docstring)
#### create_extraction_chain_pydantic
In module: `chains.openai_tools.extraction`
Deprecated: 0.1.14
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: with_structured_output method on chat models that support tool calling.
#### create_openai_fn_runnable
In module: `chains.structured_output.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.14
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: with_structured_output method on chat models that support tool calling.
#### create_structured_output_runnable
In module: `chains.structured_output.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.17
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: with_structured_output method on chat models that support tool calling.
#### create_openai_fn_chain
In module: `chains.openai_functions.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.1
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: create_openai_fn_runnable
#### create_structured_output_chain
In module: `chains.openai_functions.base`
Deprecated: 0.1.1
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: ChatOpenAI.with_structured_output
#### create_extraction_chain
In module: `chains.openai_functions.extraction`
Deprecated: 0.1.14
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: with_structured_output method on chat models that support tool calling.
#### create_extraction_chain_pydantic
In module: `chains.openai_functions.extraction`
Deprecated: 0.1.14
Removal: 0.3.0
Alternative: with_structured_output method on chat models that support tool calling.

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
sidebar_position: 2
sidebar_label: astream_events v2
# Migrating to Astream Events v2
We've added a `v2` of the astream_events API with the release of `0.2.0`. You can see this [PR]( for more details.
The `v2` version is a re-write of the `v1` version, and should be more efficient, with more consistent output for the events. The `v1` version of the API will be deprecated in favor of the `v2` version and will be removed in `0.4.0`.
Below is a list of changes between the `v1` and `v2` versions of the API.
### output for `on_chat_model_end`
In `v1`, the outputs associated with `on_chat_model_end` changed depending on whether the
chat model was run as a root level runnable or as part of a chain.
As a root level runnable the output was:
"data": {"output": AIMessageChunk(content="hello world!", id='some id')}
As part of a chain the output was:
"data": {
"output": {
"generations": [
"generation_info": None,
"message": AIMessageChunk(
content="hello world!", id=AnyStr()
"text": "hello world!",
"type": "ChatGenerationChunk",
"llm_output": None,
As of `v2`, the output will always be the simpler representation:
"data": {"output": AIMessageChunk(content="hello world!", id='some id')}
Non chat models (i.e., regular LLMs) are will be consistently associated with the more verbose format for now.
### output for `on_retriever_end`
`on_retriever_end` output will always return a list of `Documents`.
"data": {
"output": [
### Removed `on_retriever_stream`
The `on_retriever_stream` event was an artifact of the implementation and has been removed.
Full information associated with the event is already available in the `on_retriever_end` event.
Please use `on_retriever_end` instead.
### Removed `on_tool_stream`
The `on_tool_stream` event was an artifact of the implementation and has been removed.
Full information associated with the event is already available in the `on_tool_end` event.
Please use `on_tool_end` instead.
### Propagating Names
Names of runnables have been updated to be more consistent.
model = GenericFakeChatModel(messages=infinite_cycle).configurable_fields(
description="Messages return by the LLM",
In `v1`, the event name was `RunnableConfigurableFields`.
In `v2`, the event name is `GenericFakeChatModel`.
If you're filtering by event names, check if you need to update your filters.
### RunnableRetry
Usage of [RunnableRetry](
within an LCEL chain being streamed generated an incorrect `on_chain_end` event in `v1` corresponding
to the failed runnable invocation that was being retried. This event has been removed in `v2`.
No action is required for this change.

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sidebar_position: 1
sidebar_label: Migration
# Migration
LangChain v0.2 was released in May 2024. This release includes a number of [breaking changes and deprecations](/docs/versions/v_02/deprecations). This document contains a guide on upgrading to 0.2.x.
This documentation will help you upgrade your code to LangChain `0.2.x.`. To prepare for migration, we first recommend you take the following steps:
1. Install the 0.2.x versions of langchain-core, langchain and upgrade to recent versions of other packages that you may be using. (e.g. langgraph, langchain-community, langchain-openai, etc.)
2. Verify that your code runs properly with the new packages (e.g., unit tests pass).
3. Install a recent version of `langchain-cli` , and use the tool to replace old imports used by your code with the new imports. (See instructions below.)
4. Manually resolve any remaining deprecation warnings.
5. Re-run unit tests.
6. If you are using `astream_events`, please review how to [migrate to astream events v2](/docs/versions/v_02/migrating_astream_events).
## Upgrade to new imports
We created a tool to help migrate your code. This tool is still in **beta** and may not cover all cases, but
we hope that it will help you migrate your code more quickly.
The migration script has the following limitations:
1. Its limited to helping users move from old imports to new imports. It does not help address other deprecations.
2. It cant handle imports that involve `as` .
3. New imports are always placed in global scope, even if the old import that was replaced was located inside some local scope (e..g, function body).
4. It will likely miss some deprecated imports.
Here is an example of the import changes that the migration script can help apply automatically:
| From Package | To Package | Deprecated Import | New Import |
| langchain | langchain-community | from langchain.vectorstores import InMemoryVectorStore | from langchain_community.vectorstores import InMemoryVectorStore |
| langchain-community | langchain_openai | from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI | from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI |
| langchain-community | langchain-core | from langchain_community.document_loaders import Blob | from langchain_core.document_loaders import Blob |
| langchain | langchain-core | from langchain.schema.document import Document | from langchain_core.documents import Document |
| langchain | langchain-text-splitters | from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter | from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter |
## Installation
pip install langchain-cli
langchain-cli --version # <-- Make sure the version is at least 0.0.22
## Usage
Given that the migration script is not perfect, you should make sure you have a backup of your code first (e.g., using version control like `git`).
You will need to run the migration script **twice** as it only applies one import replacement per run.
For example, say your code still uses `from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI`:
After the first run, youll get: `from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI`
After the second run, youll get: `from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI`
# Run a first time
# Will replace from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
langchain-cli migrate [path to code] --diff # Preview
langchain-cli migrate [path to code] # Apply
# Run a second time to apply more import replacements
langchain-cli migrate [path to code] --diff # Preview
langchain-cli migrate [path to code] # Apply
### Other options
# See help menu
langchain-cli migrate --help
# Preview Changes without applying
langchain-cli migrate --diff [path to code]
# Run on code including ipython notebooks
# Apply all import updates except for updates from langchain to langchain-core
langchain-cli migrate --disable langchain_to_core --include-ipynb [path to code]

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sidebar_label: Overview
The following features have been added during the development of 0.1.x:
- Better streaming support via the [Event Streaming API](
- Better streaming support via the [Event Streaming API](
- [Standardized tool calling support](
- A standardized interface for [structuring output](
- [@chain decorator]( to more easily create **RunnableLambdas**
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ The following features have been added during the development of 0.1.x:
- Interoperability of chat message histories across most providers
- [Over 20+ partner packages in python]( for popular integrations
## Whats coming to LangChain?
- Weve been working hard on [langgraph]( We will be building more capabilities on top of it and focusing on making it the go-to framework for agent architectures.

@ -69,13 +69,21 @@ module.exports = {
collapsed: false,
collapsible: false,
items: [
type: "autogenerated",
dirName: "versions",
type: "category",
label: "v0.2",
items: [
type: "autogenerated",
dirName: "versions/v_02",
integrations: [
